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Access for Global Masters:

Please access Global Masters via
this link.

Log in using InterSystems SSO ("Login with InterSystems" button on the left).

At InterSystems, we strive to give you the best quality in everything. Including the realization of our Global Masters program.

The vendor of this platform has been acquired by another company, and unfortunately, we will no longer be able to continue hosting our esteemed Global Masters program on this platform. We are currently evaluating new platform providers to facilitate the transition of the Global Masters Advocate Hub.

Beginning April 26th, we will temporarily suspend access to the Global Masters program as we transition to a new platform.


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Hey Community,

We have more exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to Generative AI, Vector Search and Machine Learning is starting very soon!

🏆 InterSystems Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest 🏆

Duration: April 22 - May 19, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hello IRIS Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for InterSystems IRIS SQL specialists, and if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. The exam will be available for beta testing on June 9 - 12, 2024 at InterSystems Global Summit 2024, but only for Summit registrants (visit this page to learn more about Certification at GS24). Beta testing will open for all other interested beta testers on June 24, 2024. However, interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing (please let us know if you will be beta testing at Global Summit or in our online proctored environment). The beta testing must be completed by August 2, 2024.

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· Sep 25, 2024 1m read
Same old terminal but in web

We have Webterminal around for quite a while, but it was limited, not all features worked there. There was no shell support or the latest feature as embedded Python support. There are some issues with tools that require programmer mode. Basic Authorization, not as handy as simple login page, where you could have options to add own login page, in case if you would wish to change the way how to login to the application, such as using SSO.

With the original iris terminal, wrapped into a web form, using most used in the web world xterm.js, used in tools like VSCode as well, with some magic from Python, which helped with interprocess tty. We can get the the terminal in the web, in the full capacity.


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Hi Developers,

🎄 Christmas cheer is in the air, and we decided to try something new for the last programming contest of the year. Welcome the

🏆 Bringing Ideas to Reality Contest 🏆

Submit an application that implements an idea from the InterSystems Ideas Portal that has statuses Community Opportunity or Future Consideration and requires doing the actual programming 😉

Duration: December 2 - 22, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hey Community,

We’re excited to introduce a whole new way for you to showcase your creativity and skills! This time, we’re inviting you to participate in our first-ever video challenge:

📹 InterSystems Tech Video Challenge 📹

Submit a video on any topic related to InterSystems IRIS products or services from October 21 - November 10, 2024.

🎁 Gifts for everyone + main prizes!

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· Jul 8, 2024 2m read
Configuring IRIS autostart on Linux

For practical reasons, it may be desirable that after a Linux server restart, the IRIS instance is automatically started.

Below you will find the steps to follow to automate the startup of IRIS during a reboot of the Linux server, via systemd :

1. Create an iris.service file in /etc/systemd/system/iris.service containing the following information

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In recent versions of IRIS, a powerful new data loading command has been introduced to SQL: LOAD DATA. This feature has been highly optimized to import data into IRIS extremely fast, allowing hundreds of gigabytes of data to be inserted in seconds instead of hours or days.

This is a very exciting improvement. However, a big problem in the data loading experience still exists. Namely, the time and hassle it takes to:

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Hey Community!

As you may know, our Developer Community AI has been out for over a month now 🎉 We hope you were curious enough to give it a try 😁 If you haven't yet, please do! Anyway, since it's still in beta, we're very interested in learning what you think about it, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

Since we value your time and effort, we will give away a cute prize to a random member of the Community who shares how DC AI helped you. To participate in this sweepstakes, you have to follow the guidelines:

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Hi Developers,

We'd like to invite you to join our next contest dedicated to creating useful tools to make your fellow developers' lives easier:

🏆 InterSystems Developer Tools Contest 🏆

Submit an application that helps to develop faster, contributes more qualitative code, and helps in testing, deployment, support, or monitoring of your solution with InterSystems IRIS.

Duration: September 9 - 29, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hi Allen,

A partner have decided to change the algorithms that were used to connect on it's SFTP, but our version of libssh2 don't match with the list of it's HOSTKEYS algorithms.

If i update the library with the last version without to be sure that it includes the old algorithms, i risk to break the connection for other cases.

all suggestions are welcome. Thx



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We're excited to continue to roll out new features to InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL, such as the new Vector Search capability that was first released with InterSystems IRIS 2024.1. Cloud SQL is a cloud service that offers exactly that: SQL access in the cloud. That means you'll be using industry-standard driver technologies such as JDBC, ODBC, and DB-API to connect to this service and access your data. The documentation describes in proper detail how to configure the important driver-level settings, but doesn't cover specific third-party tools as - as you can imagine - there's an infinite number of them.

In this article, we'll complement that reference documentation with more detailed steps for a popular third-party data visualization tool that several of our customers use to access IRIS-based data: Microsoft Power BI.

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In the vibrant landscape of the InterSystems Developer Community, there are individuals whose presence resonates deeply, leaving an indelible mark on the community's ethos and evolution. One such stalwart is @Robert Cemper, a seasoned member whose journey with InterSystems company and the Developer Community spans a remarkable timeline, rich with experiences, milestones, and invaluable contributions.

🤩 Let's take a closer look at Robert's journey with InterSystems technology and our Developer Community...

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A customer recently asked if IRIS supported OpenTelemetry as they where seeking to measure the time that IRIS implemented SOAP Services take to complete. The customer already has several other technologies that support OpenTelemetry for process tracing. At this time, InterSystems IRIS (IRIS) do not natively support OpenTelemetry.

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We all know that having a set of proper test data before deploying an application to production is crucial for ensuring its reliability and performance. It allows to simulate real-world scenarios and identify potential issues or bugs before they impact end-users. Moreover, testing with representative data sets allows to optimize performance, identify bottlenecks, and fine-tune algorithms or processes as needed. Ultimately, having a comprehensive set of test data helps to deliver a higher quality product, reducing the likelihood of post-production issues and enhancing the overall user experience.

In this article, let's look at how one can use generative AI, namely Gemini by Google, to generate (hopefully) meaningful data for the properties of multiple objects. To do this, I will use the RESTful service to generate data in a JSON format and then use the received data to create objects.

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Unlike the movie mentioned in the image (for those who don't know, Matrix, 1999), the choice between Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL is not a choice between truth and fantasy, but it is still a decision to be made. Below, I will try to make your choice easier.

If your need is interactions between the client and the application (and consequently the database), Dynamic SQL may be more appropriate, as it "adapts" very easily to these query changes. However, this dynamism has a cost: with each new query, it is remodeled, which can have a higher cost to execute. Below is a simple example of a Python code snippet.

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Hi - Recently I have been investigating an annoying situation whilst editing ObjectScript classes or routines in VSCode.

What was happening to me was, as I was typing in lines of code into my class (for example, adding a new Method, or changing the Class signature, or a block of code), this would quickly get syntax checked, re-formatted, and compiled - inevitably, (since I would be mid-way through my typing), this would generate compilation errors.

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The first developer previews of InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health, and HealthShare® Health Connect 2025.1 have been posted to the WRC developer preview site. Containers can be found on our

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to get an overview of how UC Davis Health uses HealthShare and Smart on FHIR to integrate genomics results into medical records as interactive discrete result pages:

Genomics Data in HealthShare @ Global Summit 2023
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