· Sep 15, 2017
Clinical Viewer for SMART Apps

The product I'm using is HealthConnect ( this installation HSAP-2017. Do I have access to the Information Exchange Clinical Viewer ? Is there a way to install this and connect it up to my HealthShare FHIR repository?

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· Feb 1, 2022
VSCode: Formatter not found


I am using VSCode together with IRIS 2021.1.
When using Shift+Alt+F to reformat a class file, it pops up with the below message. When I select install formatter, it routes me to the extensions page, where it shows the extensions as being installed. Any advice will be appreciated.

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Is there a way to omit or skip rollback of some data changes during a transaction rollback? Maybe some sort of "autonomous transaction"?

The issue is with error logging in transaction. For example we may have in nested calls the following structure:
<some code>
<error happens>
<error log to database>

but if this code is in another transaction, and that rolls back we lose error data.

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I have this local, containing a list of books of arbitrary length:

set books=2
set books(1, "author") = "Alice"
set books(1, "title") = "Hello"
set books(1, "pages") = "123"
set books(2, "author") = "Bob"
set books(2, "title") = "World"
set books(2, "pages") = "456"

And I want to generate this PDF (there could be more than two tables), each book is a separate table:

The header is always the same (Author, Title, Page) but the number of tables would be different.

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· Jan 12, 2020
Timeout for $zf

In one of the projects, when we have ECP with 10 ECP application servers, from time to time we faced the issue when our journals fail to purge, due to open transactions. While we have about 100-150 GB journal files per day, it quite quickly became a big issue, and with mirroring a very big issue. Mostly we just rebooted our ECP Data server, so it searches rollbacks any transactions, but such process is too long, may steal a few hours. I did not find any way, how to get the list of the open transactions from one place from ECP Data Server. We just migrated our Data server to 2018.1.

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For reasons that I won't go into here, I need to run Cache Terminal in Linux using Wine.

It starts up ok, but when I try to establish a connection to a remote server I get the following error:

Ctermsecure Read Error
Could not obtain terminal server client name.
Reason: (10035, 0x2733) unknown error

If I launch CTerm.exe from a command line then I get the following:

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I am trying to transform an Enlib.EDI.XML.Document through aXLT I know how to trans form the xml document through a xlt stylesheet but been trying to get an Enlib.EDI.XML. Document from a procees by creating aoperation that will do the transformation of this to file if this can be done in a process all ideas welcome so far I have come to this and I keep getting an error

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In an Ensemble message bus that has a Business Service which extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service, I have the option to support SOAP Sessions by setting the parameter SOAPSESSION=1.

The comments says this also effects license consumption.

In what way is license consumption effected ?

note this is version 2015.1, Ensemble Elite (without Web-AddOn).

thanks -


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I am looking to run some analysis on existing software to quickly identify global variable references. Ideally you would feed in a "starting routine" and after going through all referenced routines you would end up with a finite set of global variables. So the primary purpose is to take say 10,000 lines of code and map out the referenced global structures without relying on a programmers eye. I found the post on Object Script equivalent to Studio "Find in Files" interesting but the downside is that output is too verbose and would require parsing to extract the global structures. How would you override writing to the terminal so that you could parse the data?

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getting "The value of the property 'cspHttpServerMethod' is null or undefined, not a Function object" error while executing the csp page. All the server side methods stop working at this time although javascript functions still work but until the point where a server side method is getting called. Any clues why we get such error.

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Thanks for all replies in advance. We have a security vulnerability that we have to get rid of. We use Putty software to connect to cache as a terminal allowing several users to do maintenance work in cache. this uses telnet Plain text. I know that we can configure telnet to be encrypted using the super server service and I'm looking for software that can work like Putty as a terminal using encryption compatible with cache telnet encryption. If I have cache installed on my PC and setup a connection to the server using Kerberos with encryption and use the terminal option to connect to

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· Nov 7, 2016
CLS location from INT code

Given location in INT code, as Cache usually reports on error (zWriteReport+25^SomeFile.1), is there any programmatic way to determine corresponding place in original source code?


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I have to write a DTL with the Data Transformation Builder to convert messages from HL7 ORU R01 v2.1 to HL7 ORU R01 v2.5. The incoming messages contain a text in OBX-5. This text contains LF characters (only LF - Segment separator is CR). Therefore it is not possible to parse the incoming message. While testing the transformation the OBX Segment ends at the first occurence of LF. Is there a way to replace the LF character before parsing?



OBX||FT|ltest1|| first line

second line

last line



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What is a Foundation Production and what does it do?

We are currently on HealthShare Health Connect 15.03 and we are starting the process of moving to HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.

The 2019.1 Installation Guide is pretty clear that it is essential, but I'm having trouble working out exactly what it does?

Leading on from this is what should I call it?

From the installation guide:

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1. Created a class(test) and added a classmethod(checkdata).

2. Assigned a object with xml.

3. Created a new class for response and initialized in classmethod(checkdata).

4. Created a new class for request parsing with list of object parameter.

5. While parsing xml in request for list of object, the result count is "0". But the xml has value for "2" object list.

6. XML has follow:

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· Jul 4, 2017
Atelier & Git?


we are trying to use Atelier and GitLab for our Software-development. Our Software has round about 1000 classes that got developed over years.

What we want to achieve is that one repository holding the complete code of one namespace. We also want to create branches to develop new small parts.

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I am currently trying to add a condition to a routing rule that uses the %Source property of a routing rule. Unfortunately I am getting compile errors when I use the "%", and if I get PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST if I try and use any of field. I have tried referencing the messages as "Message." , "Record.", "FullRecordMapClassName." , "Document." . Does anyone know how to reference the properties of a record map in a routing rule, or if it is even possible? Thanks!

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Hi all-

We used to have this Java applet in our CSP page to "print all" and "download all" PDF medical reports. We want this applet so that the user won't have to open each PDF in the browser just to print it.

But now most browsers do not support Java applets anymore due to security concerns, so that Java application is down. We tried to migrate to Java Web Start but don't know how to invoke the JNLP file from the CSP page. I am new to Cache so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have a CACHE.DAT file that is working under CACHE version 2015.1.0.429.0

I have a second machine with CACHE version 2017.2.0.741.0

When I attempt to add/use the CACHE.DAT in the new version of CACHE, it will not mount.

How do I upgrade/convert the DAT file to make it work under the new CACHE version?

Thx. Larry...

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Using the method ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).GlobalReferences() I'm able to know how many global references has been done in the process. But I'd like to know how many of those references has been done by my code and how many has been done by Cache itself.

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