· Sep 19, 2019
Credentials - Domain Account


I've a Service utilising the Adapter EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter, which uses a Credentials item set with the details of a local SQL account. This currently works, however, we're looking to use the credentials of an AD domain account.

The domain account is a member of an AD security group, which has the required permissions on the source SQL database. I've checked that access is possible with this account via SQL studio.

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I have a file passthrough service that should check for new new files every 10 minutes, process them and then wait again for 10 minutes, even if there are new files waiting in the source directory. The "CallInterval" value feels like a wrong tool for this need since it would keep the service "locked" for a maximun of 10 minutes before releasin resources. Is there a better way than CallInterval to schedule the service to poll for files every 10 minutes?

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· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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Hi all, My first post. I hope I have created it correctly.

Our team is looking to increase the number of characters in our Ensemble 'Categories' for Services, Processes and operations.

We are doing this to better identify things like Vendor, Message type and integrated application names...

One of our team members thought his might increase processing overhead and a discussion ensued that was not resolved.

my thoughts...

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Hi Friends ,

I have created inbound DB adapter business service. Now my requirement to trigger this service at 10am daily.

I used scheduler , but I don't know when should i configure for stop. this not suits for my requirement.

Is there any other way , where I need to trigger service only once , in configured times.



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Hi Interoperability experts!

Recently noticed an interesting conceptual discussion in our Interoperability Discord channel to which I want to give more exposure.

All we know that typical InterSystems Interoperability production consists of the following chain:

Inbound adapter->Business Service->Business Process->Business Operation->Outbound adapter.

And Business Process (BO) here is always considered as a passive "listener" either on port/folder/rest API for an incoming data.

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I have a production with one Business Host - a Business Service which I need to scale automatically to consume ~80% of CPU time.
Business Service pulls data from a (non-FIFO) queue so that I can adjust pool size without any issues.

So far, I'm planning a different BS running every X seconds and sampling CPU with $system.Process.GetCPUTime() and scaling the pool size of the main BS up/down based on that metric.

Has anyone tried something similar? Any advice/code samples would be appreciated.

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The Complex Recordmapper specify a map for headers, body, and trailers, but it expects all three to have fixed Leading Data to identify the record type. But what if the Header and Trailer have Leading Data, but not the body records? I can't seem to find a way to do this. For example:



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My team is working on redesigning an Interoperability solution that currently runs on a HealthShare server that is part of a mirror. Most of the messages are delimited records processed using Complex Record Mapping. We were told to utilize cloud services available in AWS, use containers, autoscaling…

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I want to deploy Iris Interoperability Production in multiple containers . The production has File Services that process files from EFS location. All the files being processed by multiple containers are in the same directory. The standard Adapter class does not have Check Complete option to lock a file so that other containers File Services looking in the same file path cannot process the same file.

I updated the Inbound File Adapter class to offer another Check Complete option LOCK that will lock the file until it is processed and archived.

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Sometimes we need to convert FHIR message to HL7 V2, e.g. to register a patient to the PACS system.
In this article, I will explain the steps to achieve the desired by using IRIS FHIR Server production.

Below are the steps we need to follow:

  1. Make sure FHIRServer production is started.
  2. Register Business Service with FHIRServer endpoint.
  3. Define Business Processes to convert FHIR message to SDA and then Convert SDA to HL7 v2.
  4. Post JSON resource to FHIRServer endpoint and get HL7 V2 response.

Let's review the steps in detail.

Step 1. Make sure FHIRServer production is started

Open the production page and make sure Production is started. In the next step, we need to make sure business service HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service is registered with FHIRServer

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We are getting more and more request wondering if we could send/receive data via HTTPS to the outside world from within our Hospital Network. As you can imagine our Ensemble/Cache productions are not exposed to the DMZ or has access outside of the network. We only communicate with external vendors through a VPN, so communicating not using a VPN is rather new to us.

Currently there is a project to get rid of using Proxy, and instead of through a Load Balancer that can use rules to filter out traffic, which adds another layer of complexity.

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I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

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· Mar 21, 2023
Logging FTP Business Service

I am having an issue with a file not being deleted from the FTP server and returning an error to this effect. The file, however, was fully processed. This causes the file to process again.

My question is I seem to recall a flag that can be set to enable more detailed tracing to be done on the FTP service/adapter. However, I have not been able to locate this. Does anyone recall such a logging setting or was I just dreaming?

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