I would like to allow some departmental user to view the ensemble portal. I want to make sure they are not allowed to do any changes (like stop and start interfaces from portal)

I have created one userbut limited with SQL privilages. But using this account, the portal view is not accessible.

It would be appreciated if anyone can adice me on this. I know this may be a silly question.



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· Jul 31, 2019 2m read
Anti CSRF Methods

IRIS provides us with anti login CSRF attack mitigation, however this is not the same as a CSRF attack, as login attacks only occur on the login form. There are currently no built-in tools to mitigate CSRF attacks on api calls and other forms, so this is a step in mitigating these attacks.

See the following link from OWASP for the definition of a CSRF attack:


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There's an easy new way to add certificate authority (CA) certificates to your SSL/TLS configurations on InterSystems IRIS 2019.1 (and 2018.1.2) on Windows and Mac. You can ask IRIS to use the operating system's certificate store by entering:


in the field for "File containing Trusted Certificate Authority X.509 certificate(s)". Here's an image of how to do this in the portal:

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I have a very simple web service that I'd like to secure via SAML Authorization with X.509 Certificates. I am, however struggling with documentation and my lack of cryptographic skills. (I do this just for educational purposes now, but need to use it in the future)

Does anyone have an example that shows how to construct a SOAP Client with adding all necessary security headers manually or point me to a decent learning resource?

Thank you very much!

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Hello experts,

I'm new to InterSystems software and still not so familiar with it. Therefore I do apologize in front if this question is irrelevant, not making sense or answer is commonly known.

I've did my best in search for answer, but unfortunately i haven't found anything helpfull. So I decided to ask for help here.

My problem is repetitive error which occure in CSP Gateway event log :

Error Condition: Failed to read posted content from the client (Content-Length: 1404; Data Actually Read: 0; Read Error: 70007)

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Hello everyone smiley

I have a server configuration in a CSP Gateway installed on a PC (let's call it S2) different from the main one (let's call it S1). This configuration allows me to access a web application that is installed on S1, from a client C asking S2 for this webapp. But for now it works only in HTTP between C and S2, and we would like to use HTTPS (as it already works between S2 and S1).

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I am trying to create a user role which shall allow users the access to only one specific namespace in an Ensemble system. I´ve startet creating the namespace with a database (with own ressource and no public access). In the second step I´ve created a role by copying it from the predefined role %Developer and assigned the ressource of the created database. After that i´ve created a user and assign him to the created role.

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· Feb 11, 2019 4m read
Using Oauth2 with SOAP (Web)Services

Hi guys,

Couple days ago, a customer approached me with the wish to enhance their existing legacy application, that uses SOAP (Web)Services so it shares the same authorization with their new application API based on REST. As their new application uses OAuth2, the challenge was clear; how to pass access token with SOAP request to the server.

After spending some time on Google, it turned out, that one of possible ways of doing so was adding an extra header element to the SOAP envelope and then making sure the WebService implementation does what is needed to validate the access token.

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Hi All,

Can someone help me getting the security features & standards which InterSystmes Cache adheres to ISO 27001 & other security & privacy standards.

Also if you can tell me the algorithm used for database encryption & key strength by default.

This is required for a security audit.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Certificate Revocation, OCSP Stapling and KMIP

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video onInterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Building Powerful LDAP Configurations

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Jan 23, 2019
Single Sign On (SSO)

Does Intersystems specifically Ensemble support a Single Sign On architecture? Currently we are using Delegated sign on using LDAP and TLS, however our CIO would like us to move toward a single sign on, so when you sign into your PC it would automatically pass the credentials to Ensemble.



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I need to automate the handling of usernames passwords, serverNames etc for use in the sending and receiving of emails, logging into SFTP servers etc etc for use within COS code
To manage external passwords we could use LastPass or any other proprietary password loggers, but I need to be able to call them as part of the automation (COS code) and occasionally visually look them up to "remind" the staff of their passwords.

any suggestions as to the best class data constructs to handle this scenario. Should the whole table be encrypted, only the passwords etc.

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Hello everyone,

I'm using Atelier 1.3. When we configure a server and use HTTP to connect, works fine. But when we activate the Secure connection option I get the Unregonized SSL message, plaintext connection?

Do I need to perform any configuration on my server so that Atelier can access a secure connection?

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Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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I am currently using InterSystems for patients data management related to intake treatment planning and delivery of dose.

should I create a new attribute to track Patient ID or using an existing attribute within Audit log ? what are the good practices guidelines?

If I use Event Data field to record Patient_ID is it possible out of the box to search entries for a specific Patient_ID ?

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0 377

We have a new requirement being push down by our Data Security to no longer use Local SQL Accounts to access our Databases. So they asked me to create a Service Account that is on the Domain for our connections to each database.

I tried just changing my JDBC connection to using this Service Account and Password but I am not having any luck trying to connect to the database.

" Connection failed.
Login failed for user 'osumc\CPD.Intr.Service'. ClientConnectionId:ade97239-c1c8-4ed1-8230-d274edb2e731 "

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· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

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In old Caché versions it was possible to create a new role based on predefined %Developer by copying it and adding some resources as needed. It was true at least from 2010.1 to 2015.1.

After upgrade from 2015.1.4 to 2017.2.1 it turned that it's only partially true now. User with a "New-Developer" role can enter Studio and open existing cls/mac/etc for editing and everything is OK unless he tries to create something new (Ctrl-N), than he gets a pop-up with %msg: <User xxx does not have enough privilege to execute stored procedure %CSP.StudioTemplateMgr_Templates>

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· Apr 6, 2018
Delegated Sign On Bypass

Is there a way to make the system users like _SYSTEM and ensadm bypass the Delegated sign-on and not cause it to fill up the Audit trail with "Programmer mode login failure"?? I figured I still had to leave password login enabled for the background users to run. How would I script if username = "_SYSTEM" then don't do the Delegated sign on?


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I need to offer new users on our system a temporary password that is valid for only 48 hours. This is different than a 60-day password expiration window for existing users' passwords (where a password needs to be changed every 60 days), and is different than a "user expiration date", where you can set a date where the user's account expires and is disabled on that date, and different than the inactivity expiration date where a user becomes active if his account is not used within, say, 30 days.

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I was running the %File:FileSet class query, with my development user, but I am unable to run this query for an application user. Does anyone know what resource or service is needed to run this query? Assume the user has access to a certain directory on the file system needed for the query.

On second though, having tried almost all the available resources and services, perhaps the user doesn't have access to the directory. How to tell when the error is this:

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I am working through trying to use ZAUTHENTICATE.mac and LDAP.mac to do Delegated sign on into Ensemble. In reading over the samples and the documentation, I am not clearly finding on how to set the Appropriate Role from the LDAP group I return. Can someone help explain this part to me? If I have a user sign on, and I return a "Group" from the Authentication, how do I get that to transform into the Role I need for Ensemble.


Scott Roth

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