I have built an Ensemble SOAP service (EnsLib.SoapService.Service) as a business service which accepts soap requests from another application. To secure the traffic between the SOAP service and the application i'd like to enable SSL. I see that in the management portal I can upload the certificates, chains and keys and save them as an SSL / TLS configuration. However, it is not clear to me how I apply this SSL / TLS configurtion to the soap service I am running.

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Hi All,

I use SQL function JSON_OBJECT to get data as a JSON object.

However, sometimes I get error with function JSON_OBJECT when values contain [, ], { or }.


[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]

Unexpected error occurred in JSON_OBJECT() function execution of <JSON_OBJECT>.%FromJSON().Parsing error

For example,

Query: SELECT JSON_OBJECT('idSQL':id, 'content':content) FROM DocBook.block

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I'm trying to insert a relationship from a parent object instance to a child object instnace programmatically. Ie, i want to do:

Do parentObject.childRefProperty.Insert(chilDobject)

where childRefProperty is defined by a string. I feel this should be achievable with $PROPERTY and/or $METHOD or maybe something in $SYSTEM.OBJ.*, but can't quite figure it out. Anyone know?

Cheers :)


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I work with trigger and I need afeter update make INSERT into LogTable value of prorerty of saved class. This is what i have in this monent.

S className = ..%ClassName(1)
S cls=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(className)
F i = 1:1:cls.Properties.Count() {
S prop = cls.Properties.GetAt(i)
S propName = prop.Name
S value={propName*N}

How Can I get value given "prop".

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· Apr 17, 2017
Overide trigger

Hello everyone.

I have some issue with trigger. I have class where I defined 3 triggers (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE). These triggers are Foreach = row/object. In my currently task, I need overide this triggers in children class. is It possible to do it?

Thank you for your help.

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We are using an F5 load balancer to route public traffic to our IS server. My goal is to block public access to the Management Portal, and only allow what we want to expose, such as REST/SOAP services. At the F5, they can block URL wildcards or specific ports, so those are our options.

Since the URLs for the web services are in the same path ([host]/csp/healthshare/[namespace]/*), I can't see any URL wildcards happening. That leads me to ports; is there a way to put services on a specific port for all services, and everything else stay on a standard web port?

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· Apr 12, 2017
Message Profiling

Hi all,

I was wondering if InterSystems offers any message profiling capabilities. What I mean by "message profiling" is essentially stats or metrics gathered from a collection of data submissions of a particular type. For instance, average number of segments <XYZ> in a specific HL7 V2 message type. Or the number of sections found in a HL7 V3 CDA documents.

Curious if there is anything like this provided "out-of-box".



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I have classes A and B, B derived from A, A has method Abc.

From INT of class B I see that compiler copies implementation of Abc to class B, so that Abc exists both in A and B.

As result, when B invokes Abs, B.Abs() is executed instead of A.Abs(). In result debuger is not able to step into Abs and breakpoints in A.Abs never hit.

Why this happens and how can I avoid this?


OK, now I know the reason: compiler makes the copy if Abc has this line:

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With help from others here I had developed some code to take a Base64 PDF within a OBX.5 and save it locally to the file structure on the server.

I had to make a change to the code to return me a String so I can pass the Path back into Ensemble to use it in the message. When I made this change I am getting " ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("/ensemble/data/transfer/AncillaryPDF/TMSAUDIO/Apr-11-1/980512729TMSAUDIO1046784936436537800.pdf")"

Here is the code...

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There is a large file that needs to be processed, with over 500 000 rows. Each row needs to be verified for various data and then all the results collated and reported into a single report. What is the most efficient way to do this? I tried calling the processing function with Job , where each function jobbed off would report results to a different node of a common global. But the jobbed functions are not updating their respective rows even though I am passing the global name and root node. What is the most efficient way to process this large file?

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I have done Python - Cache binding setup following the guide from http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=.... I have also run test.py from sample3 folder and it able to run and complete successfully.

However, when I try to run the same test.py code via $zf, it gives error with exit code 1.

I've tried running help("intersys.pythonbind3") via $zf and also running from Cache terminal as follows:

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Terminal says "Unable to open Registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir.1" when I execute $$Register^SNMP().

For monitoring purposes I want to use SNMP in Ensemble. One of the steps I have to do is to use the method $$Register^SNMP() in the terminal "%SYS" namespace. This is mentioned in a Intersystems Docs page.

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is there a way to implement the behaviour for a zen dataCombo? Let´s assume the dataCombo retrieves it´s data via sql query, lets say 50 records. Now the user type into the input of the datacombo 'a', which shall auto select the first entry beginning with character 'a'. If the type 'a' again, the next item from the list is selected. What I am looking for is an approach to implement such an behaviour. See a simple <select> component which support the desired functionality out-of the box.

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