This is probably a very naive question but :
Is it possible to create a Windows executable file from a Cache MUMPS (COS) routine, such that the routine can be run directly from Windows ?
If so, could some kind soul direct me to a source of information that describes the process.
I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1) on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,761 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


Our ensemble instance has grown significantly since it was first implemented in 2014, and the old interfaces diagram is no longer useful. We started with a few HL7v2 ADT and demographic interfaces, but our use of Ensemble* has grown to include document interfaces, orders and results, ITK and inbound and outbound interfaces from other organisations. (more and more like an Enterprise Service Bus than a simple integration engine)

I'm looking for examples of and methods for creating;

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I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1) on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.
I am writing routines in Studio & running them in the Cache terminal TRM:3672 (TRYCACHE).
From a routine, how do I control print position within the terminal screen. I have tried using $X and $Y but this does not work and I cannot find what I need within the Cache terminal documentation.

Hope this question is not too simplistic for Members.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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1 626

Hi, Community!

Someday you find yourself having a wonderful class package which can be helpful in several projects. So it is a library package.

How to make the classes available for different namespaces in Caché? There are two ways (at least two ways familiar to me):

1. Start the name of the package with %, like %FantasticLib.SuperClass. Wrong way.

If you do that the class would be placed in %SYS and would be available in other namespaces.

This is wrong because of the two reasons:

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0 589

Hi All,

I am new to webservice and UPS. I have tried the sample URL's that UPS have given for testing in PHP codes and it works just perfect for me.

But when i try to hit the same URL's in Ensemble. it gives some errors from UPS.

If anyone of you guys here has any knowledge about UPS integration or the webservice please help me. it will be much appreciated and helpful.

The ensemble code that i am trying with is,

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0 1.3K
InterSystems continuously monitors our systems for any evidence of attempts to exploit vulnerabilities such as the newly announced Meltdown and Spectre attack vectors.
At this time we have seen no indications of attempts to target InterSystems systems or technology using these vulnerabilities.
· InterSystems is aware of recently reported cybersecurity vulnerabilities known as Meltdown and Spectre that affect a wide range of computer processors (See US-CERT Alert TA 18-004A, Meltdown and Spectre Side-Channel Vulnerability Guidance,
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0 1.1K

In %Net.SSH.Session there is a method settraceMask and that will create a wireshark cap file for help with troubleshooting a connection. I dont see any class in Net.FtpSession that can be used for troubleshooting. Is there a different method that I should use?

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· Jan 4, 2018 5m read
Caché audit & DeepSee

Apart from the database server itself, the standard bundle of the Caché DBMS includes DeepSee, a real-time business intelligence tool. DeepSee is the quickest and the simplest way of adding OLAP functionality to your Caché application.

Another standard component is an Audit subsystem with a web interface, which has the options for expanding with your own event types and an API for using in an application code.

Below is a small example of the joint use of these subsystems that answers the following questions: who did what and when in an information system?

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1 698

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to reference a field, however, in our production environment, it can be found in the first second or third iteration. My code was only qualifying on the first iteration. I have been attempting to include all iterations, but I have come up short...below is a snippet of what I am attempting to use. My original code simply had GetValueAt("PID:13.4") but this only referenced the first iteration. Thanks for any thoughts!

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0 280

Hi, all!
As I know, InterSystems recommends the use of Huge Pages. And if count of Huge Pages is enough, we'll see (in cconsole.log) something like this during Cache startup:

12/29/17-14:40:50:360 (3625) 0 Allocated 4630MB shared memory using Huge Pages: 4096MB global buffers, 256MB routine buffers

But if count of Huge Pages is not enough for location of all Globals and Routines caches, Cache won't use Huge Pages.

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I'm referring to the document Using Cache with JDBC. Using this example, it sets the URL of the object ds of class CacheDataSource.


My question is would you just copy and paste the URL from the login page to the string? I tried doing that and it returns an error saying "Invalid log file xyz"

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you

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I want to process more requests per second in Ensemble 2015 (soap service). My problem is in a business process that makes a great transformation. I thought that I can put its group size to 4 (the current value is 1), or put 4 business processes and apply, for example, the round-robin algorithm.
Which alternative is better?

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0 538
· Dec 29, 2017
DBA account reset

I have a running Cache DB system that the password for DBA isn't given the default password. How should one go to reset the password without having the credentials for DBA?

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Connected Data London Conference

TRIADB is an emerging unique and valuable technology in NoSQL database modelling and BI analytics. The following video is from a presentation and demonstration of TRIADB prototype implemented on top of Intersystems Cache database and driven with a CLI in Python (Jupyter-Pandas). In fact this is the second time in the past year that a prototype based on this technology is implemented and demonstrated. The first one was built on top of OrientDB multi-model database and driven by a Mathematica notebook.
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Jan 2, 2018

Hi I am new using atelier and i want to use some of the InterSystems server for me to train so is there any server connections that i can use. Please help me on this.

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Can I get "Window Size" from terminal? By command line.

Terminal > Edit > Window Size

I already tried to use 'do CURRENT^%IS', but without success. It does not return the change, for example, when the column is 132.

Is there any routine or method for this?

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0 923

Newbie question. So bear with me please.

We have a requirement to extract or build a file off of our local db to feed to HealthShare.

The requirement is for us to create the extract and send it to HealthShare the SDA format.

My initial thought is why would you do that when the SDA is native to HS. We could create a file in any format csv,tab etc let HS consume it, convert it to HL7 2.5.1 and then let HS do the work with the SDA.

However, the current direction is for us to query, get the data and map it to an xml file built off of the SDA.

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