I have a simple app which tries to establish a connection with a Cache database instance via Global API for Java:

import com.intersys.globals.Connection;
import com.intersys.globals.ConnectionContext;

public class Assignment {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Connection connection = ConnectionContext.getConnection();
        connection.connect("SAMPLES", "_SYSTEM", "SYS");


The expection I am getting:

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· May 12, 2017
Web Sockets


I am working on a project that will interact with some software called ROS (Robot Operating System). One of the development challenges we have is as follows:

ROS uses web sockets... So one connect with ws://localhost:9090 to the web socket server. It starts off as http, but then "upgrades" to web socket. It then keeps open this "tunnel" for bi-directional communication..

I need something like a HTTP Outbound adapter, but the Web Socket version of it...

Does anyone have any experience in this area?


3 14
1 1.1K

Working on implementation FHIR to my project, I found interesting project HAPI-FHIR, which could help me to quickly launch my FHIR api server with InterSystems Caché as a storage, because this projects uses Hibernate to connect to database, as an example they use DerbyDB. I tried to change settings to use InterSystems Caché, but unfortunately it does not work and throw some errors inside HIbernate. As I found in Caché documentation, I have not some many options, I just have to set Cache dialect, and set database url.

2 13
0 1.6K
· Aug 2, 2020
Kafka Java Host

I'm trying to produce Kafka Message to Topic using Java Objects. I have build Business operation and Jar file and trying to execute. I'm getting following exception

Terminating Job 8316 / 'IrisKafkaProducer' with Status = ERROR #5046: Error executing java command 'init() returned: "ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("java.sql.SQLException: [InterSystems IRIS JDBC] Communication link failure: Access Denied")"'. Java may not be installed correctly on your system., %QuitTask=

Getting following trace at Audit Database

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0 459
· Nov 30, 2021
Iris vs Java

Hello. I'm having problems migrating a java application that is running with cache 2018 to Iris
The application uses json generated by the cache to receive it as a string in java.

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1 473

Hi! I am working in a java project (Spring Boot+ Maven + Hibernate) using jpa/hibernate to manage the persistance with the IRIS database from the Docker image (store/intersystems/iris:2019. and I've found an issue using the IRIS instance, when I define tables with relationships OneToMany, ManyToOne or ManyToMany and I try to fetch all the rows of the tables using the default method findAll (JpaRepository implements that method to get all the rows by default) the query automatically exceeds the limit of licenses availables.

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· Dec 2, 2019
Operation System Permission

Hi all...

I am try to execute a class method from JDBC connection. My method are simple, just create a file at $HOME like this:

set sc='$zf(-1,"touch $HOME/lixo.txt > /var/tmp/log666 2>&1")

I put a log file to this commnad because it's don't work, and in log file i get this:

touch: cannot touch ‘/root/lixo.txt’: Permission denied

after to try other commands I found that user and enviromnent variables are diferents:
I try this:

0 8
0 264

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to authenticate a user(Health Share clinician) from a Java Application.

I 'm already connected to Caché and able to run SQL commands.

My question is: How can I authenticate a user using only SQL? In fact, what I want is verify if the users exists in the base and if the given password is the same used in Health Share.

There is a column 'password' in Security.users table but I'm not able to see its content, even so, I don't know which hash function to use to compare with.

1 7
0 1.6K

Hi all-

We used to have this Java applet in our CSP page to "print all" and "download all" PDF medical reports. We want this applet so that the user won't have to open each PDF in the browser just to print it.

But now most browsers do not support Java applets anymore due to security concerns, so that Java application is down. We tried to migrate to Java Web Start but don't know how to invoke the JNLP file from the CSP page. I am new to Cache so any help would be greatly appreciated.

0 6
0 808

So, I needed to start Java Gateway, and found, that it does not want to work with the latest Java versions, I tried 20, 18, 17

Start External Language Server %Java Server:

Please wait...result will show below:

2023-07-26 19:46:24 Starting Java Gateway Server '%Java Server'
2023-07-26 19:46:24 *ERROR* Return from RunStartCmd: ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.
2023-07-26 19:46:25 An error occurred while trying to start the Gateway Server External Language Server failed to Start:
ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.

Error, only says, that it will not work, and say nothing, about which version it wants to see

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0 416

Hello community,

I'm new to Objectscript and Intersystems development. I've read documentation and some examples and succeded to import my Java class file into HealthShare using the Java Gateway Service. To import my class i tryed both methods (Wizard, or scripting) with success.

Everything works great, i see my imported class inside the namespace, and i can call the methods.

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0 329
· May 6, 2016
Load a dll at run time

I am using java gateway imported/proxy classes and JG business service. I need to load a dll at run time.

I use System.loadLibrary/System.load when in java. I’ve tried $ZF(-3,” C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll”) and $ZF(-4,1,"C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll") but I’m getting <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error.

How can I load a dll at run time using COS?

0 5
0 1.1K

Hi everyone,

Im new in cache, i came from Java and im missing some features that i couldn't find in the documentation, I hope you can help me with this questions.

Just a brief introducction:

- Im in a project with old cache version, so saddly i can't use Eclipse + Atelier, so im using Studio.

- Currently im in a project with persistent classes, we want to turn apart the globals and focus on tables.

The questions:

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0 409

Good morning!

I am developing a Java project (Spring Boot + Maven + Hibernate) but I've a big issue when I try to define the Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.InterSystemsIRISDialect... that dialect is neither in the Hibernate library nor in the IRISDriver class com.intersystems.jdbc

How should I define the IRISDialect in my project?

Thank you in advance!

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0 697


We would need some help.

We have a Java project in Eclipse which uses two external libraries, which are referenced as a maven pom.xml dependency.

We created a JAR with all the dependencies included.

We have used the Java Gateway Wizard as follows:

In the image you could see that we have chosen the project's jar, written IP and PORT of Gateway and written all external dependencies' server path separated with semicolons.

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0 526

For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.

Expected Output: 01:30:30

Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.

Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?

0 4
0 78

I am trying to write a message to a Kafta cluster programmatically (i.e. not in Ensemble or using a Production) using %External.Messaging. I am consistently getting a 'topic not found error' even though I have created the topic on the cluster. I dug into the client I created an when accessing the property KaftaClient.jclient.gateway I get the following output:

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0 361
· Oct 8, 2020
Report Render Server Error

Hi everyone, i'm using a render server to make pdf output with zen report and everything was fine till recently i've been getting this error message and i have no idea what it means, i'd be very thankfull if someone could help or got into the same situation.

Error message:

ERROR #5001: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: org.apache.fop.fo.ValidationException: "fo:table-body" is missing child elements.
Required content model: marker* (table-row+|table-cell+) (See position 817:-1)

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