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Check the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Tier 1 Applications in a Virtual Environment
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The dataCombo property columnHeaders is a comma-delimited list of column headers displayed in the dropdown list.

Comma is a delimiter.

But, if I want add comma to columh header, for instance "House number, apartment" - this is value for header of one column.

How can I escape comma in this case?

"House number\, apartment" - is not working.

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· Aug 22, 2017


Does anybody know what happend to %SYS.GSET routine in Cache 2016 ?

In Cache 2013 it still existed, I didn't find anything about it in Cache realese notes 2014 and 2015.


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tl;dr I have discovered that using $THIS in a very specific way will make persistent objects go stale.

I found that it only happens when using $get on an array that contains the OID reference of $THIS. I assume that this is an unwanted feature and have raised a WRC. The problem can be recreated following the steps below, I have also posted the workaround that I am currently testing and looks to be working fine.

1. Create a persistent class...

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This post will show you an approach to size shared memory requirements for database applications running on InterSystems data platforms including global and routine buffers, gmheap, and locksize as well as some performance tips you should consider when configuring servers and when virtualizing Caché applications. As ever when I talk about Caché I mean all the data platform (Ensemble, HealthShare, iKnow and Caché).

A list of other posts in this series is here

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7 10.1K

Hello everybody,

We have a piece of Caché software which calls an external utility using $zf(-1,command). It works fine under Linux, but under Windows an external process occasionally hangs (due to some internal problems out of the scope here) and need to be killed programmatically. Having PID, it's easy to kill a process. If a Caché process is called with JOB command, the caller can easily get its PID from $zchild, but alas $zf(-1) does not seem to return the similar info. Is it possible to get it somehow?

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I was wondering if there was a way to if the user is using Studio and changes a file to get the users name and have a function run when the file is changed.

Ive got this working for .int files but not for .csp or .js or .css or any other kinds of files.

When we edit code we are logged in to the Cache backend’s server through Studio by using an iPaddress (which is on our network).

I know now there are concepts of file locks and logs for when certain tasks are ran or when a user maybe edits a file

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· Aug 1, 2017
PDFs and Reading them

I know there are numerous Java libraries available to scan a PDF meta data, but is there a way to scan a PDF using native cache object script? We are looking to take a PDF from an external vendor, scan for meta data, create the HL7 message, and embed the PDF within the HL7 message.


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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After Microsoft updates my Cache Cube has stopped working. I checked my cconsole.log and corrected my journaling errors. However, I still receive Native Code 450 errors but now I am receiving Network Errors. However, now there do not appear to be any errors logged in my cconsole.log.

I have reinstalled Cache Cube multiple times without success. Can anyone please provide some assistance?

Thank you,

Nancy Grimes


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