InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,801 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

What I am impatient now is that after installing CACHÉ, CACHÉ Cube necessary for operating CACHÉ is installed as standard, and in Windows, if CACHÉ Cube's cube mark is displayed on the task bar, Although it is described in the case of Mac, there is no description on where the cube is located on the Mac + CACHÉ Cube is not found even in the PC.where is CACHÉ cube??????(CACHÉ Trial version)

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The following post outlines a more flexible architectural design for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings, and synchronization globals. This example introduces one new databases to store the DeepSee indices. We will redefine the global mappings so that the DeepSee indices are not mapped together with the fact and dimension tables.

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· Sep 13, 2018
Operators as Variables

We have the need to write a function that can loop through say a field in an OBX segment within HL7 and compare it to a string passed. Is it possible to have the user enter the Operator ( >,<,=,<>) as a variable inside Cache object script? Does anyone have any examples they can share?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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0 554

I am having an issue with the output file format on a production where quotes (" ") around column values are being removed from the imported file. For example, my input file is a csv formatted as such: "123", " ", "ABC". The output file format that is being generated produces: 123, , ABC. I need the output file to retain the quotes around the data.

Is this something that can be corrected in the record map? Or is it an issue elsewhere?

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Any election is a highly mysterious process, and when you look at its results, the overall picture is not quite clear. I decided to put them, region by region, on the map of Moscow using InterSystems technologies that offer both storage and data analysis functionality. In this particular case, I used InterSystems Ensemble, a platform for application development and integration, but you can also build this solution using the multi-model InterSystems Caché DBMS, as well as InterSystems’ new product called IRIS Data Platform.

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0 751

Hi All,

I'm practicing Atelier in Eclipse, but

While working CSP page.

1. Create new Web Application

2. Open CSP Web Application in Atelier Project

3. New CSP page -> Save

i'm getting below error Message.

/testv1/test.csp was saved locally but could not be saved remotely.

ERROR #5912: Page '/testv1/test.csp' does not exist

test.csp is saved locally but could not be saved remotely.

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0 611
· Sep 14, 2018
REST POST 405 error

I'm testing out the new %CSP.REST way of creating an api and having a problem with a POST getting a 405 error.

I get data returned when I do a GET, so I don't think it's a configuration issue or a class issue.

I have no problem with %CSP.Page when creating a REST type method. So what am I missing?

Can someone give me some advice?

Thank you.

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0 527
· Sep 6, 2018
parsing xml response


I'm sending http resuest to the web service :

Set httpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Set httpRequest.Server=""
Set httpRequest.ContentType="text/xml"
Set httpRequest.Https=1
Set httpRequest.ContentCharset="UTF-8"
Do httpRequest.SetHeader("Accept","text/xml")
Set httpRequest.Timeout=300

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0 1.2K
· Sep 13, 2018
Authentication Error

Hi All,
I tried to execute the ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Binds(LD,"",$lb(Username,Domain,Password),$$$LDAPAUTHNEGOTIATE) but this command is returning the value as 7 only instead of 0,7 is an "Authentication Method Not Supported",How to recover it and why this error message is occuring
Please help me

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0 411
· Sep 13, 2018
Purge Task History manually


I've read into console.log that there is some problems writing the global Task History

09/13/18-09:33:00:109 (9052) 0 Error al escribir en global de historial de tareas - Error (ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <DATABASE>%SaveData+20^%SYS.Task.History.1 ^SYS("Task","HistoryD",66179),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\)

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0 443


I am trying to send a HL7 Billing Batch 2.3:FHS file out to an FTP site:

The file needs to be in Variable Length / Carriage return carriage control format--

When I send the file, the format is Fixed Length 512 Byte Record-- Not Working

The data is ok within the file-- It is just the way I am sending it out of Ensemble that is not correct.

I am thinking that it is a setting within the Operation that I am missing or not choosing correctly.


Separators -|^~\&\r

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0 336


I'm starting work with the Atelier.

Starting from the point that Eclipse uses local files on the workstation, COS development can be versioned with market tools (For example GIT or Subversion).

I would like to know how the community has worked with code versioning, to create a consistent versioning model.

I initially have the following doubts:

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0 468
· Sep 6, 2018
list Of %String problem

I am trying to initialize a list of %string property to an empty list, and after add eleements.

d ##class(Test.Test).Test("hello") ; works perfectly
d ##class(Test.Test).Test("") ; does not work, the list stays empty

How can I do that. Thank you so much

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0 581


Connections/ SOAP Operations to 3rd Parties can hold some challenges like the 3rd party changes it 's structures/ WSDL and returns an additional property in a SOAP response. So I have tried to implement the XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG in the proxy SOAP response structures , but in Ensemble this seems to get ignored.

Are there any good suggestions on how to handle this an ideal would have been that the other party inform you of changes before hand....

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0 404
· Sep 10, 2018
OBX 5 and CRLF


I have some issues trying to store a base64 encoded stream into the obx:5 segment.

I'm using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method in my business process to store the stream into the segment.

I'm sending the hl7 message containing my stream to an ensemble business operation (EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation) to write the message on disk.

When i'm reading it with an ensemble business service, it can't parse the stream because it contains multiple CRLF.

Why is my business operation splitting my stream into multiple newlines ?

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1 1.2K

I am having trouble finding/using the ability to refactor inherited elements from super classes. In studio this was under the Class->Refactor->override menu. I did note a 'refactor' option on the right click menu, but if you attempt to choose it the option greys out as soon as you get the mouse pointer over it. Does this feature exist in Atelier as of yet?

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