· May 23, 2024

SYS.VSSWriter is generating alerts in Messages.log


I've started seeing the following alerts in the message log of my Primary HealthConnect server

05/23/24-11:20:09:718 (6732) 2 [Utility.Event] Process 7248 generated 3 alerts in 10 seconds. Suspending alert notifications for this process.

Process 6732 corresponds to 

Process State: RUNW
Last Global Reference: ||ISC.BackupDBArray("USER")
Routine: SYS.VSSWriter.1
Location: VSS Writer
Source Location: +33^SYS.VSSWriter.1


What does this do? What I can I do to stop this?


Product version: IRIS 2021.2
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.2.1 (Build 654U) Fri Mar 18 2022 06:09:35 EDT
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I have found those two entries and they are less than two minutes apart.

I noticed that the following entries where sitting between them:

05/20/24-11:05:47:140 (7248) 1 [Utility.Event] Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Warning, d:\intersystems\healthconnect\mgr\irislocaldata\ is not being journalled
05/20/24-11:05:47:140 (7248) 1 [Utility.Event] Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Warning, d:\intersystems\healthconnect\mgr\hslib\ is not being journalled

I don't know why they weren't journalled, but when I set to be journalled, the error I initially reported has since disappeared.

Thanks for your comment, it help me solve my problem.

irislib database is mounted as readonly database, so journal is disabled.

irislocaldata database contains items used internally by IRIS and journal is disabled by design.

This is standard/normal in any IRIS installation.

I doubt your issue is caused by these journal being disabled and I would not tamper default/standard journal configuration for system databases.