· Oct 29, 2024

dynaTree doesn't expand completely

Hi Guys,

I'm calling the expandAll() method to expand the whole tree structure but for some reason its only expanding the root folders but not all elements under those folders ?

var tree zenPage.getComponentById( "MyTree");



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expandAll does not invoke any callback methods.

It shows only the nodes that are defined currently for the tree

See for example sample page csp/samples/ZENTest.DynaTreeTest.cls

Execute zenPage.getComponentById( "tree").expandAll(true); from the Developer console. Note, that no nodes are expanded.
Now click on the Vegetable -> Fruit, then collapse them and call zenPage.getComponentById( "tree").expandAll(true); again. Now these nodes are shown. However, children for Animal and Mineral are still not shown, because they are not populated yet