· Mar 6, 2019

Increment value in property with SQL

Let's imagine you have only SQL. You need some table where you should increment value in some property when you update this line.

We have the table

  "identifier"   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "value"        INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY ("identifier")

One important note, you can't use INSERT and UPDATE queries separately, only as INSERT OR UPDATE. And CREATE TABLE is the only way to create the class.

INSERT OR UPDATE INTO "test" ("identifier", "value")
          VALUES ('someid', 1)

How to increment property value with each update?

It's not a problem to just update a row which already exists.

UPDATE  "test" 
SET "value" = "value" + 1
WHERE "identifier" = 'someid'
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I did not know about "%%UPDATE","%%INSERT". I decided to add an extra field

  "identifier"   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  "value"        INTEGER
                 COMPUTECODE { Set {*}={*}+{increment} }
                 COMPUTEONCHANGE ("%%UPDATE","%%INSERT"),
  "increment"    INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY ("identifier")


INSERT OR UPDATE INTO "test" ("identifier", "increment")
          VALUES ('someid', 1)

this solved my issue

Try this:

  identifier   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  value        INTEGER COMPUTEONCHANGE("%%INSERT","%%UPDATE") COMPUTECODE { if %oper="INSERT" { set {*}=1 } elseif %oper="UPDATE" { set {*}={value}+1 } },
  PRIMARY KEY (identifier)

[SQL]SQL:USER>>select identifier, value from test

identifier value

0 Rows(s) Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 1')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 1')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 2')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 2')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 2')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>insert or update test (identifier) values ('row 3')

1 Row Affected

[SQL]SQL:USER>>select identifier, value from test                 

identifier value

row 1     2    

row 2     3    

row 3     1    

3 Rows(s) Affected