· Dec 12, 2019
Bootstrap Tables & CSP

Hello All,

We need to develop a small csp application which shows data in simple paginated / searchable table for business users.

It is to be built on an old version of Cache and is not a big full fledged application but something temporary. We can't use Zen and using a combination of csp & Bootstrap as bootstrap makes the pages look beautiful with little effort.

I have built the table in boostrap and it works fine with pagination and search working perfectly

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· Sep 18, 2019
Export Report to Excel

Hello, I created a Zen Report and I want to export to Excel. I read I can use $MODE=xlsx but my output in Excel is not correct. All 3 elements are condensed into one cell. Class AETMON.Report Extends %ZEN.Report.reportPage { /// Class name of application this report belongs to. Parameter APPLICATION; /// Specifies the default display mode used for this report if /// the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.

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I need to open a Windows explorer window by pressing button on a Zen page.

Is this possible.? I

performed a search but I did not find anything.

The command I used in the terminal was D $zf(-2,"START C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32").

I am not sure how to use this in a Zen application.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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In my production I receive an XLFO stream and I would like to pass that to the FOP pdf rendering engine to produce pdf files .So far in my research that can be achieved through ZEN .I would like to create an operation that will take advantage of that and be able to pass my XLFO stream to the operation and create pdf files I found something similar here but for some reasons I get errors like below if any one understands what they mean please advice or someone who had to do something sim

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In our table, we have a column cities, which has a filter which displays the cities of a state depending on the state

For simplicity let's assume we have a page

Property State As %String = "CA"

Our filter should run this query to show all cities of state ca

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Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

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I'm using ZEN report to generate a PDF file out a table.

Although, I need to display data from two tables splitted into two different namespaces.

So, I created a process that fetches all the data I need and then calls the PDF class and generates the stream out of it.

My question is, once I've got my list of objects. How can I transform it into a ResultSet, in order to display in the report ?

Thanks for your answer.

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Hello ,

I want the datagrid to reflect values based on the value i select in the Combobox. How to pass value from the combobox to the

altJSONSQLProvider parameter and reload the datagrid ?

My combobox defines below method on change.


<altJSONSQLProvider id="PatchClassJsonId" OnGetSQL="GetSQL" >
<parameter paramName="1" value="C"/>




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· Oct 17, 2018
SQLGateWay performance.

I have a ZEN page with nine tablepanes. Each tablepane queries a table in the same SQLServer db. I have a single SQLGateWay(odbc) to this SQLServer db. I need to get better performance when I query all nine table at the same time. Would my performance improve if I had nine SQLGateWays(nine odbc configurations/connections), one for each query? I would appreciate any and all suggestions for getting the very best performance when using SQLGateWays. Thank you.

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We maintain a few Zen reports that output in Excel format.

Recently we started to observe that some reports fail and return the following error.

CSP error occurred
Error: Error rendering: OS code =1Use $log=1 to check
ErrorNo: 5001

I have extracted the exception details from the log file

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Hi everyone

I have a datacombo that displayes value from a db table.

I would like to set one of this value as default value. How can I do that? Is there a way to say selected value given the text or the Id from the DB table?

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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we are moving an existing ZEN-Application to a new version of Caché (2017.2.2). It is a rather old application and we need to do some modifications due to the thightend security of ZEN in this and prior release (we came from 2013.1). One of the changes required is to alter a table Name of a ZEN-Table on the server-side. Anyway this gives us a problem, since we receive an error

ERROR #5001: Client modification of protected property ( tableName) disallowed for security reasons.
SOURCELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (tpSimilarity)

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· Jul 31, 2018
Use Fallback CSS mode

Hi everybody,

we have some legacy ZEN applications build upon CSS2 style definitions. We moved the application due to an upgrade to a newer version of cache (2017.2.1). Anyway I have in mind that in one of the prior relases css3 style interpretation was enforced by ZEN and you could explecitly tell the framework to use CSS2 by setting a global. Anyway I can´t found any hints in the docs on that. Does anyone of the %ZEN gurus have this in mind?

best regards,


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· Jun 28, 2018
Filter in table


is there way when select a value in filter column and the second column filter use only value referred to the first selection??

we use to active filter to column in table, but not know how relationship the filter between columns of table.

only in the table context in zen page.

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I have this local, containing a list of books of arbitrary length:

set books=2
set books(1, "author") = "Alice"
set books(1, "title") = "Hello"
set books(1, "pages") = "123"
set books(2, "author") = "Bob"
set books(2, "title") = "World"
set books(2, "pages") = "456"

And I want to generate this PDF (there could be more than two tables), each book is a separate table:

The header is always the same (Author, Title, Page) but the number of tables would be different.

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