Let Say I have
Class Carrier Extends %Persistent

Property Employee As Array of Class Employees

Class Employees Extends %SerialObject

Property Name As %String

Property Address As Array of Class AddressDetail

Class AddressDetail Extends %SerialObject

Property Street1 As %String

Property Street2 As %String

I can get value for Employee Name as Employee_Name.

But I want to Get Value of Address Street1 and Street2 of Class AddressDetail using SQL Query
How can I get that?

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0 414
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,774 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I'm finding that in a mobile app setting, that Cache is causing the worst User Experience that I have ever seen in a mobile app - I'm just saying this hoping that someone will be able to help me out, my intent is not to criticise Intersystems.

We have a Xamarin Forms mobile app that consumes web pages that are created by Cache. The app compiles into iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Android Tablet, UWP (Windows 10, all of phone, tablet, and desktop), as well as MacOS.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video onInterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Building Powerful LDAP Configurations

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hi, everybody!

i wanna connect to a remote server through Terminal.

after i add a server in [Preferred Server] and click the server name( [Remote System Access]->[Terminal] -> server name)

i got an Error dialog telling me that:

Failed to establish security context.

Reason:(-2146893042, 0x8009030e)No credentials are available in the security package

so do i miss some configuration?

Grateful for your help!

1 10
0 1.6K

Hello, we have a couple of BPL processes. This works with a limited amount of messages but we run into issues when we process thousands of messages in a session. One BPL calls a Validation BPL process with async='False' and there is a response defined. The timeout is two seconds and that seems to be plenty of time for the validation process. I expected the calling process to wait for a response but that is not happening.

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0 307

Running predictive models natively in an InterSystems IRIS Business Process has of course always been the goal of our PMML support, but somehow never made it into the kit because there were a few dependencies and choices that needed addressing and answering. Anyhow, thanks to some pushing and code kindly provided by @Amir Samary (Thanks again Amir!), we finally got it wrapped in a GitHub repo for your enjoyment, review and suggestions.

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3 464


I have created an App launch to my FHIR app in the sandbox and am able to access Patients that are provided in the Sandbox. Having done this, I would now like to upload a test patient in a FHIR bundle to the sandbox, however I have not been able to find out how I can do this.

Can you provide some direction/tools that I can use to upload my bundle to the sandbox?



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We have created an Ensemble production that receives HL7 information via TCP Adapters, but the requirement from the vendor is that we submit an ACK message with the MSH segment mist have a date and time populated with seconds.

We are utilising the standard class for the Service Adapter (EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService).

HL7 Version 2.5 no modifications currently.

The messages received via the service is correctly received in ddMMyyyyhhmmss but our ACK back is only ddMMyyyyhhmm.

0 1
0 1.4K
· Jan 22, 2019
SQL select to a list

I need to select my result into a list and be able to loop through the list when query finished any help appreciated here is where I am

##sql(SELECT %ID INTO :IDArray() FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionCollection WHERE GUID = :Key AND EndDate IS NULL)
for I=1;1:$LISTLENGTH(IDArray)


w $Data(IDArray),i



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0 1.5K

I need to automate the handling of usernames passwords, serverNames etc for use in the sending and receiving of emails, logging into SFTP servers etc etc for use within COS code
To manage external passwords we could use LastPass or any other proprietary password loggers, but I need to be able to call them as part of the automation (COS code) and occasionally visually look them up to "remind" the staff of their passwords.

any suggestions as to the best class data constructs to handle this scenario. Should the whole table be encrypted, only the passwords etc.

0 9
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· Jan 19, 2019
Node.js Iris retrieve


I'm using node.js to access to Iris.

Considering this globals:

^Customer(1, "Address", 1)="London"

^Customer(1, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(1, "Name")="Jane K. White"

^Customer(2, "Address", 1)="Reigate"

^Customer(2, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(2, "Name")="Peter R. Black"

^Customer(3, "Address", 1)="London"

^Customer(3, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(3, "Name")="Paul J. Green"

I retrieve all customers with:

mydata.retrieve( { global: "Customer" },


function(error, result) {

1 12
2 346

Headache-free stored objects: a simple example of working with InterSystems Caché objects in ObjectScript and Python

Neuschwanstein Castle

Tabular data storages based on what is formally known as the relational data model will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in June 2020. Here is an official document – that very famous article. Many thanks for it to Doctor Edgar Frank Codd. By the way, the relational data model is on the list of the most important global innovations of the past 100 years published by Forbes.

On the other hand, oddly enough, Codd viewed relational databases and SQL as a distorted implementation of his theory. For general guidance, he created 12 rules that any relational database management system must comply with (there are actually 13 rules). Honestly speaking, there is zero DBMS's on the market that observes at least Rule 0. Therefore, no one can call their DBMS 100% relational :) If you know any exceptions, please let me know.

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Hi Community!

Here is the digest of what has happened on Open Exchange in November and December 2018!

Application Releases

We had 5 releases in November and December:

Cache ODBC for Node.js

This library aims to provide simple access to ODBC data sources for node.js.


Laravel package providing InterSystems Cache as a data source using ODBC


Tool for analyzing your DeepSee Environment

DSW Reports

Addon for DeepSee Web which provides online reports and PDF emailing reports using InterSystems DeepSee dashboards


Utility to easily transform a CSV file into a personalized preview of DeepSee

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0 210

I have an in-memory list of items and I want to check which items match my pattern string.

Pattern string is a comma-separated list of items and special symbols like '*' and maybe '?'.

There's something similar in $system.OBJ.Compile, it accepts patterns: "*.data.*,Sample.*" - and it would compile 'Sample' package and all 'data' packages.

For example:

set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
zw result
0 7
0 792
· Jan 17, 2019
Studio source control hooks

Hi there,

I've been busy setting up Perforce source control on a Cache 2017.2.2.865.0 instance. Everything is mostly done and working through studio hooks. Checking out, modifying and checking back in works correctly but I would like to know what the hook, override, setting is to force studio to check if the class needs to be checked out or is already checked out by another user before you are allowed to edit it.

1 3
1 724

Hey Developers!

Good news! Just in time for the holidays, Gartner Peer Insights is offering customers a $25 digital Visa Gift Card for an approved review of InterSystems IRIS or Caché this month!

We decided to support and double the stakes. So! In December '18 you can get the second $25 digital Visa Gift Card for Gartner review on Caché or InterSystems IRIS on InterSystems Global Masters Advocacy Hub!

See the rules below.

0 5
0 1.4K

I have a persistent class.

I want to store one of the properties there as a stream or a string depending on a size.

99% of values would be strings (less than $$$MaxStringLength characters) so I don't want to store everything as streams.

What do you think of this approach?

What's the best architecture to implement in this situation?

0 4
0 622

Let's say I have this property:

Property FavoriteColors As List Of %String;

I heed to convert it to JSON using SQL or at least without object access (so direct global access).

What's the fastest way to do that?

I thought about JSON_ARRAY and JSON_ARRAYAGG sql functions but they don't do that.

0 5
0 1.3K


I've been going through the instructions at https://download.intersystems.com/download/atelier.csp

Our development team are on the main hospital infrastructure so we need to whitelist any plugin repositories that Eclipse will need to get updates from.

I believe I need to whitelist the sites that host the both the Atelier and Eclipse plugin repositories:

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