Good morning,

Thank you for taking the time to read, understand, and answer this question.

If you needed to convert a message where questions are separated by "|", and the question text is the portion before the ":" and the response is the portion after the ":"; Which way would be the most readable and understandable for other developers?

Input example:


Output structure:

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Hi Community,

In my previous article, we learned topics listed below:

  1. What is Docker?
  2. Some of the Docker benefits
  3. How does Docker work?
  4. Docker Image
  5. Docker Container
  6. Docker Image repository
  7. InterSystems's Docker image repository
  8. Docker Installation
  9. Docker Basic Commands
  10. Running IRIS community edition by using Docker
  11. Docker Desktop GUI

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Use of Docker Compose file (a YAML file)
  2. Use of Docker file (employed to build a Docker image)
  3. Use of Docker volume

So let's begin.

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Hi All! Thought I would share our most recent podcast episode, which featured a conversation I had with Heather Capel and Chi Nguyen-Rettig of LEAD North. They talked about their journey from the beginning with InterSystems products, some of the challenges and opportunities building a team for healthcare integrations, and more.
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I have created a Business Operation (BO) named "Sender" that sends HTTP messages to an endpoint (for testing, I'm using Postman's Mock Servers).

Goal: I want to set up an automatic timeout mechanism so that if I don't receive a response from the server within 18 seconds, an alert is generated and the message is resent. This process should be repeated every 18 seconds, for a maximum of 90 seconds. If no response is received within 90 seconds, I would like to generate an error message. On the other hand, if a response is received, I want to stop the resending process and complete the operation by indicating successful reception.

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Hi Everyone,

Join us at the online Developer Roundtable to discuss Generative AI Use Cases in Healthcare on August 31, 10 am ET.
Learn Use Cases + Reference Architecture in Healthcare, and witness the demo of LLMs. We will have time for Q&A and open discussion as usual.

Speaker: @Nicholai Mitchko , Manager, Solution Partner Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Background: Nicholai runs a team of 10 solution engineers at InterSystems that help healthcare companies design, develop, and deliver solutions at enormous scale. In his free time, Nicholai works on large language models, including developing his own models which appear on the Huggingface OpenLLM leaderboard.

See the recording on our YouTube channel:
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Hi All,

Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health.

I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work.

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I have set up a Docker image with IrisHealth Community Edition and created a backup of all databases with the Management Portal. Obviously, the restore requires a different way, i.e. a terminal or session needs to be started to use a "Do ^DBREST".

Due to the manual first a session (which is probably same as iristerm terminal) needs to be started:

docker exec -it iris iris session iris

If I enter "DO ^DBREST", I get the answer:


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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Configure Firewall Rules in Health Connect Cloud
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Hello and welcome to the August 2023 Developer Community Newsletter.
General Stats
164 new posts published in August:
29 new articles
39 new announcements
90 new questions
6 new discussions
199 new members joined in August
11,916 posts published all time
10,175 members joined all time
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a customer engineer asked me how to use Http basic authentication on a Ensemble SOAP service. Anyone has done this before?

When secure SOAP service from Web Application setting, by select "password" for "Allowed Authentication Methods", it expected WSS, username and password in SOAP head. The customer hospital would like to add user authentication on sopa service, but SOAP client team prefer to add it on http header, instead of on SOAP header.

Also, I am very confused with adding password on URL for SOAP service, like

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I'm setting up a web application as CSP/ZEN to host a React SPA. SPA's typically need to use a fallback page to deal with server requests based on the browser route, unless you use hash routing in the browser code. Our requirements prevent us from using hash routing, so we need to deal with 404's - redirecting/fallback them to index.html - a very common practice. I 'think' IRIS uses Apache under the hood, so I tried adding a .htaccess in the applications root directory - which did not work. I found that CSP has an Error class,

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Hi there,

I want to use regex in my code, and I saw that the %Regex.Matcher class contains a property "OperationLimit" that you can also set to a number of steps that the regex engine should take maximum in analysing a given string. So far so good.

I tried to set the property with the function OperationLimitSet() to a silly value like 3. In 3 steps only very few regex should be executed, right? But what I found is that my regex always comes up with a solution. Here is what I did:

First I initialised my %Regex.Matcher.

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In this article, I am demonstrating how to create a table column(formerly known as properties) with your custom datatype classes by using User defined DDL. Properties are the crucial member of the persistent class definition. Datatypes are essential to define types of values that are stored in a table column. In general, the datatype names of SQL different from Intersystems datatypes, such as VARCHAR = %String.

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· Aug 31, 2023 5m read
PDF Compression Using Ghostscript


Have you ever felt like your PDF files take up too much space on your server? As you collect more and more of these files, you might run into storage issues that can be costly to solve. But what if there was a way to shrink the size of these PDFs by 50% to 70% without compromising the document's visual clarity.

Today, we're going to explore a solution for this problem that I really like: GhostScript.

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· Aug 21, 2023
AWS Batch

Has anyone tried AWS Batch with InterSystems IRIS docker images?

I have a noninteractive workload (but it requires internet access from the job to deliver results), so I'm considering using it as a simpler alternative to ECS since Fargate backs both, and that's enough for my use case.

I wonder if anyone tried and cares to share the results, issues, cfn templates.

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