We are seeing more and more customers being lured with latest infrastructure technologies, particularly Composable Infrastructure. Coming with all sorts of data center consolidations and costs savings.

Question is: are there any concerns for HealthShare/TrakCare being run on these platforms or things to look out for? Anyone out there, already on these platforms?

To be more specific this is HPe Synergy with 480 Compute blades booting as bare metal.



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Hi All,
I am a product owner for a 3rd party healthcare product.
We have built FHIR integrations with Cerner and EPIC using their FHIR sandboxes and would like to do the same for Trakcare.

Essentially we can lookup a patient record on the FHIR sandbox and import their demographics into our product. Switch out the sandbox credentials for production and we can integrate directly into the customers data.

Does a similar service exist for Trakcare?

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I have a question for people currently in the community who support TrakCare implementations.

Are you all currently working through the migration from Crystal/Zen over to Logi Reports?

What are you plans for the Zen reports you can't migration off for example the HTML letter template?

I have spoken with a few people regarding this topic but starting to get concerned if there is a call in the near future to decommission ZEN/

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I am a clinician and we use Trakcare Lab LIMS at our institution.

We understand histopathology reports are directly typed, stored and uploaded directly to the LIMS.

For clinical audit purpose we need to download these reports directly in text format in bulk. Can anyone offer some technical assistance in retrieval of these histopathology reports? Is there any script that can be run to access, retrieve and download these reports?

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· Dec 20, 2022
TrakCare iprint


I'm trying to configure iprint for trakcare.

My trakcare runs on linux IRIS(SUSE).

iprint is from MicroFocus [previously Novell]

iprint is a print facility that many printers support where there is a virtual queue for each AD user.

You can log onto any iprint printer using your AD credentials and you can access your virtual print queue. You can then physical print from that virtual queue.

Has anyone configured this for their trakcare?
In order to do this I need to:
- map each trakcare user to their equivalent AD user

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Hy Friends,

I have a question, how to change multiple rows into 1 row

This data already in the right order, but I need to change the Diagnose into 1 column with this order 1,2,3,4

So it should be Acute...,Fever..., Dyspepsia, Dengue fever

Does anyone could help me ?

Thank You

Best Regards,

Steven Henry

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Hi all,

Does anybody have the same issue?

$ZF(-100) to run python script not work when directly execute in studio or in storedproc called by TrakCare, but can work when do in iris session.

The python script imports a "barcode" package. It seems that when directly execute in studio or in storedproc called by TrakCare, the package can not be imported.

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We are investigating option of populating .pdf Custom Properties Name-Value pairs with episode/billing information from the TrakCare database, using Logi Reports. Resulting .pdf would be stored in a designated network folder. Would welcome suggestions on feasibility / technique to achieve / code to achieve (or alternative approach).

Intent is for further (watcher) process to detect new .pdf file in network folder and determine actions and/or process flow based on Name-Value pair information in pdf's Custom Properties.

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Hi. I am struggling to understand the meaning of different elements of an order in my hospital's EHR.

Page: EPR > All Orders

Question: What is the difference between Start Date and Date Executed and Order End Date? If an order was started on Monday and executeed on Tuesday.. does this mean the patient received the order on Monday or Tuesday? and what is End date?

Also, how do I interpret order status? What is the difference between discontinued, verified, and executed?

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