I'm with a problem in a property, where she has two parameters that conflict, DISPLAYLIST and VALUELIST.

In screen when I'll go to set value in the field, the CACHE transform internally the property of LOGICAL to DISPLAY with propertynameLogicalToDisplay(propertyname), far so good.

My problem is in the property, why, by default she send the value as DISPLAYLIST, in hour of transformation as the value is DISPLAY MODE the error occurs.

How I do to that default value be VALUELIST and not DISPLAYLIST?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,727 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

This is the fourth article in a series on iKnow demo applications, showcasing how the concepts and context provided through iKnow's unique bottom-up approach can be used to implement relevant use cases and help users be more productive in their daily tasks. Previous articles discussed the Knowledge Portal, the Set Analysis Demo and the Dictionary Builder Demo, each of which gradually implemented slightly more advanced interactions with what iKnow gleans from unstructured data.

This week, we'll look into one more demo application, the Rules Builder Demo, in which we'll build on previous work but again climb a step on the level ladder, implementing a more high-level use case than in the previous ones. The idea came from an opportunity where we were asked to help the customer in the finance sector make sense of vast volumes of contract data. They wanted to semi-automate the extraction of logical rules from that text (in fluent legalese!), so they could be fed into other systems. While this was an exciting use case to work on (and more on it in this GS2016 presentation), we've also used it in other cases, for example to extract mentions of ejection fraction from Electronic Health Records.

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I cant find any description on how to read custom http request headers in a REST service.

On some occations i want to read http headers passed along when customers uses our REST API or headers added by the CND provider. Does anyone know how to read these http headers?

For example:
cloudflair.com sends a vistors country information along to the server using a customer http header called "CF-IPCountry". We would like to read this information and use it for statistics.

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This is the third article in a series on iKnow demo applications, showcasing how the concepts and context provided through iKnow's unique bottom-up approach can be used to implement relevant use cases and help users be more productive in their daily tasks. Previous articles discussed the Knowledge Portal, a straightforward tool to browse iKnow indexing results, and the Set Analysis Demo, in which you can use the output of iKnow indexing to organize your texts according to their content, such as in patient cohort selection.

This week, we'll look into another demo application, the Dictionary Builder demo, in which we'll marry iKnow's bottom-up insights with top-down expertise, organizing our domain knowledge into dictionaries that are composed of the actual terms used in the data itself. Sticking to a top-down approach only, you'd risk missing out on some terminology used in the field that a domain expert sitting in his office wouldn't be aware of.

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NewBie's Corner Session 15 Executing Routines and Labels

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Routines and Labels

Routines are computer programs with a number of executable code lines.

Labels (also called tags) are points in a routine that can be called (executed). They subdivide routines into manageable modules (or subroutines).

Routines, Subroutines/Modules and Functions

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Using the method ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).GlobalReferences() I'm able to know how many global references has been done in the process. But I'd like to know how many of those references has been done by my code and how many has been done by Cache itself.

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We are using the Ens.Alert alerting process to send alerts (via email) to our external service desk application (Service Now).

Is there a way to suppress multiple alerts for the same error (within a specified timeframe)? (Either Rule or BPL?) (i.e. a system starts sending bad data which fails validation or is NAKd by a downstream system -- causing every message to create an Alert.)

Otherwise, every message creates an Alert, which creates a ticket in Service Now.



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· May 9, 2016
Production Monitor

At the Global Summit several folks had mention that they developed their own production monitor. I am looking to create a monitor similar to eGate that we only display those Services/Processes/Operations that are in trouble, and those Errors that are showing up in the Event Log. Does anyone have any examples of this?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Hello Cache experts,

Has anyone tried using Cache object script to check windows service is running or windows service installed or not on same computer or remote computer ? basically i am trying to develop cache program which will check "windows service" running or installed on current computer or remote computer. Based on the status of this windows service, i want to write some business logic in our application. Any suggestions will be more welcome

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In previous articles on iKnow, we described a number of demo applications (iKnow demo apps parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) that are either part of the regular kit or can be easily installed from GitHub. All of those applications assumed you already had your iKnow domain ready, with your data of interest loaded and ready for exploration. In this article, we'll shed more light on how exactly you can get to that stage: how you define and then build a domain.

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I'm using studio for the first time. I copied the Security.Users Class to my own UCDavis.Security.Users

I can't edit the copied file. I totally get why I can't edit the Security.Users class - but why is it stopping me from editing the class I created??

Thanks in advance!


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Hello guys,

One thing keeps annoying me and I'm pretty sure it does many other people (my workmates as well, lol): every time I access the 'Message Viewer' screen, the 'Time Format' come with 'Time only' as a default. Can I make 'Complete' as the default value for it?


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The release of IBM POWER 8 processors with AIX 7.1 introduced up to 8 SMT threads per processor core (logical or physical). Which SMT level (1, 2, 4, or 8) to use can be confusing and varies based on multiple factors. This article is meant to help with a starting point for your specific application.

Firstly, if running on a version of 2014.x or older, it is advised to use SMT 4 or lower. SMT 8 with those older versions of Cache' has shown a decline in performance and scaling in benchmarking applications.

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· Aug 2, 2016
Use of $ZUTIL(49) is deprecated

Hi all,

I'm using $ZUTIL(49) to get information of the databases I want to add to a mirror. This information is passed to ##class(SYS.Mirror).CatchupDB(plstPathDatabases) in order to Catchup all databases addes to a Mirror.

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I have a NewBie Question.

I have been playing around with "Basic CLass Queries."

I have defined a very simple "Basic Class Query." (see below)

However, I cannot find in the I/S documentation how to execute this query.

Any help is appreciated.

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