Are you preparing to use VS code for the first time? Just make sure you have enough privileges.

Have you defined your Iris server in your VS Code settings, and still get the following error?

VS Code accesses Iris/HealthConnect using the web application /api/atelier. If you do not have permission (i.e. you are using an LDAP user to connect and the web application is not configured to support LDAP), this is the reason why you couldn't connect.

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Earlier this year I announced availability of a VS Code extension for coding in ObjectScript, Embedded Python or SQL using the notebook paradigm popularized by Jupyter. Today I published a maintenance release to correct a "getting started" problem.

Here's a video of the installation steps from the extension's README:

Why not try it for yourself?

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This article will cover turning over control of provisioning the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator, and starting your journey managing your own "Cloud" of InterSystems Solutions through Git Ops practices. This deployment pattern is also the fulfillment path for the PID^TOO||| FHIR Breathing Identity Resolution Engine.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the system does not stop for 24 hours, old journal files will be deleted at 0:30 according to the "Journal file deletion settings".

A possible cause of journal files remaining that are older than the "Journal file deletion settings" is that there are transactions that remain open.

In that case, you will be able to delete the journal file by searching for processes executing transactions and finalizing the transactions.

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What is Unstructured Data?
Unstructured data refers to information lacking a predefined data model or organization. In contrast to structured data found in databases with clear structures (e.g., tables and fields), unstructured data lacks a fixed schema. This type of data includes text, images, videos, audio files, social media posts, emails, and more.

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The objective of the article is to provide the reader with the following informations:

  • Configure and use the FHIR server
  • Create an OAuth2 Authorization Server
  • Bind the FHIR server to the OAuth2 Authorization Server for support of SMART on FHIR
  • Use the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to filter FHIR resources
  • Create a custom operation on the FHIR server

Schema of the article:


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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Using the Config.Configuration class and SYS.Database class methods, you can create and register a namespace database from the terminal.

Below is a series of execution examples that create database file /CacheDB/AAA/cache.dat and register database AAA and namespace AAA in the configuration file (cache.cpf).
* Execute in the %SYS namespace. *

* Make sure that this script runs as the user that is used for all IRIS processes to ensure that the directory has appropriate ownership and permissions *

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In the modern digital age, securing applications, particularly those handling sensitive health data, is paramount. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data are crucial, necessitating robust security measures. Two-factor authentication (2FA) stands out as a critical enhancement in safeguarding access, adding an extra layer of security beyond just passwords. Recognizing the significance of this feature, InterSystems provides built-in support for 2FA in its database solutions. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of configuring two-factor authentication in your InterSystems environment, ensuring that your data remains secure and accessible only to authorized users.

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Case description

Let’s imagine that you are a Python developer or have a well-trained team specialized in Python, but the deadline you got to analyze some data in IRIS is tight. Of course, InterSystems offers many tools for all kinds of analyses and treatments. However, in the given scenario, it is better to get the job done using the good old Pandas and leave the IRIS for another time.

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Surely you have all heard about FHIR as the panacea and solution to all interoperability and compatibility problems between systems. Right here we can see one of his classic defenders holding a FHIR resource in his hand and enjoying it immensely:

But for the rest of us mortals we are going to make a small introduction.

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Not so long ago, I came across the idea of using Python Class Definition Syntax to create IRIS classes on the InterSystems Ideas Portal. It caught my attention since integrating as many syntaxes as possible gives visibility to InterSystems’s products for programmers with experience in many languages.

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I'm proud to announce the new release of iris-pex-embedded-python (v2.3.1) with a new command line interface.

This command line is called iop for Interoperability On Python.

First I would like to present in few words the project the main changes since the version 1.

A breif history of the project

Version 1.0 was a proof of concept to show how the interoperability framework of IRIS can be used with a python first approach while remaining compatible with any existing ObjectScript code.

What does it mean? It means that any python developer can use the IRIS interoperability framework without any knowledge of ObjectScript.

Example :

from grongier.pex import BusinessOperation

class MyBusinessOperation(BusinessOperation):

    def on_message(self, request):"Received request")

Great, isn't it?

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· Nov 24, 2023 4m read
Journal File Indexer

Hi community!

In this article, I'm excited to introduce my latest application, Journal File Indexer. The development of this application is rooted in the portal idea DPI-I-270.

In short, this application lets you load and index a log file in a database.


If you've ever used the log file search function in the management portal, you may have encountered a timeout error or even a blank page. This problem usually occurs when searching a large journal file. Journal File Indexer solves this problem by considerably increasing the speed of searches once the file has been loaded into the database.

Another problem arises during the restoration process. When searching for global entries in a log file to restore old or new values, the management portal doesn't have this specific functionality. A routine must therefore be coded to achieve this. Journal File Indexer comes to the rescue, incorporating a restore function!

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Recently, the question came up while discussing the access to the data stored in IRIS from different languages with my students if it was possible to initiate the connection and get data from Cloud solution (InterSystems IRIS CloudSQL) from Microsoft Excel, not the other way around. Considering the many varied ways one can get data in Excel (import data from external sources, connecting to databases using ODBC drivers, using power queries and web queries etc.) the obvious choice was to try ODBC driver. The only task left was to try to connect to the database in the cloud using the ODBC driver.

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If Iris does propose to create keys following a sequence, how can we obtain a sequential number in another context?

In my case, I automatically create care centers, and I want to set them a number like:


APP = Name of the application used by the center
DD = center department number
999: sequential number in the department
It is of course possible that centers will be created in competition, so this possible competition must be managed.

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1. IRIS RAG Demo


This demo showcases the powerful synergy between IRIS Vector Search and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), providing a cutting-edge approach to interacting with documents through a conversational interface. Utilizing InterSystems IRIS's newly introduced Vector Search capabilities, this application sets a new standard for retrieving and generating information based on a knowledge base.
The backend, crafted in Python and leveraging the prowess of IRIS and IoP, the LLM model is orca-mini and served by the ollama server.
The frontend is an chatbot written with Streamlit.

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As the health interoperability landscape expands to include data exchange across on-premise as well as hosted solutions, we are seeing an increased need to integrate with services such as cloud storage. One of the most prolifically used and well supported tools is the NoSQL database DynamoDB (Dynamo), provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

The meaning of each timeout value is as follows.

1. [Server response timeout]

If IRIS/Caché processing (routine or query execution) does not finish within this set time, the browser will return an error.

For example, if this value is 60 seconds and it takes 90 seconds to execute a routine/method/query, an error will occur.

2. [Queued request timeout]

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. In this article, we want to shine a spotlight on two essential Python libraries that have become indispensable for data scientists and machine learning practitioners alike: Matplotlib and scikit-learn.

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Part 1

  • Introducing Flask: a quick review of the Flask Docs, where you will find all the information you need for this tutorial;
  • Connecting to InterSystems IRIS: a detailed step-by-step of how to use SQLAlchemy to connect to an IRIS instance;

Part 2

  • A discussion about this kind of implementation: why we should use it and situations where it is applicable.
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Killer presentations are essential for opening doors, doing business and delighting customers. These types of presentations move away from the traditional and tiring topics and portions of texts, or even pictures of happy people to get closer to the interests of their audience.The best presentations materialize what customers are looking for into something they can see working. Instead of promises, examples in execution and the ability to be very close to what you want to do.

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