Start of Professional Activities!

The Institute of Space and Information Technologies of Siberian Federal University with the support of InterSystems International Corporation hosts the International Summer School "Start of Professional Activities" from July 9 to July 27, 2018 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia and invites all students majoring in IT to participate.

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Hi, Community!

Recently we announced Developer Community Meetup in Cambridge, MA. Let me describe what is it.

Meetup it's a one evening event where you can enjoy some sessions by presenters (today InterSystems engineers, tomorrow you can be a presenter) and chat with local developers and InterSystems developers, engineers and product managers (depends on who is in town) and discuss your problems, experience, and success with InterSystems technologies.

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· Nov 14, 2016 1m read
openssl for Windows


Where can I find the openssl command line tool for Windows?


The openssl command line utility comes with Unix, but not with Windows. It is used for working with security certificates.

The main site is

There are no binaries on this site but in the Community section there is a link for binaries which leads to:

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If I am in a community on this website looking at articles would expect a search box at top so I can search within this community.

1) The search top right is too general (I don't want to have to sub search, refine or just ignore irrelevant results)

2) Most forums have the ability to easily search within them on other sites, which is what as a user I would expect

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Presenter: Tony Pepper
Task: Host an application based on InterSystems’ technology in a public cloud environment
Approach: Provide a checklist of things to think about before you deploy

Are you looking at hosting your applications in the public cloud? This talk will highlight what you need to think about when deploying InterSystems technology in any public cloud environment.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Good afternoon!

Is this a good place to find a fellow developer with specialization in IRIS? I have an opportunity and looking for someone with significant experience (10 years).

It's a two and a half year contract, fully remote. Please let me know if you are interested in speaking about the opportunity.

More info here:




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I am working on a Zen page that has a table pane with the maxRows set to a default value. My customer is coming back with the following request of making that value bigger & begs the question whether the new value can be configurable. I looked @ the documentation, and forgive me if I missed, and I couldn't find anywhere that it can. Am I wrong? Thanks.

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Hi Developers,

Join us at the upcoming Developer Roundtable on March 26th at 11 am ET | 4 pm CET. 📍
We will have 2 topics covered by the invited experts and open discussion as always!


Demo on Documenting and Testing REST Call's by generating documentation and making scenario's for integration tests - presented by @Danny Wijnschenk , Application Developer, Winfo.

Danny is an independent developer based in Belgium, specialized in InterSystems Caché and IRIS. He has customers in both the healthcare and non-healthcare sectors.

Cypress for web application testing - presented by @Pravin Barton , Senior Applications Developer, InterSystems

Update: watch the recording of the roundtable below.
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi folks!

Sometimes building an images via docker-compose.yml can take significant time.

And often after a minute or two of waiting it turns out that ports listed in docker-compose are busy and you need to start building process again with different ports or to turn down processes that took it.

Is there a way to check ports listed in docker-compose BEFORE starting the image baking process?

How do you deal with this problem?

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InterSystems will participate in TreeHacks 2024, Stanford's premier hackathon, taking place from February 16 to 18 2024.
We are excited to present a challenge for hackers along with attractive prizes.

We look forward to witnessing the innovative projects emerging from this event!

Apply now to hack with us!

What to be a mentor and join InterSystems team at this event? Drop us a line!

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In response to the infrastructure needs of our company's service, I've created a small API that sends SNMP queries to InterSystems to visualize relevant data for retrieval when the infrastructure implements monitoring.

However, I'm experiencing a timeout issue when attempting to collect information using an SNMP walk. Here is the code for my API's SNMP service:

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When you find yourself in need or desire of learning something new in technology and you face the challenge of embarking on a new venture, what is the appropriate starting point? How do you decide where to begin and how to gradually approach the process, especially when the challenge seems overwhelming?

Myself I read official documentation or try to start with something I know and then learn something new very related.

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I have the following method call (have included html and css as well). when I debug the code in a browser, JavaScript seems to work fine. Loading image is coming up, table is getting hidden. But when I close the debug and just load the page and run it, loading image is not coming up, neither the table is hidden. Not sure what is going on? I need help to understand what I am doing wrong?

XData Style


<style type="text/css">

#loading {width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0px;left: 0px;position: fixed;display: block; z-index: 99}

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Trying to gather basic code examples written in ObjectScript and realized it's probably easiest to ask the people who know what they're doing!

I'm looking for examples of the following five prompts all in ObjectScript:

Prompt 1. Write a function that partitions the array into two subarrays: one with all even integers, and the other with all odd integers. Return your result in the following format:

[[evens], [odds]]

Prompt 2. Create a function that computes the hamming distance between two strings

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I'm trying to write an ObjectScript function that sorts version numbers to help learn ObjectScript. This is all I can think of after staring at VS Code for a while, but I don't know where to go with it. Can someone please help out with a tip? The goal is to take something like ["1.4.5", "0.5.3", "6.3.2", "1.2.4"] and turn it into ["0.5.3", "1.2.4", "1.4.5", "6.3.2"]

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· May 24, 2022
Questions MSM-Workstation

Hello, my name is Roger, I work in a big hospital in Brazil, I'm new to the MUMPS area, I was given an assignment to try to stabilize our MSM/MUMPS system, we have licenses for 1200 connections, however, the MSM starts having problems when we reach about 990 connections, the terminal has a timeout, it gets stuck. Looking at the MSM settings parameters I noticed the following default settings, could this be related?

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First of all thanks for reading this post and thanks for replying:

I think it could be obvious or a little bit naive but I was wondering if a software developer needs as a must or should get his/her own personal laptop or computer, appart the one from their own bussiness or company?

What laptop or computer would you recommend for personal use? For general purpose: programming, leisure, surfing the net, etc.

Thanks for your replies.


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