If several application servers are connected using ECP, and one of them create many locks, so many that lock table became full :

Should we expect only that application server to be impacted ? (usually, when lock table is full the system became instable). Or, are other application servers going to be impacted the same way ? (because that lock table is synchronized and maintained in sync across all servers)

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I have been trying to track down an issue we are seeing in our TEST environment with Memory usage.

We have Several BP's for years now that take a HL7 message, parse it apart, and make calls to a Custom EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to have it execute Insert/Select/Update/Delete stored procedures against a MS SQL Database via JDBC connection. We are using Microsoft's JDBC 12.2 driver to do this.

What we are seeing is that IRIS.WorkQueue globals are being defined for these calls but then the IRIS.WorkQueue is not being cleaned up and taking up large amounts of Memory.

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· Oct 2
Python.net Install

This is for IRIS For Health 2024.2.0

We are migrating away from the .NET Gateway and trying to use the python integration instead.

I followed the instructions to install IRIS

Then I installed python following the IRIS documentation indicating that python should be installed globally.

I set up the PythonRuntimeLibrary and PythonRuntimeLibraryVersion options under System->Configuration->Advanced memory settings and when I run the shell function, I get python:

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I am writing a simple routing interface that picks up files from a share using File.InboundAdapter.

I am then using PassthroughService and passing it to a router.

The Router is using Ens.StreamContainer to then get the filename. I have then used contains to pick out part of the filename.

and then pass it to another simple passthrough operation to another share.

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I need to execute code whenever a production component setting is updated, such as when a service port is changed and the `ens.config` table is updated. This code will handle tasks like logging these updates to a custom table for external reporting purposes.

How can I invoke custom code on these updates?

Ideally, I need to monitor all namespaces that are interoperability-enabled. Whenever a production component setting is changed in any namespace, I need to run the code.

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We are doing healthcare interface development.

Developers have Ensemble installed locally on their laptops - code will be developed locally then deployed to integration, test/UAT and ultimately production servers in due course.

One of the other applications we are developing around happens to utilise an Iris desktop client to a remote Iris server. We want to have the application available on the developers laptops alongside the local Ensemble instance.

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I want to try out iris-DataViz app to visualize my own data. I cloned the repo and docker-compose up -d in AWS. IRIS portal works, but on port 8051 I get nothing. I checked my AWS security groups. I reversed IRIS webserver port and 8051 and I can connect to Management portal using port 8051. I don't understand what is refusing connection on port 8051 running in iris-DataViz container.

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We encountered difficulties while attempting to establish a JDBC connection to Intersystems using AZURE Databricks, resulting in an inability to retrieve data. The JDBC version utilized was intersystems-jdbc-3.3.1.jar. If anyone has successfully employed Databricks for establishing a connection, we would appreciate information regarding the libraries you used

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Hello community

I sent a http post message with a large message body (approx. 200 kB) to a standard EnsLib.REST.GenericService using a standard EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter.

When inspecting the message in the message viewer I expected to see a HTTPMessage XML in the Contents preview, but I found a GenericMessage with no HTTPHeaders section. After a while, I found out that the display in the message's Visual Trace differs from what is shown, when going to the View Full Contents view in the Contents tab of the message viewer.

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I tried to create what is know as a "class variable". As far as I understand the only analogy to class variables would be the "class parameters".

I tried to use a class parameter but I cannot change its value at runtime.

Parameter STATUSES = {{}};

Property repr As %String;

Method %OnNew(repr) As %Status
w ##class(Test...).#STATUSES



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Hi ,

I am sending my DTL response (which is an xml stream) to an FTP out location.

My XML stream has CRLF , but after sending FTP'ing out , it displays as LF

before writing it to FTP

At FTP out location

What Chatset will do it ? Currently Charset is set as Binary.

Appreciate quick response.

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Hi, Support Team

I´m working with Cache for many years, currently i have running version cache-2018.1.7.721.0-win_x64.exe

However we are facing some compatibility/requirements challenges, in that way i´m hereby request your support to provide next version/build of Cache 2018.1 (e.g cache-2018.1.9.xxx.x-win_x64.exe )

Nevertheless , I already downloaded IRIS for testing purpose if can also provide trial/limited licence for detail testing will be apreciated.

Thanks in advance for your attention.



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I am trying to track down a problem we saw this morning with our TEST environment. We had a momentary issue where InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect could not connect correctly to LDAP. When we tried to login and could not connect to LDAP, the system would Delete our users.

the Test LDAP function would return a "Can't contact LDAP server". I went through the Certificates, made sure they had the correct permissions and were not expired.

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Hi Guys,

I've created a webservice where a third party web application that can communicate with Ensemble via webservices to post and get data in from of JSON, first call is a post call to login with user/password and Ensemble responds with success or failure than the following get calls, but I've been advised that I also need to return a Cookie to control the exchange and the session for a specific user, I'm not familiar with Cookie so any suggestions, how can I create a an authentication cookie and do i need to add it to my next Get calls ?


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Good morning, everyone

I purchased an HP LaserJet M101-M106 printer, and I'm trying to print via the Windows cache device, but I can't get it to work.
I can send it, but it doesn't print.
Physical device name: |PRN|HP LaserJet M101-M106
Type: Other
Subtype: P-DEC
Open Parameters: “W”

Could someone help me with what might be happening?

Otherwise, thanks


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We are going to have basic patient demographic data coming in to Cache via a webservice. I thought that I should define the input as XML something like the FHIR format (with UK extensions).

In the past we've input XML streams and used the %XML.Reader to convert them to matching classes successfully, so I thought it would be easy. However, I've found that the FHIR format stores everything in attributes like:

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