Hello everyone,
It is my first post in the community. Very recently I started working using IRIS, creating services with Cache.
Today they gave me a new task and I'm really lost.

How can I use an oracle database to create services using iris?

Throughout the day I was looking for a guide to use a remote Oracle database. but unfortunately I only managed the connection in SQL Gateway

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I am trying to make architecture for my project. And for it, it needs to make list property in which there is list of objects of another table, the data must be unique, therefore I make sql-query to check objects of another table if it is used or not, but I can't make sql-query to check elements in list in property with elements of another table. Can you help me? In property ID of object is used.

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Hello everyone,

I try excuting a SQL Query like this SELECT ID, CompanyName FROM Company WHERE CompanyName LIKE 'condition'

But if I want to search CompanyName have special char %, ex: '100% Co' , 'Group of Mr.%', 'The %TaxProp'...

How can I take % to query, with

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Greetings community. I would like to know how to migrate a BD in production to a local environment. When I have a system in production (BD Sql Server) what we do is mount a local copy to do the analysis with the data and not occupy resources of the system in production. My question is: How do you do it with Intersystems technology?

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· Oct 30, 2019
SQL query index using

Hi guys,
I ran into a strange (for me) situation, when I run same query but change the WHERE clause the plan is different and is not connected to the additional condition.
Query that doesn't use the necessary index:

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When calling the below stored procedure using the management portal (Run Query) no data is being retrieve, but if it is directly executed management portal data will show.

"IN" does not work changing it to "=", "like" the stored procedure will work. Does any one know how to fix this ?

Pass values to code is 'AB','TS','SK','GM'

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Hi, we are a veterinary lab and we use both the LAB and FIN systems of Antrim. Now we are looking to expose the data in a SQL/Object compatible way so we were wondering if same / similar things had been done by other community members already? If so, could you please share your approach / experience / gotchas with us and we are all ears. I can be reached at yang.jiao@antechmail.com . Thank you!

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I know &SQL returns only one result but is




the same in terms of processing required?

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i have two where-clauses:

a) ... WHERE company=1 and product=7

b) ... WHERE product=7 and company=1

with other words the position of the where fields are swapped.

now the question is:

bring the where clauses a) and b) the same performance(queryplan) or do i have to write it in a special order???

in my point of view, there is a parser/optimizer who cares about this, so i don't have to care about.

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· Sep 5, 2019
Ambiguous sort column error


I have a small SQL question.

Running an example queries in our Samples Namespace:

1. select top 5 Description,Category from Cinema.Film order by Category - runs fine no issues and returns 2 columns as expected

2. select top 5 * from Cinema.Film order by Category - runs fine no issues and returns 8 columns as expected

3. select top 5 Description,Category,* from Cinema.Film order by ID - runs fine no issues, and returns 10 columns, with my first 2 repeated

4. When I try to combine the first 2 queries:

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Hi, I have used CSP to exec SQL selects from any own NAMESPACE. But in our servers we have many SQL GATEWAY CONNECTIONS.

I'd like to create a CSP page that could use these gateway to exec SQL using these gateway connections, only Administrators will use that page to launch many select at many dsn. I'm not sure if we must deploy that CSP on %SYS namespace and how to use DSN(SQL Gateway connections) that are defined on server.

Anoyone has made that?

For example:



CSP Webpage:

TEXTBOX: Introduce your select:

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I've setup ODBC connection so I can access Cache data within SQL Server.

I want to be able to write SQL queries for internal monitoring purposes, similar to what's possible with SQL Server. Specifically I want to be able to check mirroring status (i.e. check which is the current primary mirror member), check the status of any Ensemble productions (started/stopped), check the status of business hosts etc. I want to do all of this from SQL Server to go with our other system monitoring solutions.

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I'm having trouble accessing the snapshots EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot in %Library.ListOfObjects that are returned from method ExecuteProcedure in EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The Microsoft SQL stored procedure I am executing returns multiple resultsets.

The issue I am having is that my code works fine when executed in the business operation (commented out in the code below) but when it is executed in the business process it errors. Any ideas as to why this happens? The error I get is:

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The select query here "select Settings from Ens_Config.Item" in the SQL Query of management portal returns this:

ValidationHost 7ActOnTransformErrorHost1 ReplyCodeActionsHostE=D AlertOnErrorHost1 9 AlertGroupsHost$LabAlertGroup,1-CriticalAlertGroup BusinessPartnerHost

How do I isolate just one of the settings e.g. ReplyCodeActions or LocalInterface

For example, i want to search for all entries that have a value for ReplyCodeActions

I realize i can open the production in studio and search for those setting values.

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Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

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When i click on the menu to run the Data import wizard from MP, i receive following CSP error

<UNDEFINED>zOnPageHEAD+229^%cspapp.exp.utilsqleximwizardcontent.1 *schemaname : CSP Error

It is happening for all the namespaces. Looks like some permission issue. Same issue with Data Export wizard. Help to resolve this will be appreciated.

I am using

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865_0_18763U)


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