
Is there a way to insert new Key/Value in an existing lookup Table via a DTL code? The only thing I found in the documentation is that we could use the following command SELECT KeyName,DataValue FROM Ens_Util.LookupTable WHERE TableName = 'myTab'. In the meantime I just created a table and used it in my DTL to insert new values and validate if the Key exist.


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Hi guys,

Suppose I have a JSON string as below:

{"MessageID":"11111","save_date1":"2022-02-02 01:01:34","Sender_ID1":"esb","sent_date2":"1985-12-11 11:42:00"}

The two date variables are all formatted as ODBC date time, when I tried to import it to a %JSON.Adapter object, the date format was rejected as below

Error #9406:Unexpected format for value of field, save_date1, using class base mapping

Thus I'm trying to format all possible ODBC date time in the incoming JSON with Regular expression:

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0 301

I need to split existing tables from database and put some parts of them into a new namespace. I dont know where to start, other than the installer.cls file. If you can provide clear instructions i would be greatful.



The i need to take TABLES from that DB pull specific data from them and bind it to NEWTEST

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0 253


I'm new to the system I'm working on, and I have a part of a statement that needs to grab the previous month.

....and MONTH(TX3.date_of_service)= MONTH(dateadd(mm,-1,GETDATE()))

However, when it hits January, I'm left with month 0.

Does anyone know a workaround to grab December of the previous year, while still functioning normally for the rest of the current year.

Thank you!

0 4
0 171

I am familiar with $TEXT which can get you any line in the current routine provided you know the offset. For example, $T(+1) will get you the first line of the current routine at the run time. In the same vein, how do I reference the current line number/offset at the run time? Something like $T(+$CURRENTLINENUMBER) where $CURRENTLINENUMBER is not yet known to me function. The sample below would write 3 as the line number.

S A=1

1 13
1 474

Has anybody tried to write custom code to empty out queues when Interoperability shuts down? We run IRIS in Kubernetes cluster and we have compute pods scaling up and down. We have Message Bank operation to keep all messages in one place. We want to see all messages in Message Bank.

1 3
0 258

We have a scenario where an ObjectScript-based production calls a lookup service (SOAP in C#) to get information used in a value-set mapping process. The results can be cached in an IRISTEMP global to prevent a network call for every value, but that can hang around for quite some time on production systems.

The next logical step would seem to be to encapsulate strategies (LRU, MRU, etc.) and eviction code into an ObjectScript class that can be reused (we are not in a position yet to leverage embedded Python).

0 2
0 219

I have a registered object class that extends %XML.Adaptor and I want to convert an object of it into canonical XML.

From reading the documentation and some trial and error, it seems like I would need to use %XML.Writer to write the object to XML first using the RootObject() method, then read it with %XML.Reader, and then use the Canonicalize() method of %XML.Writer to write it out again.

Is there a better approach?

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1 431


Just looking to tighten up a new application

As an example, the application may have a path such as;


on a Windows server in the path of ;


and display images from a path such as;


If a user wishes to browse through the website, they could point their browser at the path ;


and guesses some file names, they could view the images

0 3
0 325

Yesterday I downloaded and attempted to install the newest version of the Community Edition of IRIS but not the preview, and attempted to update an older version, but each time I tried to install it, I would get an error, and then an antivirus program would indicate that it had identified and blocked a threat (McAfee identified it as GenericRXAA-FA!EAEEF9B8457F with a location of C:\Users\jivey\AppData\Local\Temp\pbt3FDD840C\IRIS_x64.msi). I tried the installation again this morning and this time a threat was identified by Malwarebytes as Malware.AI.4072586503 and McAfee identified it as i

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· May 24, 2022
Questions MSM-Workstation

Hello, my name is Roger, I work in a big hospital in Brazil, I'm new to the MUMPS area, I was given an assignment to try to stabilize our MSM/MUMPS system, we have licenses for 1200 connections, however, the MSM starts having problems when we reach about 990 connections, the terminal has a timeout, it gets stuck. Looking at the MSM settings parameters I noticed the following default settings, could this be related?

0 6
0 503

I have a CSP page that throw a "414 error - Request-URI Too Long" when I put lot of text (eg : 10000 characters) into a field of a submitted form. The form is submitted using POST method.

Based on some experiments I made, it seems the max size of a URL is around 8200 characters.

What is the official limit, and is there a way to increase it ? I searched in the documentation but couldn't find anything.

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0 2.8K