I'm wondering what the best practice is for handling %Status values within the terminal.
1. set tSC=...
    do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(tSC)
2. set tSC=...
   zwrite tSC

3. An alternative?

Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Should one be used over the other for any reason? Should something else be used?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,545 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I am trying to work with the FHIR Object Model where I convert an incoming HL7v2 to SDA then FHIR. From here I would like to be able to process the FHIR Object by deserializing it to a Bundle object using the following code my problem is I keep on getting an error which is not explaining much about what is wrong with what I am doing any help will be appreciated thanks.

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I am using embeded python to utilize some pythonic library but i got a problem on my hand.

One of the python function i am using return multiple values

in python you would do something like that :

val1, val2, val3, = function(params)

In COS I got something like that :

lib = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("lib")
val1 = lib.function(params)

And I don't know how to get the second and third values.
Is there a way to get them?

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I'm trying to configure a new interface that reads HL7, transform them into FHIR messages and then send POST or PUT or DELETE depending on HL7 doc type.

1-I added an HL7 TCP service that reads ADTs messages

2a-Send ADTs to a process to transform them into SDA (using the following command: do ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(request,.con))

2b-Extract the patient MRN and add it to the AdditionalInfo property (using the following request message class: HS.Message.XMLMessage)

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0 132

Hello everyone,
After upgrade to InterSystems ObjectScriptv2.12.3 extension an annoying "bulb" occured in the beggining of code line. If point upon it, there are some actions being offered. In my case, an action "Wrap in try/catch" is always among them, even if the code line is already within try/catch block. Another action which appears sometimes is "Extract to method". If accept, new method is inserted into the class with only one line body inside. IMHO, not too clever "AI solution" as well.

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i have this simple json structure:

"nTypeTrigger": "ATR",
"sDate": "2024-04-17 15:29:16",
"tRefArray": [{"sID":"132"},{"sID":"151"},{"sID":"233"}],
"tCountries": []

I can't find an example to iterate on tRefArray.

I've tried to create a secondary iterator but it doesn't work. Here is my current code:

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I am very pleased with the added XML import/export feature in VS Code, this is something I found valuable in Studio. Similarly, I would find it very useful to allow import/export of .rtn files from VS Code. Is this currently possible (other than using SMP)? If not, are there plans for adding this? I frequently work with exported routines in .rtn format that I import into multiple instances.

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· Dec 4, 2023
Custom Application Metric

I made a custom application metric, imported it to the USER namespace and used:

set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).Add.ApplicationClass("historymonitor.errorSensor", "USER")

to add it. When I do 'w status' it returns 1 so it is added but I still can't see the custom metric in the api/monitor/metrics endpoint. Even though I added %DB_USER in the application roles for api/monitor.

Does anyone know where the problem might be that the metrics endpoint still doesn't show my metric?

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0 134

It's true! QuinielaML has incorporated the most important leagues in Europe (and Brazil) into its prediction service, so, dear members of the Developer Community, wherever you are from, you will be able to have the predictions of your favorite leagues at your disposal.

From the predictions screen you will have access to each of the new leagues included, being able to record the matches for each journey:

2 0
0 135

Hi Team,

I am using ##class(%Net.Cloud.Storage.Client).SingleDownloadBlobToFile

Able to upload small files less than 100 MB, but when uploading large files like 800MB we are getting Java Memory error. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space

I am using default JavaServer (javaServer param as ""). This happens in all three data types (File, Stream and Object)

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· Sep 24, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #32

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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0 135

InterSystems FAQ rubric

To disable the timeout, set the query timeout to disabled in the DSN settings:

Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN configuration

If you check Disable query timeout, the timeout will be disabled.

If you want to change it on the application side, you can set it at the ODBC API level.

Set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute when calling the ODBC SQLSetStmtAttr function before connecting to the data source.

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