
Intersystems is a fascinating yet niche marketed.
We are using it, but we struggle to find good developers to join us to work on Caché or Ensemble products.

Who is interested into joining us? the job will be in Geneva, Switzerland!

For more information, please drop me an email to: erika.stegagnini@ch.randstad.com or call me directly +41 58 2015408.


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OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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Hi all,

The last time I used CSP was back in 2008, so I am very rusty on it.
This question might have been asked many times, and the answer probably is that it is a matter of preference.

Are there scenarios to which CSP pages is easier/better to use than classes extending from %CSP.Page?
I want to build a little thing and don't want to start at the wrong end.
Doing an API-based, heavy client-side framework is not a requirement, and I would prefer not to do it that way.

Some of the criteria

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It is time for me to eat my own dog's food and start implementing unit test running with coverage :) I will be inundating IRC with questions at this point, but I have a more general question first.

In this tutorial, it is supposed that your unit tests are exported as XML first... But that's not very practical. Is there a way, instead, to run all tests from a given project without having this export?

My first thought on how to do this would be to:

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· Apr 12, 2019
Timing of Database look up

We use a lot of external MS SQL calls to look up numerous things when it comes to HL7. I am running into an issue where the outbound calls are queued but the message is sent onto the next process before it gets a response. How do I get it to wait till the response gets back from the MS SQL call before sending it onto the next process?

Below is a screen shot of what I am trying to explain...Select Research Study executes at 8:33 the message is sent to the next process at 8:34, but the response of the MSSQL call doesn't come till 9:31.

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InterSystems IRIS has long supported the obvious translation functions required to for converting to upper or lowercase to enforce case-insensitive string comparison (e.g. in ObjectScript with $zconvert) and sorting (e.g. with SQL collation functions, not to be confused with NLS collation). Customers in international contexts have at times used custom workarounds to also treat accent insensitivity or even more advanced normalization duct tape. We’re looking to address such use cases at the system and SQL level to increase convenience for this international audience, which is well represented on the Developer Community.

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· Mar 31, 2021
End Session programmatically

We have a background job that keeps an eye on our ongoing CSP sessions, counts licenses used and some other tasks. Question: If I know the session ID (something like "wuuZ2Gwgxw"), how do I (find and) end that particular session programmatically in ObjectScript - i.e., the equivalent of %session.EndSession=1 in the csp page code?


Michael Reach

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I have a %GlobalBinaryStream object that I'm trying to save as a local file after being received through a SOAP Web Service.

To do this, I created a %Stream.FileBinary object and wanted to set where the stream copied to this object would be saved by using either the DefaultStreamDir() ClassMethod or the NewFileName() ClassMethod. However, the documentation isn't very helpful on how to use these ClassMethods.

Right now, I have the below code:

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Hi community members!

Recently a customer ask me about a problem that detected when they were trying to send a post call to an external HTTP service, this service has changed and now it redirects to another URL, so they have setted to true the FollowRedirect parameter (setted to false for POST calls by default), what is the problem? They are sending a custom header in the post call and after the redirection this value is deleted.

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Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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I have a case where I have an external table that lives out in MS SQL. Using Ensemble Security functions has anyone created a csp or cls page that acts like a portal to allow users to Update a multidimensional table without knowing SQL? I could clone the EnsPortal.LookupSettings but that was made for LUT which are only 2 columns.

I know its a long shot but trying to see if there was anything off the shelf that I can use to help meet the requirements of this project.

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· Feb 18, 2021 2m read
Basic JSON Compare

Hi Dev Community

I thought i would share a little method I knocked together to traverse and compare 2 JSON objects for basic equivilance. I'm currently working on some data migration, and wanted a basic sanity check to validate that the JSON output is basically equivliant between the old and new, excluding a few things like timestamps.

It's a basic little recurvsive method, that will bubble up any differences over a nested structure. It's very low tech, as that's all I need it to do, but I thought it might be useful for others?

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I know there are several alternatives, but I would like to find the easiest & simpler ones to store data coming in Json format from post requests and also allowing me to do SQL queries.

I want to have a property called favouriteColors. I want to store a few colors, and I want to be able to do queries to get top favorite colors, etc... so not handling the list of colors as just a fixed string or fixed object.

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