
I'm new to Zen reports and I'm wondering if what I'm trying to do is possible. I have a classmethod that accepts three parameters to generate an xml file from a global. I've set up my Report Definition to call the ClassMethod that generates the .xml file; however, I'm trying to figure out how to pass the parameters to that ClassMethod from the Report Definition. The example in the documentation shows parameter passing using SQL (which I'm not using), so I'm curious if this will work.

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0 389

Hi All,

I'm having a strange issue where doing a .setValue on a ZEN datacombo is updating it with the value as-is, not the corresponding display value. Eg, if I connected it to query that returns two columns: ID,Name, and do a setValue(ID), I would expect the text in the datacombo to update showing Name. Instead it updates show ID, which I only want to use internally.

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0 188

When refreshing a html or tablePane component using refreshContents() that takes a lot of server-side-processing, I'm running into timeouts every now and then. i.e., the result for the tablePane is that there's nothing displayed at all.

How can we configure (relax) that timeout so also those heavier ones get refreshed eventually? Just overriding %request.Timeout in %OnPreHTTP did not seem to do the trick.

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0 842

I created a new class DSW.Addons.htmlViewer:

Class DSW.Addons.htmlViewer Extends %DeepSee.Component.Portlet.abstractPortlet

Property Data As %String;

ClassMethod %OnGetPortletSettings(Output pInfo As %List, ByRef pSettings) As %Status
    Kill pInfo
    Set pInfo(1) = $lb("Data", , , "Data", "Data setting")
    Quit $$$OK

It's a ZEN component and DeepSee portlet. It's immediately available in the namespace I created it in. DSW package is mapped to %ALL and to Samples, but if I try to create a widget with this portlet I get ZEN class not found error.

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0 334

Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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0 236

I created a Zen page with a header. All is good. I then created a new Zen page and during the wizard specified that it was a "subclass of a template page". So now I have Class Custom.App.HomePage Extends Custom.App.TemplateMaster. If I visit HomePage.cls I see the header from the template. However, the HomePage class has no XData Contents section so I have no idea how to actually add content. I tried adding the section but once I do then I don't see the template content anymore.

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0 300

I have a Zen Mojo application, developed using Bootstrap plugin and using "Explicit Dispatch" with multiple templates.

I have every template representing an specific area of my application (customer, order, logon, application settings, etc.).

Each template has specific code, client side validation and so on related to its areas by using javascript.

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0 307

Looking at the documentation expalining the use of client side menus, including the drop down menu.

I was messing around trying to get the "Open", once clicked, to use javascript to open windows file explorer to open/pick a file.

I've got it to partially work... Using keystrokes Ctrl-O will open the file explorer yet clicking on the drop down's File/Open does nothing.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

NOTE: I had commented out the two &html lines in the Testing Method... and doing a Ctrl-O still work.


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0 360

We need to generate a PDF file from an HL7 message as it passes through an Ensemble production. Looking for examples, tutorials, documentation aligned to our scenario.

We are currently using Ensemble (so can't use InterSystems Reports at the moment). Thinking Zen reports...

We can get from HL7 to XML OK, following Introduction to InterSystems Health Connect - YouTube (see c.1:11:00-1:13:00)

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0 137

Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

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0 377

Suppose I have an image and need to convert that image into a PDF for inclusion in an HL7.

I know that Zen Reports can display an image in a PDF but I do not want to view the image in a web page. I just need to convert the image to PDF in a Process and then include that PDF in an HL7. The workflow would be like this:

Get image -> Convert image into PDF -> Include PDF in HL7 OBX.

I know how to do the last part to include PDF in HL7 OBX. Just need ideas on the first part.

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0 1.2K


I need to create a dialogbox on my zenpage to confirm a Delete operation.

I tried using below code on in a my client side method but its creating a blank dialog box.


Is there a way i can create a Dialog box with text "Do you want to delete" and two buttons "Yes" and "No" and store the response in the calling client/server method.


Jimmy Christian.

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0 142
· Jan 20, 2016
Nested Tabs on ZEN component


I'm starting to play around with dynamically creating tabs and panes from query data, and was trying to do the following, with nested tabs.

Tab Group

High level tabs

Sub Tab Group

Sub tabs from the High level tabs.

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0 357

I need a trick to display the cellTitle for just ONE column in a tablePane with a unique value. Here are the issues:

1. OnDrawCell has access to the cell data for that row/column, in %query(pName), but setting the cellTitle property to a column doesn't refresh the column object

2. Setting showValueInTooltip is good for the entire table, not just one cell

3. ** the column element does not evaluate zen expressions, so I can't say cellTitle="#(%query.Comment)#", for example. That's the crux of the problem.

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0 497

When I add a parameter to dataCombo for loading it on runtime and the property editable set to 0, dynamically loading content for dropdown through parameter works fine.

But, when I set editable to 1, to implement user search in dataCombo, loading through parameter is not working, it is loaded all rows, but I need loading on some parameter. It don't see the parameter, when editable is 1.

Is it normal behavior of dataCombo? But how about user search in dataCombo on this case? When editable is 0, we can't enter any character in dataCombo.

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0 328
· May 24, 2018
image tab

Good afternoon, I have a tabGroup where I populate tabs with images using the scr property. If a user scrolls to the bottom of the image on a tab, when they go to the next tab, they are also at the bottom. When moving between tabs, I would like the user to always be presented with the top of the tab content. I have not been unsuccessful in doing this. Would someone have input on how to make this happen? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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0 272

I have a Zen page, and I would like to have an onload handler to run a bit of javascript when the page is ready. Unfortunately, the page inherits from a template, and the template already has an onload handler that does all kinds of useful things. Is there any way to override the onload handler in my page, while still being able to call the onload handler that is inherited from the template? In ObjectScript, there is ##super, but in javascript, there is no equivalent of that.

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0 424
· May 23, 2017
Toolbar with several lines of menu

In toolbar, by default, all items show on one line and when menu items do not fit on visible part of screen, invisible items hide and appear two buttons - last item and previous item.

I want, in that case, items, which do not fit on visible part of screen, go on second line. In other words, I want all items to be visible.

Is it possible to configure toolbar for behavior I want?

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