This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge of day 16 is about generating random data using a modified version of a dragon curve (you can find more info on fractal curves like Dragon here :

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I'm looking for information, suggestions, video (courses) on make a lot more use of the documatic system already built into Cache,

Probably talked of before within this forum, but after an hour or two of searching, can't find the articles that I mmay have seen before.

I want to do a lot more documenting of my installation, we use and actively comment classes and methods, but I want to take it further by actually documenting the "why" and high level "how" my system works. Documatic seems a good place to put that knowledge.

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Can anyone suggest suitable Cache ObjectScript syntax for open/use/read statements on a simple ms-dos text file.
I've tried various examples seen on the web but they appear to be implementation specific.
I used MSM MUMPS many years ago but am now retired & would like to write a few simple routines for my own amusement & mental challenge.
I am using the free Version of Cache (V 2017.1) on my Windows 10 PC. The installation file was CachePCkit_x64.exe
My apologies for this query being very basic.

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Hello Caché Guru,

I'm new to Cache system. I'm trying to do something like saving meta data in Relational DB:

I could use "management portal" -> System Explorer->SQL to view individual table's catalog details or print out the column definition. However I need to gather those information for several hundreds of tables in the DB. Is there a way to do it using command line in kind of batching mode?

Any hint and tip is very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge today is about some basic cryptography : you will have to generate data for a one-time pad (OTP) (see for more info).

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· Nov 14, 2017
type data interval

Hi communauty

I've two columns in my table and the type must be interval of integer values for example : age must be interval between [2 and 6] years and wigth between [10 and 30 ] Kg , how can i define them when creating my table?


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· Nov 14, 2017
Claims values

Hi communauty

i work on the Oauth2 authentification patry in my application , i read a lot of documentation , but i don't know exactly what does it mean by Claims values and the method "SetClaimValue", what does it do really?

can anyone explain for me.


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"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi"?

I’ve hit the wall. I’m a one person shop who wants to start developing Cache on a mac using Eclipse/Atelier, after using Studio for the last 5 years. I’ve installed the 1.1 beta plugin, watched 6 or 7 videos from the September conference, tried several times to work through the cheat sheets, only to have connection issues or compilation issues, so at this point, I’m feeling very frustrated. The videos were interesting, but generally didn’t work as tutorials for fundamental programming operations, for me.

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A third party developer has asked for access to the documentation of my classes so he can understand my tables/classes better.

  • How do I give access the the documentation of my classes (single namespace) and secondary, do I need to give him access to %system. (and others)
  • Is it possible to block the likes of ensemble, Iknow, deepSee etc. I don't use those, and I don't want him to waste time (and my money) exploring areas that simply not necessary
  • what privilege roles do I need to give him whilst still maintaing security.


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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

Today, you have to find a path through a maze. To know if a coordinate is a wall or an open space, you will have to do a calculation like this :

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As many of you, our partners, are more widely using modern UI frameworks to create client front-end, you may have encountered a question, "So how do I secure my data when I just finished developing all new fancy browser based client experience?"

The answer is easy. Use a standard, proven OAuth2 and OpenID!

"OK, but how can I do it? I have never done it before."

No problem, just have a look here, if your client is Angular (not AngularJS) based, there is a demo project available for you to review and get inspired!

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· Nov 11, 2017 3m read
Summary on Local Variable Scoping

This should be an overview over a subject that pops up over several places in online documentation mostly as remarks and never as dedicated chapter.

Once upon a time ... No it's not a fairy tale.
In the beginning of Caché (and before) you had your partition to run your code. Part of that partition was a space with all your local variables nicely sorted by %,A,..Z,a,...z

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· Nov 8, 2017
Node.js version

Does anyone know where to find a cache.node that works with Cache version 2016. I am currently getting this:

Error: Unable to load shared library C:\InterSystems\TryCache\bin\cache.node''

I am using Windows 7 Pro + SP1.


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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

In today's challenge, you have to execute instructions that control how bots are handling microchips.

The input contain instructions that can be something like this :

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