Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video by BioStrand company on our YouTube:

BioStrands Next Generation Omics Data Analysis

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Hey Community,

Join the next InterSystems webinar "Implementing Your Data Fabric with InterSystems IRIS" on June 22 at 11:00 AM EDT to learn:

  • How you can access, transform, and harmonize data from multiple sources, on demand, and make it usable and actionable for a wide variety of business applications at the convergence of transactions and analytics.
  • Why leading analysts are predicting that data fabrics are the future of data management, and how a modern data platform can speed and simplify these kinds of initiatives.
  • How the features and benefits in the new release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform and InterSystems IRIS for Health™ 2021.1 can help your organization.

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I am getting the following error when trying to fect data from DeepSee:

"Error":"ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%Construct+3^%DeepSee.ResultSet.1 ^DeepSee.Cache.LocalResults(\"session\"),e:\\hs-db\\tfoms\\"

However, I cannot find the place this error points me to.

Specifically, it says 'Label %Construct + 3 lines, in the %DeepSee.ResultSet.1', but there does not seem to be such a place. I could only find the %DeepSee.ResultSet class and it does not have a lable named %Construct.

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· Jun 12, 2021 2m read
Running reviews on Open Exchange

For several weeks I'm creating reviews on OEX.
So I'd like to explain to you the criteria that I apply to find my ratings.
Of course, each reviewer is an independent person and has his own criteria and his own opinion.
And that's good and important! As Winston Churchill once said:

"If 2 people always have the same opinion, then 1 of them is superfluous"

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I am writing a POST API using IRIS. My POST API Endpoint invokes a Business Service -> Business Process -> Business Operation in an IRIS production .

I am trying to import the JSON payload into a JSON enabled class and work with the JSON class in my Business Process and invoke different Business operation(s) based on the data supplied. This works fine for simpler JSON schemas.

The POST API I am writing now needs to handle a complex schema. I.e. one of the Item on my JSON schema ("recipient") can be an array of "anyof" 5 different schemas.


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Reference: sample LDAP code routine LDAP.mac

Some IF statements reference macro $$$WindowsCacheClient as a boolean flag to mark if the client calling the LDAP server is running Windows. Other IF statements reference $$$ISWINDOWS. Are they not the same thing? That is, does the routine need $$$WindowsCacheClient at all?


#define WindowsCacheClient 1

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gj :: locate was the entry from George James Software for the Developer Tools competition back in April 2021. When an ObjectScript error is reported, gj :: locate takes the .int line location and navigates you directly to the line in the source file where the error originated. Over the past few months we've found it a very useful tool when it comes to debugging, especially when used alongside the Serenji debugger in Visual Studio Code.

Our first update, version 1.1.0, now includes support for multi-root workspaces. This enables gj :: locate to be used with every workspace folder. If your VS Code workspace has more than one root level folder, connecting to different namespaces or perhaps different servers, then gj :: locate will determine which workspace folder is current and locate the source code in that folder. If your workspace doesn't have any files open then gj :: locate will prompt you to select a folder from a pick-list.

This will particularly benefit VS Code power users who have workspaces with simultaneous connections to multiple namespaces, on multiple different IRIS and Caché servers.

If you would like to try it out then you can download it from the VS Code marketplace. Or if you’re already a user, then gj :: locate will automatically update. Let us know how you're getting on with it!

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Here are a few examples of conversions and operations you might need, along with links to documentation where you can learn more.

At the time I wrote this, Eastern Daylight Time was in effect for my Caché system.

How Caché keeps the time and date

Caché has a simple time format, with a longer range of recognized dates compared to some other technologies.

The current time is maintained in a special variable $HOROLOG ($H):

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The release of InterSystems IRIS 2021.1 introduces Adaptive Analytics. To get started with a familiar InterSystems IRIS BI sample cube, we have created a HoleFoods Sample Application for Adaptive Analytics. This Sample Application is available on Open Exchange. There is also a learning services course available to learn more about Adaptive Analytics.

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I have created a custom role in IRIS for users to provide limited view-only access for querying tables in the HSANALYTICS namespace. WinSQL has been installed on a Windows server (WinSQL Lite version and an ODBC connection entry has been created in WinSQL for the users to log in and run SQL queries. The custom role provides the roles/resources included in the attached file. The WinSQL System DSN entry defined is:

Health Insight UAT HSANALYTICS 64-bit InterSystems ODBC35

The ODBC35 driver is defined as:

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I have a DR member and in this cache server the database "cachetemp" start to getting bigger without any reason (50GB that was all the free disk space we have)

In the members of the mirrors the cachetemp its ok and the size is 31MB.

I restarted the server because I read that the cachetemp database purge when restarting, but didnt happend.

Any recommendation to clean this database? can I just deleate the CACHE.DAT from this database?


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Hi everyone,

I am talking from Brazil and we have one very important customer that requested our support to find a consultant, deeply specialized in Cache that could work with us attending this customer. It has a tons of data and its core application is based on Cache.

If you are interested send me an email with the subject title - Cache consultant opportunity - and we will make contact with you. The main request is how strong are your skills in cache and it would be considered a differentiator if you are a portuguese speaker.

Regards - Helberth Cavalcante.

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I have the requirement to dump large result sets into files. I am currently using %SQL.Statement and the result set created by it.

The DisplayFormatted is used to write a CSV. The query I used to test does not contain any filters, it is just a select * from a table with 16 million rows.
The file created is 2GB in size. The issue I have is that it takes 8 hours to create this file.

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I need to create a dialogbox on my zenpage to confirm a Delete operation.

I tried using below code on in a my client side method but its creating a blank dialog box.


Is there a way i can create a Dialog box with text "Do you want to delete" and two buttons "Yes" and "No" and store the response in the calling client/server method.


Jimmy Christian.

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