· Jul 18, 2016

Is there a way to search within a specific community (as the search box top right is too wide in scope)

If I am in a community on this website looking at articles would expect a search box at top so I can search within this community.


1) The search top right is too general (I don't want to have to sub search, refine or just ignore irrelevant results)

2) Most forums have the ability to easily search within them on other sites, which is what as a user I would expect

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Hi, Greg!

You can search within not Community but within a Tag.

For example let's search your post with the word "way".

There are a lot of results and it's a trick to find your post.

But you can dropdown Tag menu in the search result and filter results to Tag. F.e. your post has 'online-learning' tag.

Let's do it and see search results then:

You can search within several tags simultaneously.

Hope that helps.

P.S. 'Online learning' is the not very fit tag for this post. Please consider to change it to 'Developer Community' tag.