
I have a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation that uses SFTP protocol and public/private key to connect to an external vendor moveitcloud.

Issue: The vendor is planning to enable Multi Factor Authentication for this file transfer account.

Question: Have you configured a SFTP operation to use Multi factor Authentication? If not, is there another way?

Thank you,

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0 347
· Nov 30, 2022
Delegated Users

In our current UCR arhcitecture, we use two installations. We have one machine with Access, Registry and Edges and one machine with the ODS. On the machine with the Registry, I can create a user/clinician. When I log into the management portal with this user, a so-called delegated user is created in the cached users table. So far everything is going well.

When I try the same on the machine with the ODS I get the message : 'ERROR #822: Access Denied' . so no delegated user is created.... Does anyone have any idea where I can find the solution?

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0 331

In preparation for a presentation I need a real-world LDAP schema that has been customized a bit beyond the basics. Perferably this would be based on an OpenLDAP system which would make it easier to merge into this presentation.

If you have such a schema you would be willing to share please respond or contact my directly at Rich.Taylor@InterSystems.com

Thanks in advance.

Rich Taylor

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0 330
· Aug 12, 2022
Password requirements

Many password requirements can be enforced using a password validation routine which is available to implement in System Management Portal. But how about this one:

Check that at least 50% of the characters changed from old password to new password.

We need to have access to the old password to check this, currently password validation routine only gets the new password.

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0 315

Currently, I am working on a CSP application that is supposed to generate reports. Users will have varying access to said reports. To achieve that, I plan to use LDAP (because it's used in other systems where those users already exist). Documentation does not provide enough information, so I'd like a clarification:
Do I need to enable LDAP authentication for the whole Cache instance to use LDAP authentication in a single CSP application in that instance?

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0 299
· Sep 19, 2019
Credentials - Domain Account


I've a Service utilising the Adapter EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter, which uses a Credentials item set with the details of a local SQL account. This currently works, however, we're looking to use the credentials of an AD domain account.

The domain account is a member of an AD security group, which has the required permissions on the source SQL database. I've checked that access is possible with this account via SQL studio.

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0 301
· Jul 10, 2022
login failure

I am still working on iris-for-money app: https://github.com/oliverwilms/iris-for-money

Account.csp posts a rest call with _SYSTEM username and the password.

xhttp.open("POST", "/restapi/sql/" + query, true,"_SYSTEM","SYS");

/restapi web application has Password Authentication Method enabled.

SYS is the correct password for _SYSTEM user.

I do not understand why I see login failure in Audit database.

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0 298
· Sep 1, 2021


We are using AWS SSO authentication in our application to validate the users. For validating the users, we are passing the username and password from AWS SSO to our application. We need to validate the user in our application without using the password.

We developed the login class using zenPage. We used <loginForm> tag in the login page which is used for the automatic validation.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

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0 285

I am attempting to configure an inbound service that utilizes the EnsLib.SOAP.GenericService class. This service receives HL7-v3 content wrapped in SOAP requests. Despite reading the documentation on configuring SOAP services, I am still confused.

In my current configuration item "Fr_Centrak_RTLS", I have ‘Enable Standard Requests’ checked, ‘Pool Size’ set to 0, and the port is unspecified.

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0 266

Hello Everyone,

We currently have CSP application that runs under 2 servers(usually primary), and every month the server reboots for patching SERVER1(primary) in the morning and SERVER2(backup) at night.

Whenever the SERVER1 reboots SERVER2 behaves as primary and when SERVER1 comes back up it will act as backup server.

First Patching:

So, when SERVER1 is down, I need to start httpd service for SERVER2 and stop httpd service for SERVER1 (which is now backup server).

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0 261
· Sep 14, 2021
P2P OAUTH Recommended Flow


I'm hoping to get some feedback on the OAuth process flow for Payer-to-Payer authorization. It doesn't seem that "Authorization Code Flow" is needed as there will not be a need for a login. I am leaning towards recommending "Client Credentials Flow", but wanted to get some community feedback before making a decision. I prefer to follow what the standard will be if possible. What would you recommend? Thank you in advance for your input.

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0 236

Hi Community,

is there a possibility to implement a "remember password" feature in a ZEN Application?

In the management portal I added a web-application for a ZEN application with password authentification. I created an own login page, and now I want to implement a "remember password" feature (User should not have to login again after the session times out or when the browser window is closed).

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0 235
· Jul 23, 2024


I'm trying to use JWT authentication on a REST application in IRIS. The login API are correctly "injected" into the application. Login works fine with Postman and other REST clients, and subsequent calls to my REST API using the bearer token work fine (correctly authenticated). So far, so good.

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0 208

I have a question about using OnInit() within a Ens.BusinessOperation.

When you include OnInit(), does OnInit() only execute when you start a Business Operation? Or does it execute OnInit () every time you send a REST request to the operation. I am trying to pinpoint when the best time is to execute the POST command to get the Token

I am needing to get a Bearer Token from a REST POST call and return the Authorization key prior to making the rest of the REST calls to pull down data.

0 13
0 192

Dear Folks,

I have recently studied deepsee and developed few dashboards needed for our web app users. I am trying to embed them in our existing web app which uses angular with delegated user access. I need to embed the native IRIS dashboard into it. ( I can't use Highcharts or any other js tools).

How do I setup the dashboards to work with delegated authentication (Without providing access to management portal or other parts) ? Also should I use the default csp/{Namespace}/_DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer.zen? or any other web application URL ?


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0 197
· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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