A method to convert certain non-readable ASCII characters in a %Stream.FileCharacter object first copies it into a %Stream.FileBinary object and then loops through each character one at a time to find and convert these offensive characters to our interpretation of their readable ASCII equivalents . The loop is sequential (while 'bStream.AtEnd) and is taking too long for large files.

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0 819
InterSystems Official
· Dec 7, 2016
Platform Compatibility: HP Open VMS
Post has been edited for clarification: Both HP Open VMS versions (for Itanium and for Alpha) are discontinued for future InterSystems releases.
Future product releases, beginning with the next major release after 2017.1, will no longer be offered for the following platforms:
HP OpenVMS for Itanium
HP OpenVMS for Alpha
Products: Caché, Ensemble
Expected Availability: next major release after 2017.1
3 1
0 1.1K


I have a stored procedure which would generate a standard Cache String and it would be called through JDBC and I would

dump the result in java console/standard output.

What kind of characters should I use in COS so when output get send back to Java side, it knows it contains new line character ?

Thank for your help.

0 2
0 525


We have a mixture of legacy and new systems, and are grappling with the issue of moving documents between systems.

At the moment we are mostly using file drops and encoding metadata in filenames, but a new supplier (letter transcription) is going to provide a Hl7v2 feed sending MDM^T02 messages with PDF's of letters base64 encoded in the message itself.

We are thinking of asking all our suppliers to go with MDM (or ORU) for sending documents.

I'm interested in the pros and cons of the options; and if there are options I haven't thought of.

0 2
0 701

I've organized my repository using TortoiseSVN. I was careful to use only svn commands while creating my file structure. Now all Subversion commands are working at the command line but not from within my IDE (Cache Studio). Basically I'm trying to write a plug-in for my IDE to use Subversion from within the Studio. Trying to integrate Subversion into my IDE, something like Subclipse, but for Cache Studio. The error occurred after reorganizing my code into directories. For example at the command-line, svn info and svn status and all other commands work perfectly. All Subversion commands work at the command prompt!

0 8
0 1.3K

Hi Group, I've followed the instructions from the documentation to configure LDAP and Ensemble to authenticate, however, I'm unable to authenticate using an account in the LDAP. The user is able to authenticate in a Linux shell. I have added the ObjectClass of IntersystemsAccount and the 3 group definitions to the schema. Other than adding the user to this group, do I have to change the user's objectClass at all?

This is not on active directory - it is a Linux based LDAP solution (slapd).

0 3
0 790


I am saving 2000 objects of a class in a loop.

In one environment it is taking a total of 86 seconds and in another environment it is taking 0.55 seconds.

The code (the class and the code for save) is same for both the environment. I have Ensemble 2012.1.5.956

Can somebody help me to identify the cause of the discrepancy. Is there any memory or any other setup which may cause the problem.

Thank you in davance,


0 2
0 215

I am looking for a general overview of how you would attach a document to a patient record in healthshare. For instance, an Advance Directive or Living Will.

Here are some starter questions:

  1. What format is required, if any? Can it be a PDF or DOC?
  2. How can/should it be submitted? HL7? XDS.b? Embedded in a CCD?

Sorry for the open endedness. Any info would be helpful while I research this.

0 6
0 463
· Mar 3, 2017
Studio Keyboard Functions

So I finally decided to try out Atelier after having used Studio for who knows how many years. I primarily edit int files directly and am used to all the keyboard shortcuts in Studio. I was fiddling with the preferences under keys but have not got Atelier to behave very well for:

F2 = Jump to next bookmark

<Ctrl><F2> = Toggle bookmark

<F3> = Find Next, <shift><F3> = Find Previous

I can't find any equivalent to F12 to open the currently highlighted routine and jump to that entry point.

1 2
0 502
· Mar 2, 2017
Atelier over https

Can Atelier connect to an Ensemble server that only accepts https connections?

How do I configure that? I did try an ssh into such server and Atelier over that but it didn't seem to work.

Any suggestions?



1 3
0 391
· Mar 7, 2017
Grand Total

How can I create a calculated field that will give me the grand total of a column? For instance, if I have a row that has 200, 300, 500, 600, how do I get the Grand Total?

I have already used the wrench under Column Options as % of Total so, I can't use that option.

0 9
0 390
· Mar 4, 2017
Calculated Fields
  1. How can I create a calculated field to give the previous date. For example, I need to create a pivot table that shows total payments posted for the prior day.

  2. How to create a calculated field to show average daily collections divided by the number of the days passed in a month. So, for today, it would be the average daily collections divided by 4days.


0 3
0 460


I recently spent some time with Atelier, and tried to use it's inherited (from Eclipse) XSL transformation capabilities.

I have installed Exlipse XML Editor and Tools and Orangevolt XSLT - as it provides Saxon XSLT processor.

I have XSLT 2.0 transformation defined, that uses isc:evaluate() callback function to perform some server side code.

And here is my problem: when I try to run XSL transformation of a file in my project, then as soon as the processor hits isc:evaluate() it fails.

0 5
0 688
· Mar 3, 2017
Large HL7 Batch


I need to process a very large Batch file which contains HL7 charges which we pull using FTP. I need to loop through the file and do some checks and then split the large Batch file in to individual messages. These individual messages then gets process through a different module to create a output batch of different format

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0 727