· Nov 26, 2024

Kick-off Webinar for InterSystems "Bringing Ideas to Reality" Contest

Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite you all to the upcoming kick-off Webinar for InterSystems "Bringing Ideas to Reality" Contest!

During the webinar, our speakers will explore the Community Opportunity Ideas from the InterSystems Ideas Portal, which are the topics of this programming contest. They will show how to develop, build, and deploy applications using the InterSystems IRIS data platform.

Date & Time: Monday, December 2 – 10:00 am EST | 4:00 pm CET
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🗣 ​​​@Dean Andrews, Head of Developer Relations
🗣 ​​​@Evgeny Shvarov, Senior Manager of Developer and Startup Programs
🗣 @Raj Singh, Product Manager - Developer Experience

✅ Register for the kick-off today!

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