Hi all ,

I just started learning objectScript . Online TEST instance is not opening terminal.

Management Portal (system configuration, direct SQL access, reporting)

Server Address:
Web Terminal:
InterSystems Username: tech
InterSystems Password: demo

IDE Connections (VS Code)

Host Server Address:
Host Server Web Port: 80

External Connections (InterSystems Studio)

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,550 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I have my server setup a resource server. When a user calls our API they submit a bearer token as authorization and in our dispatch class AccessCheck() we validate the JWT using ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Validation).ValidateJWT().

If I include a scope to check in that method I get the error Scope check may only be done on requesting client and I'm not sure what this means. The method works without include the scope and will let me know if I have an unsigned token or an expired token.

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First of all thanks for your time, thoughts, teaching and help:

We wonder how could we get the metrics from http://[Ip]:[Port]/api/monitor/metrics and use them in Kibana to chart statistics.

We would like to ask you how do you use the api monitor metrics, and as a second question, how would you suggest to utilize them in a third party software as Kibana to chart them.

We have thought to do the following:

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I'm using a customised IRIS Community Edition Docker Container: Node.js has been added and the Native API for Node.js directory moved to a node_modules folder in /home/irisowner. I've changed the _SYSTEM password using the Management Portal (which connects to IRIS just fine)

If I shell into the running container and try to connect with a JS script file containing this:

const IRISNative = require('intersystems-iris-native');

let connectionInfo = {

host: 'localhost',

port: 1972,

ns: 'USER',

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Hi All! If you have looked into Health Connect Cloud at all, you may know that the cloud-native environment presents a few differences from traditional deployments of InterSystems integrations. If you've taken a classroom course at InterSystems, you may have used "in" and "out" folders in productions to simulate receiving and outputting HL7 messages.

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Hi Developers!

Here are the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Python Contest 2024 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • IRIS Vector Search usage - 3
  • Python Pex Interoperability - 3
  • Python in BPL - 2
  • WSGI Web Apps - 2
  • Python libs: sqlalchemy and dbt - 2
  • LLM AI or LangChain usage: Chat GPT, Bard and others - 3
  • NoObjectScriptLine - 3
  • Hugginface - 2
  • Docker container usage - 2
  • ZPM Package deployment - 2
  • Online Demo - 2
  • Implement InterSystems Community Idea - 4
  • Find a bug in Embedded Python - 2
  • First Article on Developer Community - 2
  • Second Article On DC - 1
  • First Time Contribution - 3
  • Video on YouTube - 3
  • YouTube Short - 1

See the details below.<--break->

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I am trying to connect to another server using %Net.HttpRequest.

I keep getting this error : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol.

My guess is that the site I am reaching for uses TLS1.3 which is not supported in 2016, But I cant right now ask my client to upgrade.

Is it possible to override this ? install some kind of a patch or a more recent version of openssl on the server ?



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Hy Friends,

I have a question, how to change multiple rows into 1 row

This data already in the right order, but I need to change the Diagnose into 1 column with this order 1,2,3,4

So it should be Acute...,Fever..., Dyspepsia, Dengue fever

Does anyone could help me ?

Thank You

Best Regards,

Steven Henry

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I built my rest api with ^%REST and update with CreateApplication.
Postman works fine and I suppose production server will work fine as UI and rest api will be on the same domain, but for now in dev, I need to have access from my local to the Iris rest api. I have a CORS error.

I do not know how to configure my swagger file to have either Parameter HandleCorsRequest=1 or <route Cors=true in the generated displ,cls.

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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

What is the HL7 FHIR Specification

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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IRIS can use a KMS (Key Managment Service) as of release 2023.3. Intersystems documentation is a good resource on KMS implementation but does not go into details of the KMS set up on the system, nor provide an easily followable example of how one might set this up for basic testing.

The purpose of this article is to supplement the docs with a brief explanation of KMS, an example of its use in IRIS, and notes for setup of a testing system on AWS EC2 RedHat Linux system using the AWS KMS. It is assumed in this document that the reader/implementor already has access/knowledge to set up an AWS EC2 Linux system running IRIS (2023.3 or later), and that they have proper authority to access the AWS KMS and AWS IAM (for creating roles and polices), or that they will be able to get this access either on their own or via their organizations Security contact in charge of their AWS access.

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Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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First of all, thanks for your help, and time reading this question.

Why, when we send a SOAP message from SoapUI to a SOAP service in a HealthShare environment called 'ESBCHUIMI,' it recognizes the 'Credenciales' header, which has 'usuario' and 'password' as properties. This class is a %SOAP.Header.

However, when we load the WSDL using the SOAP wizard from this SOAP Service to another HealthShare environment called ESBSSCC and send it from SoapUI to ESBSSCC, when it is being forwarded from ESBSSCC to ESBCHUIMI, the ESBCHUIMI's service outputs:

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