InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,114 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi All,

On February 8, 2024, we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Friday, March 8, 2024. If you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

How can I access the survey? You can access it here

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· Oct 4, 2024 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #47

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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· Aug 28, 2024



K ^RICH D ##class(%Library.Routine).RoutineCompare("\\IP\C$\.......\$NAMESPACE","RTN","\\LOCALHOST\..........\$NAMESPACE","RTN","^RICH")

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn how to use terminal aliases for InterSystems IRIS and also how to set it up with your Docker Developer Environment:

InterSystems Terminal Aliases and How To Have It In Docker Environment
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Hello Experts ,

Could you help to search message details based on MRN in intersytems iris.

We have created 100+ interfaces and currenly in live (interystems cloud) . Now I try to search message details based on MRN using below query. it is working fine in DEV. but in prod it is taking ages.

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I tried to create what is know as a "class variable". As far as I understand the only analogy to class variables would be the "class parameters".

I tried to use a class parameter but I cannot change its value at runtime.

Parameter STATUSES = {{}};

Property repr As %String;

Method %OnNew(repr) As %Status
w ##class(Test...).#STATUSES



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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite you all to the upcoming kick-off webinar for the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest 2024!

During the webinar, you will discover the exciting challenges and opportunities that await IRIS enthusiasts in this contest. We'll discuss the topics we expect from participants and show you how to develop, build, and deploy applications using the InterSystems IRIS data platform.

Date & Time: Tuesday, September 10 – 12:30 pm EDT | 6:30 pm CEST
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The extension and source code are now available

After having some discussions at Global Summit and using a lot of package managers in my day to day development (npm,nuget,Chocolatey, etc) in addition to recently using the InterSystems Package Manager for some CICD process I'm building using Intersystems IRIS and IRIS 4 Health, I wanted an easy and integrated way to search/view/install packages related to the Intersystems tech stack.

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· Jul 11, 2024
Epic/MyChart integration

We have a stand-alone web platform ( that helps people prepare for surgery focusing on the non-clinical – holistic and logistic aspects (stress reduction via meditation, sleep etc. as well as things like setting up the house, coordinating help from others etc).

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Hi Community!

We're super excited to invite you to the LinkedIn Live event dedicated to online learning!

🌐 Two Decades of Innovation in Learning and Development 🌐

📅 Thursday, May 30, 10 am ET | 4 pm CEST

🗣 Presenters:
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We have an operation that sends a Rest request to an external endpoint. The request includes the secret, which shows up in the Message Viewer. While access to the Production is restricted to only those who need it, we have been asked to remove it from the Message Traces. Is there a way to hide certain information on the Message Viewer ?

Thanks for reading

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It is probably somewhere in the doc. So hard to search. Hope InterSystems going to AI on their community/support data.

How to see a meaningful value in management portal - sql explorer. For instance
Class MySetting Extends %Persistent{
Property Name As %String;

Class MyObj Extends %Persistent{
Property Setting As MySetting;

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· Jul 29, 2024
Task FeatureTracker

Does anyone know what this task does exactly? And what problems would I have if I didn't use an SSL certificate?

I got the error: "SSL/TLS error in SSL_connect(), SSL_ERROR_SSL: protocol error, error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed"

Has anyone encountered this problem before?

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As I was trying to create a routine search query via RoutineList, I discovered that documentation both for Cache and Iris offers only ABC* and ABC? syntax for including routine names and, unlike %RO, does not offer name ranges. Is that indeed so?

After some system files reading, I discovered that you can EXCLUDE certain routines with ', by using the 'ABC or 'ABC* syntax. That is not documented but it should be. Any other non-documented RoutineList syntax capabilities?


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· Jun 27, 2024
ZF(-100) and qpdf


I have seen your post on using qpdf with the zf(-100) function and was wondering if you could be so kind to share an example line of code. I can use pdf from the DOS command line no problems with the following:

qpdf --encrypt test123 test123 256 -- c:\test\basement.pdf c:\test\basementenc.pdf

Trying the following from the iris terminal I get a RET=2 in messages.log and the PDF is not created.

d $ZF(-100,"/logcmd", "qpdf", "--encrypt test123 test123 256 --", "C:\test\basement.pdf", "c:\test\basementenc.pdf")

Kind Regards,


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