So I am running IRIS 2023.3 via a Docker container on Windows 11 and when I go to System Administration > Connectivity > SQL Gateway Connections, I am able to connect to the iris container via jdbc. However, when I go to JBeaver and try connecting to IRIS via JDBC I am unable to do so. I know that this is a local laptop issue because when someone else runs it on t heir mac it works fine.

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Hello everybody! We’re happy to announce a new way to download Community Edition kits of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health. The Community Edition is a no-cost developer edition that makes it easy to start developing solutions with IRIS. You can now download these kits through the Evaluation service:

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· Feb 13, 2023 7m read
My first experience in using IAM

Experience & feedback from online course "Hands-On with InterSystems API Manager for Developers"

With my basic knowledge of Docker container and REST API, I would like to have my first try on using InterSystems API manager to take control of APIs and microservices. I have completed this online course using my local IRIS instance as host (Windows OS) and IAM running on a Linux VM (guest).

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Hey Community,

Click play and immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Capturing High-Volume High-Frequency Clinical Data to Leverage in HealthShare Unified Care Record @ Global Summit 2023
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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how UC Davis Health uses InterSystems API Manager to satisfy business-partner demand for access to both custom and FHIR APIs:

How UC Davis Health Uses InterSystems API Manager @ Global Summit 2023
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InterSystems FAQ rubric

There is no need to recompile the routines after the version upgrade, but since the version update overwrites %SYS, user-created INT and OBJ format routines (*.INT,*.OBJ) in %SYS will be deleted. Therefore, you need to be careful.

MAC, INT and OBJ routines with the following names are not deleted.

%Z*.INT, %z*.INT, Z*.INT,z*.INT
%Z*.OBJ, %z*.OBJ, Z*.OBJ,z*.OBJ

Please note that classes/CSPs need to be compiled after upgrading.

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I am using the event logger from CSP gateway with level "v9r" enabled, in order to dump the raw content of some HTTP requests.

I would like to decode the body response data, when it's in binary form. AFAIK the event logger will convert characters outside the 32-127 range (EBCDIC) to the "\xff" notation (where ff is a hexadecimal value). Here is an example :

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· Dec 27, 2023
Code Quality Checks: Javascript

Is it possible to get a code quality stamp of approval on the Open Exchange with an application written in Javascript?

My Iris Whiz application is a browser extension written in Javascript and I wonder if having the code quality stamp missing from my application page will put people off from using it.

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I just realized that operating system command execution does not work on Windows console if the IRIS service is started using a different user than Local System account (the default).

I always change the user configured in the IRIS service and I believe this is a standard good practice, particularly in "real" environments (be it production, stage, test or development) that are part of Windows Active Directory Domain.

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Here you'll find a simple program that uses Python in an IRIS environment and another simple program that uses ObjectScript in a Python environment. Also, I'd like to share a few of the troubles I went trough while learning to implement this.

Python in IRIS environment

Let's say, for example, you're in an IRIS environment and you want to solve a problem that you find easy, or more efficient with Python.

You can simply change the environment: create your method as any other, and in the end of it's name and specifications, you add [ Language = python ]:

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I got a problem to resolve, to sum it up I need to extract a function body from a JS file with cos.
I already got the JS code in a string and the function name but I'm kinda stuck as to how to get my function body, I already tried a few things (regEx, counter bracket) but there are comment and strings that block them from functioning. Is there a javascript parser or a good way to do it except by creating a javascript parser?

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Caelestinus 2023 – Final DEMO Day
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Hi all ,

I just started learning objectScript . Online TEST instance is not opening terminal.

Management Portal (system configuration, direct SQL access, reporting)

Server Address:
Web Terminal:
InterSystems Username: tech
InterSystems Password: demo

IDE Connections (VS Code)

Host Server Address:
Host Server Web Port: 80

External Connections (InterSystems Studio)

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