Hi Developers!

Want to participate again in the competition of creating open-source solutions using InterSystems IRIS Data Platform?

Then we're pleased to announce the second InterSystems IRIS Online Programming Contest!

And the topic for this contest is InterSystems IRIS with REST API.

The contest will again last three weeks: April 13-May 3, 2020.

Also, please join the InterSystems Contests Discord Channel to chat about contest and technology.

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Hi Developers!

Today we launched the second programming contest on InterSystems IRIS, the landing.

The topic is the REST API.

And we introduced a few technology bonuses.

Here I want to provide details on what application eligible, what are the technology bonuses and how to collect all of them.

Here we go!

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Hi Developers!

This post describes how you could publish your InterSystems application on Open Exchange.

What is the InterSystems application?

It could be anything, which is built with InterSystems data platforms or to help work with InterSystems data platforms: InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, InterSystems HealthShare, InterSystems Ensemble and InterSystems Caché. This could be tools, frameworks, adapters, examples and business solutions.

Why publish on Open Exchange?

InterSystems Open Exchange is an "App Central" for the solutions in InterSystems. It's the first place where the developer goes to look for tools, frameworks, and examples on InterSystems IRIS. And Open Exchange brings the added traffic to your solution which could be converted into leads.

We are having a set of business development tools for published Open Exchange applications. This definitely makes your InterSystems application more noticed.

Submitting an application

Suppose you have a library with open source published on Github which you want to publish on Open Exchange. For the purpose of a demo, I'll fork this remarkable project of @Peter Steiwer ObjectScript-Math which I forked and renamed to object script-super-math.

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome another "Coding Talk" video specially recorded for the second IRIS Programming Contest:

How to Build, Test and Publish ZPM Package with REST Application for InterSystems IRIS

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Hope most of you already familiar with project CachéQuality from @Daniel Tamajon. For those who don’t know about it, it is a static syntax analyzer for your code written for InterSystems products. It may help you to find and solve many different types of issues in your code, and even possible bugs before clients will find it in production. So, with help of CachéQuality you will be able to deliver a better product. You can find the complete list of rules used to check ObjectScript code here.

It was already available in Studio. And now it is also available in VSCode.

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in March 2020!

22 New applications in March 2020

isc-generate-db by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

Creating a new database, namespace, CSP/REST Application never been so easy.

cmPurgeBackup by @Alexey Maslov

cmPurgeBackup is an utility that can be used to erase old Online Backup files.

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Hi Community!

The registration phase for InterSystems Online Programming Contest ends today and we will start the voting week!

Now we have 20 applications - so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote?

This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts nomination or in Community nomination.

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Maks Atygaev for the IRIS Programming Contest:

Declarative ObjectScript Promo

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These Competition Terms (the "Terms") apply to competitions and contests sponsored by InterSystems and its affiliates including coding contests relating to InterSystems products and technologies (each a "Contest"). Please read these Terms and all applicable Rules (defined below) carefully as they form a binding legal agreement between you and InterSystems Corporation (“InterSystems”), with principal office located at:

InterSystems Corporation
1 Memorial Drive Cambridge

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov for the IRIS Programming Contest:

How to Create and Submit an Application for InterSystems IRIS Online Programming Contest 2020

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Hi Developers!

In March we are starting our first InterSystems IRIS Programming Contest! It's a competition in creating open-source solutions using InterSystems IRIS Data Platform.

The topic for the first contest is InterSystems IRIS, Docker and ObjectScript!

The contest will last three weeks: March 9-31, 2020.


There will be money prizes for Experts Nomination - winners will be determined by a specially selected jury:

🥇 1st place - $2,000

🥈 2nd place - $1,000

🥉 3rd place - $500

Also, there will be Community Nomination - an application that will receive the most votes in total:

🏆 1st place - $1,000

And we provide winners with high-level badges on Global Masters.

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Despite the fact that InterSystems has long recommended using external backup tools, many users have opted to use the internal Online Backup facility, which is included in all distributions of InterSystems products (IRIS Data Platform, Caché, etc.). The reasons why are quite obvious:

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Hi developers!

Suppose you have a Github repository with ObjectScript classes but without a Docker environment.

Recently I published a repository with a set of files that form a universal Docker and VSCode environment to let you either import and run your repository in InterSystems IRIS Community Edition on Docker or turn your repository into Docker and VSCode environment for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition.

So in one sentence:

Unpack these files in your folder and you have the Docker and VSCode environment for your InterSystems IRIS ObjectScript application!

See the details below.

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Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Enable Docker and VSCode to Your InterSystems IRIS Solution

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If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a video worth? Certainly more than typing a post.

Please check out my "Coding talks" on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

1. Analysing InterSystems IRIS System Performance with Yape. Part 1: Installing Yape

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Running Yape in a container.

2. Yape Container SQLite iostat InterSystems

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Extracting and plotting pButtons data including timeframes and iostat.

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What does everyone think about submitting an issue in a repository and then submitting a pull request to fix that issue. Is it an unnecessary step or does it give extra context and logging for the issue? I ask this because when I find a bug in an Open Exchange app, I always submit the Issue and then often submit a Pull Request to fix the issue.

I think that if the repository owner doesn't like your suggested fix, it is helpful to have the issue around so that they can deny the pull request and potentially implement their own change for the issue.

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Last time we launched an IRIS application in the Google Cloud using its GKE service.

And, although creating a cluster manually (or through gcloud) is easy, the modern Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) approach advises that the description of the Kubernetes cluster should be stored in the repository as code as well. How to write this code is determined by the tool that’s used for IaC.

In the case of Google Cloud, there are several options, among them Deployment Manager and Terraform. Opinions are divided as to which is better: if you want to learn more, read this Reddit thread Opinions on Terraform vs. Deployment Manager? and the Medium article Comparing GCP Deployment Manager and Terraform.

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in February 2020!

New applications in February 2020

EXCEL SUDOKU by alex kosinets

Sudoku game implementation in Excel using InterSystems IRIS as a server

RESTForms2 by Henry Hamon Pereira

RESTForms2 is a framework to create the REST API for InterSystems IRIS persistent objects automatically

FirstLook-Globals by Evgeny Shvarov

Firstlook example of InterSystems Globals

IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

A new approach for the Interoperability Message Viewer

iKnow by Benjamin De Boe

The iKnow Natural Language Processing technology was originally developed in Belgium and then acquired by InterSystems in 2010. In February 2020, InterSystems published the technology to open source, expanding the possible use cases for it beyond embedded use from the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. iKnow is open to community contributions to enhance the engine, language models and interfaces for use in-text exploration, information extraction, and machine learning use cases.

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Hi Developers!

Another way to start using InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager is to use prebuilt container images of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition.

We deploy this IRIS images on DockerHub and you can run it with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 52773:52773 --init --name my-iris -d intersystemsdc/iris-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

Launch a terminal with:

docker exec -it my-iris iris session IRIS

And install zpm-module as:


zpm: USER>install objectscript-math

[objectscript-math] Reload START

[objectscript-math] Reload SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Module object refreshed.

[objectscript-math] Validate START

[objectscript-math] Validate SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Compile START

[objectscript-math] Compile SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate START

[objectscript-math] Configure START

[objectscript-math] Configure SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate SUCCESS

zpm: USER>

And use same commands for InterSystems IRIS for Health using the tag: intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

The images are being published on IRIS Community Edition and IRIS Community Edition for Health repositories of Docker Hub.

We will update tags with every new release of IRIS and ZPM.

Happy coding!

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