JSON is a lightweight data interchange format for representing and exchanging data between a server and a web application. Its popularity has led to its widespread use in applications based on InterSystems technology, as well as demand for a converter that transforms globals to JSON and back. Therefore, @Evgeny Shvarov suggested developing Global->JSON->Global converter. Implementing such a converter is important to ensure interoperability, simplify data exchange, support web services, and provide a standardized approach to data representation across different software ecosystems. This article, the second in the "Implemented Ideas" series, focuses on several projects created by the legend of InterSystems Developer Community @Robert Cemper that deal with this task:

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,545 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
When I use Escape logic when inserting or updating Oracle Table I'm getting Max-Length exceeded error. With the original value the length is good but after I add Escape Logic, it causes value to be greater than max-length. The original value was "I visited O'Brien before heading out of town." and after added Escape logic it was "I visited O''Brien before heading out of town." Max-Length is 45.

    ('I visited O''Brien before heading out of town.')
             right here  

Any ideas around this?

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I am looking to run IRIS for UNIX on the Linux Ubuntu 22.04 platform and need to determine which filesystem configurations are considered supported. The three options under consideration are Ext4, LVM with Ext4, and OpenZFS. Currently, the system is running on a raw Ext4 filesystem, but there is a desire to switch to either LVM with Ext4 or OpenZFS to make it easier to handle disk usage.

This leads to two questions:

Are either of these two configurations considered to be tested and supported by InterSystems?

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I have a BPL that checks if at least one of the incoming OBX 5 values exists in TestTable. If the value exists it gets passed to Operation A and if it doesn't exist it gets passed to Operation B. The lookup table has keys that range between 10 to 70 characters. However, the incoming message sometimes has OBX 5 values that are greater than 510 characters which causes the BPL to terminate and the message does not get sent to any operation.

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· Sep 28, 2023
Dynamic Rendered Connections


I'm trying to configure a specific process which dynamically sends messages to different endpoints based on datalookup keys, I've configured this aspect. What I'd like is to be able to visually see these connections without hardcoding them so is there a way to dynamically link them, i'll share what I tried below.


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· Sep 13, 2023
Cache: Binary export output

I have an odd binary result exporting a specific routine via Studio, Export. Below is the beginning. The seemingly same routine in a different directory is exported fine, regular human readable code. Inspecting ^ROUTINE and ^rIndex did not give me any clues. Any insights?

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I'm testing git-source-control and I have problem with a CSP application.

I was able to configure in settings a CSP application that use the path /csp/myapp, that worked.

I have another application /slg and I'm unable to add it to Git.
I created the mapping as "/CSP/" - "/slg" - "csp/slg/", then in Studio when I right click on the CSP folder in the Namespace Work Area, select Git -> Add:

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How can I get an instance of stream which is a successor of %Stream.Object in a method that handles a REST POST request?

#dim request as %CSP.Request = %request
 set content = request.Content

This returns a variable of type %CSP.Stream which is totally useless, because %CSP.Stream does not inherit from %Stream.Object

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Stepping Out of the Shadows: How the US VA Migrated to Mirroring, InterSystems IRIS & the Cloud @ Global Summit 2023

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Cal Hacks 2023 was a phenomenal event! This annual hackathon, organized by the University of California, Berkeley, brought together a diverse and talented group of innovators.

Kudos to the outstanding winners of the InterSystems IntegratedML challenge:

🥇1st Place - MultiMed Vision+ DevPost

This healthcare app designed for generational wellness, harnessing the power of multi-modal LLMs to offer personalized AI-driven health management.

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Hi Developers,

Tap to watch the brand new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Health Data De-Identifier @ Global Summit 2023

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. In this article, we want to shine a spotlight on two essential Python libraries that have become indispensable for data scientists and machine learning practitioners alike: Matplotlib and scikit-learn.

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Below is the job description for your reference

Position: Integration Engineer/SME (US only)

Location: Remote

Contract: 12 months

Job Description:


Looking for IRIS experience must have

Lead the implementation of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standards within the data warehouse, ensuring accuracy and efficient data exchange across the ecosystem of partner APIs

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I'm trying to install the Inter System IRIS data platform in windows and I'm not able to download the installer file. Some one can help me with this.

Please look at the below image for the reference for the error I'm facing

And also I'm looking for the docker version of the IRIS, but here also I'm not able to identify the IMAGE for the same. Please look into the below image.

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Hey Developers,

This time around, we've decided to spruce up this activity a little and extended this rubric to encompass all 6 communities - English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Isn't this exciting?

And this month we have our first non-English entry.

Hiring a Manager? Don't Skip These 21 Interview Questions | Breezy HR

Without further ado, here are the Key Questions of October chosen by InterSystems Experts within all Communities:

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Hi everyone,

I'm attempting to compile a basic Python code on a remote server, but it appears that the compiler doesn't recognize the language.

The remote server is running a virtual machine with Oracle Linux Server 7.9 (64-bit), and it has IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) [HealthConnect:3.3.0] installed.

When I try to compile a script that includes a Python ClassMethod, such as this "testpy.cls":

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Cloud Services - InterSystems IRIS SQL & IntegratedML @ Global Summit 2023

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Hey everyone,

I'm currently running into a very weird issue to where I am trying to connect with a 64 bit version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to a HealthShare instance. I have created a System DSN using the Drivers (image below) that were downloaded with the Client version of the install and I'm able to successfully connect using my credentials.

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