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This is a translation of the following article. Thanks [@Evgeny Shvarov] for the help in translation.

This post is also available on Habrahabrru.

The post was inspired by this Habrahabr article: Interval-associative arrayru→en.

Since the original implementation relies on Python slices, the Caché public may find the following article useful: Everything you wanted to know about slicesru→en.

Note: Please note that the exact functional equivalent of Python slices has never been implemented in Caché, since this functionality has never been required.

And, of course, some theory: Interval treeru→en.

All right, let’s cut to the chase and take a look at some examples.

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I have been struggling and could use some help as I think I'm burnt. I am trying to change a Textual 2.5.1 OBX;5 with multiple iterations to a simple non-iterating outbound result. I have played around with $piece but can't seem to get it to work. The outcome I would like is for OBX;5 to look like this: |Positive| and currently it looks like this: |Positive~_~_~_~_~|. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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June 26, 2017 – Alert: Data Corruption with Mixed Endian Mirror Shadowing

InterSystems has corrected a defect that may result in corruption of Unicode data on a shadow system whose source is an async mirror member.

This defect affects all currently released Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare distributions beginning with version 2012.2.0. All platforms and operating systems are affected.

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Hello community,

I would like to know answer to the question: What would be an optimal way to connect an Ensemble and a pure Caché server? Optimally in such a way for the Caché system to be able to fire Ensemble processes and the Ensemble server to call Caché server functions.

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Is there a way to use a HL7 field value as part of the File Naming in the Business Operation FileOperation class. I know we can do this in a custom class, but I was wondering if it could be done the default FileOperation class?


MSH-4 contains the value 12345

We would like to name the file 12345_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.HL7

MSH.4 value here_%Y%m%d%H%M%S.HL7

It may not be possible, but I just want to see if anyone has any information


Kevin Brown

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Hi Community!

Check the new video of the week on the InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Adding Alchemy to Unstructured Data
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Jun 22, 2017
Hash values of columns

I try to find a function, which generates hash values of columns. In MS SQL Server I can use

select hashbytes('sha2_256', my_column) ...

to create hash values of my_column. Is it possible to use such things in Caché?

Thank you

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Recently I was conducting a remote support session with a site. The desktop they were sharing with me was on a PC configured with German as the native language. Since my German is rather rusty, and virtually non-existent when it comes to computing terms, I was glad to be able to switch the Portal session into English.

This is done from the page that appears when you use the About link:

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It is possible to update Cache object property from Python using the following Python code, with import of intersys.pythonbind3:


However, I am unable to save 2D %List with 2D Python array like the following:


I am not sure whether this is Python-Cache bind flaw or design issue. Is there any alternative/ workaround to do the same for above?

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Hi, Community!

How do you store the source files of your Caché project? What is the directories structure? What are the benefits?

I prefer the following structure:








  • folders are packages.
  • easy to understand what type of sources are in the project.

What is your approach?

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I have Caché/HealthShare installed in a local Ubuntu 16.04 LTS virtual machine. I've also installed Apache 2.4 from the apache2 bundle, and enabled SSL. I've configured Caché such that SSL/TLS is enabled on the SuperServer port but not required.

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I want to attach one local namespace on instance A to the database on instance B.

How could I use ECP to achieve my goal?

Should I config instance B as ECP data server? If so, how could I explicitly specify which database on instance B could be exposed ?

Thanks for your help.

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