We have a CSP pages script, which gets and sets a cookie for email tracking purposes, we had problems with cookies not being passed to this script when the URL was opened from an email client due to being cross-site, so I set Session Cookie Scope & User Cookie Scope to None instead of Strict.

This solved the issue with cookies not being passed, however the script entirely does not work anymore due to the error:

"Invalid CSP response cookie. SameSite cannot be set to None without Secure. : CSP Error"

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I've recently updated the python version of a linux server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa). We have an instance 2023.1 running there, and whenever I run the $System.Pyhthon.Shell() I can see it's still pointing to the old version. From within linux, it runs the latest one (we've change all the links to the new 3.11, so no scripts are broken).

So I guess the problem comes from the fact irispython is still compiled using old python version. So, how can I do to force IRIS to use the current version on the server, or update the irispython file?

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We have an ObjectScript application that runs in Cache' and IRIS. Our typical installation involves a .zip file containing several files necessary for the installation and operation of the application. Steps are: expand the .zip file to a folder that will not be used by the application. Do ^%RI for the installation routines in the production namespace. Do the Installation routine. We have a customer that is trying to do a silent installation. He does not want to have to respond to any prompts on the installation.

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Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone has run into an issue with <FILEFULL> when building an image from the ISC image? Specifically what's happening in our build is we are pre-loading our codebase into the image to make deployments faster and setting up source control, etc. When loading our libraries however we get hit with a <FILEFULL>. The resource limits on docker are pretty beefy and when observing resources on both the machine and container level we don't hit any issues. Oddly, this only happens when using the ARM64 version.

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An IRIS.DAT file was removed, as it was not needed anymore. But the database was mirrored, so it still shows up in the mirror monitor and database list. How can this be fixed? There is no backup of the .DAT file so it cannot be restored.

w ##class(SYS.Mirror).RemoveMirroredDatabase("/mydir/")

throws a protect error.

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I am trying to login to InterSystems image repository but it is not recognizing following credentials from ubuntu.

docker login https://containers.intersystems.com -u <username> -p <password>
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: Get "https://containers.intersystems.com/v2/": unknown: Bad credentials

The same credentials works via website.

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I encountered an unexpected behavior while working with the $ZTIMEH and $ZTIME functions, specifically with times between 12:00 and 13:00. Here's what I observed:

W $ZTIMEH("08:50:38.975411826")
Output: 31838

W $ZTIME(31838,1)
Output: 08:50:38

This behavior is correct as $ZTIME returns the expected time of 08:50:38.

However, with the following example:

W $ZTIMEH("12:05:38.975411826")
Output: 338

W $ZTIME(338,1)
Output: 00:05:38

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we are trying to access a windows file server from our file adaptor, which has been setup using a Linux CIFS mount
The mount requires a user/password to access the files on the windows server. How do we get the integration engine
to pickup the right username/password?

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I have an SQL table as below (columns - ID and Value)

I will get an ID number (first column) as an input from FTP inbound , and after that I have to query table taking ID as an input to get all the values for the ID

as -

if ID = 11 ; QRY output = aaa,bbb

if ID = 22 ; QRY output = xxx,yyy,zzz

can someone help me with query

ID Value
11 aaa
22 xxx
22 yyy
11 bbb
22 zzz

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Is there a general way to set a variable XYZ equal to the text of the code line being executed now? Debugger or production. For example, for a code below if code is currently assigning a to 1, XYZ would be equal "S a=1". The same question about a variable containing current routine name.

S a=1

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Hello Community,

This article aims to walk you through the process of setting up and utilizing the Flexible Python Runtime Feature for embedded Python. Prior to version 2024.2, Intersystems IRIS installer included a preinstalled version of Python, You can find the Python libraries and application files located in the \lib\python directory within your IRIS installation folder (for example, C:\InterSystems\IRIS20242\lib\python).

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