I need another set of eyes to look at the following. Instead of a Data Lookup table, I wanted to try to lookup a value against a Cache table that I had build. So I thought I could write a function to run a simple SQL query against the Cache Table and return me a %Boolean value back to my routing rule. However today I found that it was not working properly.

Can someone take a look at the following method and verify that I am doing this correct?

index = column name

value = HL7 field that I am passing into the method

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I am trying to create a rule which filters out ADT_A08 messages, when they have an OBX segment and their EVN.4 is "COD" or EVN.4 is "FIN"

The attempt is:

I have sent messages with EVN.4 COD or FIN and they are filtered out correctly

However if I remove EVN.4 and leave just the OBX filled up, the message passes from the Process to the Operation.

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Hi, all.

I know this is basic, and I think I have done this before, but I haven't been successful this time.

In a Routing Rule, I would like to take the value of MSH:9.2, see if that value does NOT exist in a lookup table, and ultimately return out of the rule if true.

So, if my message is an "A05", but "A05" is not in a particular lookup table, then it evaluates to 1, and I execute my action of "Return" and the rule ceases processing.

Is there something incorrect with my sample code below?

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The context of the rule set contains an ArrayOfDT(I've also tried Collection.ArrayOfDataTypes).

I need to access an element using its key in the rule set using the assign function. I've tried everything I can think of and searched the documentation, but can't find anything. It is probably very obvious.

Can you please help?

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It appears latest version of field test supports Rules. What does support of Ensemble rules in Atelier mean for Ensemble users? Does it mean compilation and development can now be done in new Studio? If yes, how indentation and aliment work with Atelier?


2016.2.0.726.0AtelierCDS2785Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier api
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Business Rules can define a context object, whose properties are exposed and used in the expressions of the rules. For example, my context object is an object with 3 properties. PropA, PropB and PropC.

When constructing my rules, I can call a custom function, and I have one I built myself called 'myFunction' which takes arguments and I pass in properties of my context object. (I can pass in the value of the context object's PropA, B or C).

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Hello Community,

For the Business Rules in a process i want to use a constraint where source could be FromA or FromB.

But looks like the constraint does not allow multiple source values.

Is there a way to provide multiple source in Constraint? Or is there a way in Rules to identify the Source ?


Jimmy Christian

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I am calling a business rule from one of my business processes and I noticed that when the business rule reports an error that the business process calling that rule just stops without any errors. Resultingly it fails to trigger the scope - catch-all construction that is surrounding the business rule. I know that it is possible to view the errors in business rules in the business rules log, but I really like to push an error message to Ens.Alert or something similar when my business rules report an error. How do I achieve that?

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0 321

Hi all,

I have a rule to throw a message when there is an error. I want to prevent send the email if the origin of the error is the API to send the email

This is my rule

Now, If there is any error in any process, it works, but if there is an error in MyProduct.BO.SendEmail it is trying to send the error again, and it is a infinite loop.

Is there any way to check what is the origin and don't process if the origin is MyProduct.BO.SendEmail?

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We have several rules in router to validate HL7 messages, each rule check a particular field in HL7 message and send back response. We want to run all rules and combine the rules responses into some variable/object and at the end if variable/object is empty it means message is valid, else send the value from this variable/object. This way one message we dont run it again and again, and we can send one message and response will give us combine results from all rules.

For example,

Rule 1 - Check MSH.12 field, Send response "MSH.12 value not valid", and RETURN

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0 284

Hi Team

I have enabled Data Quality manager on InterSystems healthshare Patient Index and the SSN field holds south african Identity numbers on our system.

I would like to modify the rule to validate according to South African ID number and not SSN. Data quality manager classifies this South African Identity numbers as Invalid because the rule is based on SSN.

Please see the current and default SSN rule below and advise how I can go about accomplishing this task, if anyone has that rule please share how it's done.

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Hi i have rules and i want to log them to analyse what rules executed , I want to add in the log Msg Controller Id, MRN, Value coming in the message, and my customize text telling whats wrong with this field... i have like 50 rules and at the end i can check the log table and found like 20 entries so it means 20 data issues are there for a given message control id. any advice how to to do it

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Hi Community,

We are trying to filter message created using custom xml class in a business rule.

HL7 ORU Result messages are converted to custom xml messages with a list properties .Result ORU converted to OrderResultMsg , which contains property Orders as list of Order which contains ResultStatus . Please see below the class extract. We are trying to access the ResultStatus property to filter non-final results via business rule.

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I know there is the ability to enable Rule Sets within a Business Rule by dates, but what about Sub-Rules or just Rules in general? We have an upcoming go-live that is at Midnight and I was wondering if there was a way I could script out enabling rules/sub-rules within a Business Rule to save my team some time and headaches. Or is the best practice is just to create another rule for the go-live, then move it over once we are live...

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