I am hoping I explain this correctly.

We are using a query expire edge, to pass an API request to one of our vendor systems.

There is no feed into the gateway from an external system, and it is only used to query the external system with member data.

However, it is our understanding that the member needs to be registered on the edge.

Wondering if there is a way to export from the registry the bare demographic info in SDA to import to the new edge?

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Ensemble 2015. Working on an a way to send NACK'd HL7 messages to a flat file for external review/troubleshooting. (Similar to the way BadMessageHandler deals with validation errors.)

I think I have the Alert piece down, but need assistance with the exact syntax to do an SQL query in the DTL (or a custom function) to pull the HL7 message Raw Content into the Alert, based on the SessionID.

(Also, anything special to write alerts to the File Operation?)

Thanks, Brian

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· Jan 10, 2021
Cashe-SQL cursor

the report generates statics for each ward and i want to divide specific ward 5c into two wards, the first 12 beds are for 5c - pediatric and the last 12 beds are for 5c-adults.

the report takes input from the user by selecting the wards so if the user chooses 5c, the report should show 2 wards.

the report declare cursor at the begining so how can i divide the ward.

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0 252

I am trying to use Atelier against a 2016.1.1 server:

Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.1.1 (Build 108U) Wed Jul 6 2016 16:06:38 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.01.2136 + Linkage Engine:15.0.2136 + Patient Index:15.0.2136 + Clinical Viewer:15.01.2136 + Active Analytics:15.0.2136]

I'm having trouble creating a connection and I realize I need to create the /api/atelier web application manually. I must not be setting it up correctly because I'm still having trouble connecting. I get an error when I test the connection that says:

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· Jan 14, 2021
Saving image data from csp

I created a csp that will capture image data from a html canvas element. I created a button element to save the contents as a dataURL string from jpeg and make a server call.

the string is too long

I would appreciate any suggestions in saving the data into the server, currently just a global.

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· Sep 21, 2016
Ensemble Upgrade From v3.0.0

Hi All,

We have an application running on Ensemble, And we want to upgrade to latest version of Ensemble.

Can somebody please outline the process of upgrading from version and all the risks involved?


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We would need some help, please;

We would like to handle when we have a date with hours:


And when we have it without the hours part, as follows:


For the first case we used:


For the second one we wrote:

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0 325


I have created a class that extends %Persistent and %Populate and have set the various POPSPEC attributes of my properties to control how the properties are populated. However, when I compile the class and try to run the Populate() method it tells me the method isnt defined.

Here is the class definition:

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0 983

I have a persistent class where I am logging each CCDA I receive. I want to store all of the providers associated to that CCDA (many to one). In a relational database, I would have a child table with a foreign key to the primary table. I'm guessing the equivalent to Cache would be

1. Create a custom class (ProviderList) with the properties I want to store.

2. Add the class as a property of my CCDA persistent class.

Property Providers as Array of ProviderList (SQLProjection = "table/column";

Am I on the right track?

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0 490

Does anyone know how to get the closing tab/menu changing event in a CSP? I've tried the JS "OnBeforeUnload" already but it seems the browsers aren't allowing it anymore. I need to show a pop-up that holds the user if trying to get away before completing the stage.

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0 121


I have an Ensemble DTL which is suppose to translate the inbound XML document to an outbound XML document.

I need to test if a particular XML element exists, to perform some translation.

In the DTL I have the following,

<if condition='source.{element1.element2.element3}'>


    // do something



How do you use if statement to test the source XML document to see if a particular element exists in the source doucment.


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I'm new with writing Caché Objectscript so I need some assistance. I have XML which contains information like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have a class representing this object as follows:

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Olá a todos!

Estou com dificuldades de fazer meu select para retornar palavras que contém acentos.

Na minha tabela TESTE, por exemplo, tenho palavras no campo NOME como Fábio e Fabio, porém se eu coloco a instrução:


a instrução só traz FÁBIO.

Como eu faço para trazer todas as palavras: FÁBIO, FABIO, FABÍO, FABIÓ, FÁBÍÓ, FÂBIO, etc...

Conto com sua ajuda!

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0 2.1K

I get this on some queries in some namespaces. For instance, this query:

SELECT TOP 10 SessionId, datediff(s,min(TimeCreated),max(TimeCreated)) as ResponseTime
FROM ens.messageheader
GROUP BY SessionId
ORDER BY ResponseTime DESC

It works fine in HSBUS but in HSREG it throws the error.

Server closed communication device

Does anyone know what would cause this? Would it log something more useful somewhere?

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Hopefully somebody can help with this :

Using healthshare - Ensemble::: I have an HL7 message (ORU^R01) where I have an RTF file embeded into an OBX segment as what appears to be plain text.

example below :

How would I extract this file out and create an email and attach this RTF file as an attachment?

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0 804

Hello everybody,

I am creating a WS as a server, but when I ask for the WSDL it is giving me an error because it cannot find the class.

I have added the following instructions:

set ^SYS("Security","CSP","AllowClass","MiProyecto.MiClaseWS","%SOAP.WebServiceInfo")=1 
set ^SYS("Security","CSP","AllowClass","MiProyecto.MiClaseWS","%SOAP.WebServiceInvoke")=1

I have created an entry in the WS security configuration

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I've created a SOAP webservice in HealthShare following the documention.

When I get the wsdl definition and try to import it into a tool like 'SOAPUI' or a java framework like netbeans, I get errors.

The wsdl seems to be bad...

What I have to check?



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