· Aug 15, 2020

Open Exchange August 2020 Update: Simplified Releases and Convenient Subscriptions

Hi Developers!

Recently we introduced several new features to Open Exchange which I want to share with you:

  1. Application releases simplified
  2. Subscription rules update

See the details below.

Simplified process for applications' releases

Before this update, every application release should have been approved. Now only application itself and changes to application description should be approved. You are able to publish new releases WITHOUT any approval. How does it work?

Once you have your application with initial release approved and want to make a new release you open the application page and then go to the Releases tab. 

Click on Create a New Release

Set the version number, make the markdown description save the release. Watch the preview. If you like what you see then publish it.

After that your new release will be published, and Open Exchange users will see new release notes in News and Open Exchange subscribers of your app or yourself will receive an email notification about a new release available. Also, if it is a ZPM module a new ZPM will be updated on ZPM registry.

If you changed your plans you can just delete the release draft with Delete the Release button.

Hope we'll see more releases with the new simplified process. Share your feedback please on how do you like the new feature.

New Subscription Rules

Now if you don't want to have updates on a particular application you can mute the email notifications for this application only. With this option, you'll get the notification for the new applications of this developer or/and company, but you can "mute " notifications for the particular applications.

You can turn off the notification for the particular application in the notification itself.

Hope you like these new features of Open Exchange!

We are looking for your feedback, for your applications of course too!

Stay tuned!

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