Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to connect to InterSystems Cloud Services from your C++ application, using the InterSystems ODBC Driver:

Connecting to InterSystems Cloud Services with ODBC

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Hi Team,

We are facing an issue connecting to a remote Cache DB server using CacheODBC 2018 on the client side.

The connection works fine without SSL on the Cache server, but when SSL is enabled, we are getting the below error - "Failed to load cconnect executable!, SQL state 08S01 in SQLConnect"

Also, the connection works fine when the PHP script is run through CLI on client server, but fails with the above error when the script invoked from a client browser.

Could you please help us with any pointers in resolving the issue?

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To disable the timeout, set the query timeout to disabled in the DSN settings:

Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN configuration

If you check Disable query timeout, the timeout will be disabled.

If you want to change it on the application side, you can set it at the ODBC API level.

Set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute when calling the ODBC SQLSetStmtAttr function before connecting to the data source.

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Attempting to setup an outbound (I'm querying out, not querying the IRIS db) SQL connection. I am connecting to a PostgreSQL database, name "hl7interface".

I have setup the odbc.ini file at /usr/local/etc with the following contents:

Driver = PostgreSQL
Description = HL7 Interface DB
Servername = localhost
Port = 5432
Protocol = 7.4-1
#userName = postgres
#Password = <real pw here>
Database = hl7interface
ReadOnly = no
ServerType = Postgres

I have set the /etc/odbcinst.ini file with the location of the PostgreSQL driver:

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Problems with Strings

I am accessing IRIS databases with JDBC (or ODBC) using Python. I want to fetch the data into a pandas dataframe to manipulate the data and create charts from it. I ran into a problem with string handling while using JDBC. This post is to help if anyone else has the same issues. Or, if there is an easier way to solve this, let me know in the comments!

I am using OSX, so I am unsure how unique my problem is. I am using Jupyter Notebooks, although the code would generally be the same if you used any other Python program or framework.

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Hi everybody,
I am trying to connect with an IRIS database where to retrieve data and import them to SQL server but the access gets denied.
I would appreciate your help,
Thank you,

I have following information:

Data Source Name --> I use it as the server name

Host(IP Address)


Namespace --> I could use it in my script

import pyodbc

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Hi experts

I'm trying to configure an IRIS ODBC connection with "Windows NT authentication using the network login ID". I have created the System DSN as below:

and user (PROD\test) in the SQL Gateway connection

However, as the error message suggests, IRIS is trying to connect with PROD\svc_mist, rather than PROD\test configured above.

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Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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I created %ZSTART, having just learned about it. I included some minimal code to test it, as follows:

Now Terminal still works as normal, and sure enough I get "LOGIN" displayed, but when I start Studio I get an error message such as the following. I wonder what Caché ODBC has to do with it.

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We're using a database gateway from IRIS to Oracle using ODBC. It has been occurring a character set issue that invalidate special characters.

Oracle support has found data type missmatch in ODBC debug while transfering data between the databases.

ODBC was download from official website.

Is there any Intersystems contact to send it to check whether there is a ODBC issue? I hasn't found any directy contact in Intersystems in website.

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I’m trying to connect to an InterSystems Caché database from my local development environment using an IPv4 address. Most examples I’ve found show how to connect using the ODBC driver with the localhost or the default IP address ( However, I want to know how to connect using my local IPv4 address.

Here’s what I need help with:

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I am experiencing an issue while executing a stored procedure in InterSystems Cache. Here’s the procedure I created

CREATE PROCEDURE Silk.sp_InsertRecord (
IN UserName VARCHAR(50),
IN RecordType INT,
IN RecordID VARCHAR(50),
IN CategoryID INT,
IN ApprovalDate TIMESTAMP,
IN WorkstationName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO DummyRecords (

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In the past, I've created custom SQL operations, but now I had something trivial to do, so I decided to take EnsLib.SQL.Operation.GenericOperation out for a spin. There's no example in the docs, so it was a little tricky. Here's what I ended up doing:

In my external database, I have 'mytable' with two fields 'id1' and 'id2'. Here are the pertinent Business Operation settings:

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