We are seeking an InterSystems Object Developer With Docker Experience to join our team! You will develop and implement unique web-based applications.

This role is Remote, Full Time and a 1099 position.

Required Qualifications:

  • 4+ years InterSystems Object Technology developing applications utilizing industry best practices for software development.
  • 2+ years using Docker


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I have installed Iris in Docker container with the above version. I need to create an additional user to log in via ssh. I have created a user and put in both the irisuser and irisowner groups, and created a user in iris with permissions. But, when I run "iris session iris" I originally got an error about permissions: /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb: Permission denied.

I looked @ the /usr/irisys directory and the permissions was only (r-x------). I changed to (dr-xr-xr-x.)and now I get a different error:

Invalid ownership for ./irisdb

Any suggestions?

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I’m creating a REST API service but I need to convert my object in JSON.

Class message_B Extends Ens.Request
Property ClientId As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property mesagge As %Stream.TmpBinary;

set pRequest = ##Class(message_B).%New()
​do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(pRequest, .content)

it is ignoring message property in json dueto its data type %Stream.TmpBinary

Could you please help me to resolve it?

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HI Dev's

I dont work for Intersystems but i have found this training course very helpful and wanted to make sure others know about it.

Advanced Data Transformations

Advanced Data Transformations

Add a for each loop.
Create and use utility functions.
Create and use lookup tables.
Use counting.
Create and implement a subtransformation.
Add a code action.
Add a group of actions to organize relevant actions.

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0 199

Hi All,

Is there any cache command which can give who all has compiled a classes from the day it has been created. Specifically I want the 2 information username and time of compilation of class.

I tried with $$DATE^%R("TEST.1.INT"), but it only gives the last compilation time.

Thanks in advance !!

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0 290

Hi Community!

As announced in this post, next November 16 will take place the 1st meetup of the Spanish Developer Community. And registration is now open!

It is the first in-person event in Spain since the pandemic started and we are thrilled to reunite with our customers and partners. Are you in?

🗓 November 16, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM (CEST) + pizza & drinks

📍 The Westin Valencia Hotel

➡️ Click here for more details and registration >>

Note.- If you are already registered at the Iberia Summit and want to attend the Meetup, you have to register on the previous link too.

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0 203

I am reading file values by position with comma-separated string and it gives me incorrect values on the below line because there is a comma within double quotes within a string.

I would like to remove any text that has quotes with object script or alternatively separate each value with pipe-delimited so that I can return position 8 as code and position 9 as a description

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0 269


I am currently having the experience activating prometheus for iris db.

This environment that I speak uses IKO as a base.

I need to put 3 notes in the iris service area.

Are they:

   prometheus.io/path: "/monitor/metrics"
   prometheus.io/port: "52772"
   prometheus.io/scrape: "true"

I'm not finding this possibility in the IKO documentation.

Has anyone had this experience and can help us with this challenge?

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· Oct 19, 2022
CCR View Page Beta Release

Starting today, we have release the new CCR view page to beta users!

As the view page contains a lot of functionality, we are giving users the ability to toggle their session between the new UI and the classic UI view pages. Your sessions will default to the classic UI for now, but beta users will see a "View in New UI" button in the nav bar for Tier 0 and 1 CCRs:

Similarly, the new UI page will have a "View in Classic UI" button at the top:

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Get certified on InterSystems IRIS System Administration!

Hello Community,

After beta testing the new InterSystems IRIS System Administration Specialist exam, the Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services has performed the necessary calibration and adjustments to release it to our community. It is now ready for purchase and scheduling in the InterSystems certification exam catalog. Potential candidates can review the exam topics and the practice questions to help orient them to exam question approaches and content. Passing the exam allows you to claim an electronic certification badge that can be embedded in social media accounts such as Linkedin.

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0 286

Hey DC Members!

In this video, you will learn about new features in InterSystems HealthShare Provider Directory and what's coming next for curating and sharing provider information as a data asset:

HealthShare Provider Directory & Patient Index: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Sep 20, 2022
Read Only Service Registry

I'm trying to create a read-only role for most pages on the Management Portal. However, I cannot figure out resource permissions for the HealthShare tab or how to assign custom resource permissions, if any, to the registries. I would like for the role to include read-only access to the registries (service, consent, otherwise). How do I go about doing this?

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0 189

Context: Ensemble development with ObjectScript in a healthcare context - lots of HL7, and some web service stuff. We've used Studio up till now, alongside a lot of leaning on an external developer, but are expanding our team and doing more in-house. We are wondering about Visual Studio Code - not least because it looks easier to hook up to source management solutions. And we've noticed that the test environments that you get connected to when doing many of the online training courses on learning.intersystems.com give you a Visual Studio Code environment.

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We have a handful of cases where we get reflex orders in an interface that contain multiple OBR segments. These are rare but when we get them, they are causing errors in down stream systems because we are unintentionally excluding OBR segments.


At the DTL level - is it possible to iterate over this segment WITHOUT altering the underlying schema? If so what would that look like?

0 1
0 225

Hi Team,

Can you please help me to develop EDI X12 to XML and XML to EDI X12 conversion in IRIS 2021.1 for EDI 204, also known as Motor Carrier Load Tender?

Also, suggest flow for how to achieve this kind of functionality in InterSystems IRIS. If you are able to provide some Videos/Documents on the EDI X12 interface for 204 then it would be very helpful for me.


Harshdeep Acharya

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· Oct 13, 2022
Lisence usage suddenly spikes

Sometimes, our available license will drop and upon close inspection, it is caused by one or two users occupying 50 or so licenses, and we believe that if there were more, they were all gonna be used up. This occurs randomly. As is illustrated in the following figure.

Out cache version is 2016.1. It is serving a health care web application. Our web browsers are exclusively IE-11.

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HealthShare Unified Care Record Fundamentals

October 31-November 4, 2022 9:00am-5:00 US-Eastern Time (EDT)

  • This 5-day course teaches HealthShare Unified Care Record users and integrators the HealthShare Unified Care Record architecture and administration tasks.
  • The course also includes how to install HealthShare Unified Care Record.
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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol for transmitting files over TCP/IP connections in a network (including the Internet) configured to transfer files via this protocol. In an FTP transaction, a file sender is called a local host. A file receiver involved in FTP is a remote host, and it is usually a server. Although many file transfers can be conducted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), FTP is still commonly used to transfer files behind the scenes for other applications, such as banking services.

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I need to do a DELETE and then do some INSERT transactions on a linked table and don't want the DELETE and need to be able to ROLLBACK the DELETE if any of the INSERT transactions fail.
I have tried Object Script transaction processing (TSTART, TCOMMIT and TROLLBACK) and the SQL transaction processing (START TRANSACTION, COMMIT and ROLLBACK), but neither work.
Could I be doing something wrong in the way I am implementing these, or do does transaction processing simply not work for linked table?

Thanks for any advices, in advance.


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0 197

Hi Developers!!,

I know what you are thinking... a new feature for ZEN.proxyObject...? NOW..???

In Spain we say that better late than never ;-)

Have you ever need to send a numeric attribue of a Json in String format?

Did you go crazy casting class objects with fixed typed properties?

Lucky you!!

With this new feature I propose a way to continue working with our loved dynamic object %ZEN.proxyObject, being able to choose whether or not we want to send numeric attributes in String format.

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