Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Container Lifecycle - When is Your App Ready to Accept Work @ Global Summit 2023

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,070 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hey Community!

Check out the new video dedicated to Gen AI on our InterSystems Developers YouTube:

AI Governance in IT solutions

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I'm attempting to streamline a process for renaming PDF documents received from multiple vendors to conform to a specification provided by an EMR vendor for ingestion. Things like Document ID, Document Type, Date of Service, Account Number, MRN, etc. all must be included in the filename at defined offsets and lengths. Most of the required values can be extracted from the inbound file's name and the few remaining are static values that would be the same (or handled via a lookup table based on source) for all documents.

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· Sep 29, 2024
Response of JSON type

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below simple Get Webservice to return a JSON file, its working but the response is actually of Text type not JSON Type

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An IRIS.DAT file was removed, as it was not needed anymore. But the database was mirrored, so it still shows up in the mirror monitor and database list. How can this be fixed? There is no backup of the .DAT file so it cannot be restored.

w ##class(SYS.Mirror).RemoveMirroredDatabase("/mydir/")

throws a protect error.

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I created a property in a Business Process class and added that property to the "settings" parameter to display it as a field in production settings.

Property ServerName As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Parameter SETTINGS = "ServerName:Server Config";

Property names cannot contain characters such as underscore or whitespace. Is there any way to change the display name in production so that I can show this setting as "Server Name" and not "ServerName"?

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Hello Community,

I have encountered the following SQL problem trying to create a table from a SELECT statement.

I narrowed the problem down to the following example:

1. The SELECT statement alone works as expected.

SELECT m.Name, h.Status 
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h 
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID

2. But if "CREATE TABLE ... AS" is added it fails

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While performing the IRIS upgrade on our backup test server I noticed the following error in the messages log after restarting IRIS:

04/26/24-16:28:36:788 (5701964) 1 [Utility.Event] (HSHCPRT) Failed to retrieve journal file #9567 from FCHHSHCPRTTX02/PRT: Failed to allocate a 33686036 byte tcp buffer for zlib compress.

Stumped on this one, I logged a WRC and looked at some things with support but was not able to resolve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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So I know we can run routines using both XECUTE or @
However both of them run slower than just running the routine without it. (that is because as far as i understand, XECUTE command for example will re-compile before running?)

the question is: how can I run a routine by name - and keeping the performance as good as possible?

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Hi all,

When passing on the content of a file in a REST API call, I need to put the original file name in an HTTP header. As it happens, some file names have non-8-bit characters in them ("å", "ö", and the like), and these arrive garbled on the other side. Does anybody know the correct way to encode them (assuming they should be encoded at all)?

$zconvert(filename, "O", "UTF8") does not appear to be it. I'm leaning towards $zconvert(filename, "O", "URL"), but leaning isn't good enough.


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· Jul 31, 2024
Task Expired problem

Hi Guys,

Migrated our system from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and but for some reason my tasks keep getting the attached error not sure why?


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I'll preface this by saying I'm not sure if I found a bug or because I'm somehow misusing IrisVectorStore.

Basically I have code from the regular llama-index module working in my Python project which has SimpleDirectoryReader objects similar in nature to the demo I mentioned (https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-vector-search/blob/main/d...). And I have other code working that can add new users to a SQL table in Iris.

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Hi everyone,

We have successfully configured the Patient Index and are now looking to bring it to upper environments. Our plan is to export the Linkage Definition and import it into higher environments to avoid any manual work. However, I am having trouble finding an export option in the Linkage Definition Designer and locating the globals that hold this setup.

I would greatly appreciate any tips or guidance on how to export/import the Patient Index configuration between environments.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to use HL7® FHIR® Shorthand (a domain-specific, human-readable language for defining profiles, extensions, and other FHIR artifacts) to more efficiently create a FHIR Implementation Guide:

Using HL7 FHIR Shorthand

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Hi. I am struggling to understand the meaning of different elements of an order in my hospital's EHR.

Page: EPR > All Orders

Question: What is the difference between Start Date and Date Executed and Order End Date? If an order was started on Monday and executeed on Tuesday.. does this mean the patient received the order on Monday or Tuesday? and what is End date?

Also, how do I interpret order status? What is the difference between discontinued, verified, and executed?

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Hi Community,

Here is a brief walkthrough on the capabilities of IRIS AI Studio platform. It covers one complete flow from loading data into IRIS DB as vector embeddings and retrieving information through 4 different channels (search, chat, recommender and similarity). In the latest release, added docker support for local installation and live version to explore.

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· Oct 16, 2024
Generate JWT token in Cache 2018


I try to generate JWT tokens in Cache (not in IRIS).

In IRIS I managed to generate tokens using ##class(%OAuth2.JWKS).AddOct("HS256",secret,.jwks).

But In Cache there is no such routine.

Could you provide me a place to find an example how to use JWT, please ? I am interested to generate a token in Cache, send it to javascript client, and read a token provided by the client and check it is valid.

Kind regards,

Alin Soare.

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InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics version 2024.1.3 is now available from the InterSystems Software Distribution page. This release includes AtScale 2024.1.3, and an updated User Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF) file. This release includes and the following new modeling and BI capabilities:

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The SYS.Mirror CatchupDB() method requires a System File Number/Inode value as a parameter. I have not yet found a suitable internal method to get this value. Is anyone aware of a utility method that would do this? I do know I can get this value with a small amount of Python or by calling out to the OS. However I wanted to stick with pure Objectscript in this project if possible.

Failing in this I will use embedded python to run the line or two of Python needed to get this value.

Thank you for any hints

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