Is there a possibility to map a CSP page residing in namespace ABC to a namespace XYZ so you could access it as if executing from XYZ: http://localhost:57772/csp/xyz/MyPage.csp ? Some odd cocktail of web application and package mappings that could make this happen?

The idea is to keep the CSP page in sort of a read-only namespace that only contains code, with the data residing in another namespace. This works for zen pages, but not for CSP.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,566 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Oracle plans to deprecate the much-maligned Java browser plugin in JDK 9. For years, the bundled plugin put users at risk with its numerous security flaws. The web is clearly moving to a plugin-free state, which is a good direction.

If you are relying on the Java browser plugin, you should take a look at Java Web Start.

Here is the official blog post by Oracle:


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· Dec 8, 2015
Email update formatting

Can we please get a 1 for 1 email option for posts on threads we're subscribed to? Right now it seems to only be set up for Digest which means there is a lot of header information about the contents of the Digest, etc.

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This is a nice introductory explanation of MQTT that I thought would be of general interest. The technology used for the broker in this case is not that important as there are several brokers available.

At global summit we will be demonstrating ways to use MQTT with Ensemble to get information from the Internet of Things into your enterprise applications and business processes,


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· Dec 22, 2015 1m read
Sign and verify in SMIME format

In some project, I found the need to use SMIME format, basically is an standard used to wrap a message together with its signature using a certificate (usually X509). Ensemble don't have a single class to do that but inside the Ensemble installation we have the openssl utility, so in this example I use the "openssl smime" command to sign or verify a message.

The example has two Business Process that able to sign or verify and in order to test I made a simple production.

Hope this helps

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I noticed there are Commiunities and Groups on the site. I was not sure what the difference is, so I did a little comparison. Here are my observations about them and how they differ initially

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Announcing Deltanji 6.0, the latest version of the well-respected George James Software source control product formerly known as VC/m.

Deltanji comes in four editions, including Solo which is quick to install on Caché or Ensemble (2009.1 or later), easy to get started with, and perpetually free.

Deltanji runs within the environment whose code it is managing, integrating closely with Studio and Portal, and storing code versions in a CACHE.DAT database.

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I'm trying to create a Zen Report that, when rendered to PDF has a header on every page that includes some items from the group that I'm iterating over in the <body>. I can't use <header> as that only displays once for each iteration, even if that spans more than one page, but <pageheader> seems to be independent of <body> so again doesn't work.



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0 332
· Jan 20, 2016
Nested Tabs on ZEN component


I'm starting to play around with dynamically creating tabs and panes from query data, and was trying to do the following, with nested tabs.

Tab Group

High level tabs

Sub Tab Group

Sub tabs from the High level tabs.

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When posting content there's got to be a better way to insert a screen shot. Saving to a file and then uploading is very primative plus the content isn't display in-line as one would expect these days. I don't want to "view a document" I want to see the image in-line.

Confluence does a really good job with this. Can we emulate this behavior?

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0 147

I created a Zen page with a header. All is good. I then created a new Zen page and during the wizard specified that it was a "subclass of a template page". So now I have Class Custom.App.HomePage Extends Custom.App.TemplateMaster. If I visit HomePage.cls I see the header from the template. However, the HomePage class has no XData Contents section so I have no idea how to actually add content. I tried adding the section but once I do then I don't see the template content anymore.

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0 301
· Jan 12, 2016 9m read
Is there someone that has developped a program in order to create a 
"decisiontree"? Depending The answer to a question leads to another question, and so on, 
and so on, and there is an option to return to another point in the decisiontree.

Best regards,


p.s. I've already got something, but it's not workable. But to get an idea:

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· Dec 7, 2015
Welcome everyone!

Welcome to the Learning Services Community. Learning Services includes product training and related material, documentation, videos and online learning. We're in the process or organizing our material to provide you with "learning paths" for topics that you might want to explore, develop new skills, or achieve certification as an expert. This will you learn about our products anywhere, anytime and at your convenience.

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Often times support and sales engineers are asked about recent benchmark results on various platforms and large scale configurations. These will be made available here in the Developer Community in the "Documentation" section, and as an example here's a link to a recent Intel E7 v2 series processor benchmark.é-and-intel-processors-0

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You may have missed the news that support for older version of Internet Explorer ends next week Tuesday, January 12th. The original blog post from Microsoft can be found here:

A patch will go live next week Tuesday, that will nag users of older IE versions to upgrade to a recent version. The patch is identified as KB3123303. You can find more information about this patch here:

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In an Ensemble message bus that has a Business Service which extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service, I have the option to support SOAP Sessions by setting the parameter SOAPSESSION=1.

The comments says this also effects license consumption.

In what way is license consumption effected ?

note this is version 2015.1, Ensemble Elite (without Web-AddOn).

thanks -


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It might be useful to have a alternate view mode that lists one line per conversation with the title, the original date, the # of comments, the date of the last comment and maybe the tags. Maybe if you hover over the topic it opens it up so you can see the text.

Currently I can see about 4 conversations and then I need to press View All to see more. Since these are sorted by date entered, not date last updated, the top 4 aren't necessarily the only ones that might be of interest.

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