The data model of your solution based on InterSystems platforms constantly changes over time. But what do you do with the data that was entered before? Back then, the data was valid, but what’s happening to it now after a number of data model changes? The answer to this question can be provided by the IDP DV tool that checks the property data of persistent and serial classes according to the types of these properties. In case any discrepancies are found, the tool generates a detailed error report for the user.

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Hi All!

I asked previously about the DR server in the cloud but actually, I'm curious about the backup server to use as analytics server more than for recovery in DR case.

There is a recommended practice to use an async mirror as a server for BI (InterSystems Analytics, DeepSee)

The question is if I have PRIMARY in the cloud (AWS, Google, Azure, etc) "how far" should async mirror member be placed? Same cloud, same private cloud or it doesn't matter at all for analytics purposes?

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Totally new to IRIS and Cache.

Trying to evaluate it and work out how we could use it.

As a standard application database. Object or relational etc. does not matter.

Issue is ObjectScript.


1) Can we develop, maintain and use an IRIS database and never use ObjectScript i.e. use only Java, Python, C++ interfaces etc. (exactly which one does not matter)? Would that make designing and using the IRIS database more prone to inefficiency and error?

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0 805

Hi Community!

Consider I have InterSystems IRIS server in a cloud and want to introduce a DR server for it.

Are there any requirements for DR server for InterSystems IRIS if it is in a cloud?

Should it be the same subnet? One private cloud?

Can DR server be placed on another cloud, say Primary on Google Cloud and DR on Azure? Are there any caveats/concerns?

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0 340

Hey Developers!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Using Blockchain with InterSystems IRIS
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 457

I bet that not everyone familiar with InterSystems Caché knows about Studio extensions for working with the source code. You can actually use the Studio to create your own type of source code, compile it into interpretable (INT) and object code, and sometimes even add code completion support. That is, theoretically, you can make the Studio support any programming language that will be executed by the DBMS just as well as Caché ObjectScript. In this article, I will give you a simple example of writing programs in Caché Studio using a language that resembles JavaScript. If you are interested, please read along.

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Here I’ll walk you through the process of creating a simple Node/Express API and connect it to a InterSystems IRIS instance.

I won't go into much detail about how to work with any of the technologies I will mention in this tutorial but I will leave links, in case you want to learn more.

The objective here is to give you a practical guide on how to set up and connect a node.js back-end API to IRIS.

Before we get our hands dirty, make sure you have Node.js running on your machine. So I'll check:

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· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From=""
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver=""
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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1 1K

Hi all,

We are moving to IRIS our productions, and everything seems to go fine. But we are facing a problem because we are using the object %Library. CacheObject in some classes, and IRIS doesn't seem to recognize it. At the IRIS documentation ( the object is effectively removed, and I can't find the equivalent.

Has anyone faced this? Which is the new object in IRIS?

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0 362

This code snippet uses %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider. The namespace and string of SQL can be edited for different situations. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.passQuestionParams
    classmethod test(pValue = 50) {
        s ns = $Namespace
        zn "samples"
        s tSQL = "SELECT ID, Name FROM Sample.Person WHERE Id > ?"
        s tPR = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%New()
        s tPR.sql = tSQL
        s tPR.%Format = "tw"
        s tPR.maxRows = 100
        s tParam = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
        s tParam.value = pValue
        d tPR.parameters.SetAt(tParam,1)
        d tPR.%DrawJSON() 
        //d ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%WriteJSONFromSQL(,,,,,tPR)  //same thing
        zn ns

(Originally posted to Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 5/13/15)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 257

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a feature rich environment for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) as a cloud offering fully capable of supporting all of InterSystems products including the latest InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. Care must be taken, as with any platform or deployment model, to ensure all aspects of an environment are considered such as performance, availability, operations, and management procedures. Specifics of each of those areas will be covered in this article.

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2 3.8K

*** archived ***

The question has come up several times and I saw mixed answers and no quick example

My personal preference is using CPIPE device as you get back exactly the output you will get at the command line interface of your OS .
The tricky thing is to stop reading in time.
The example just displays what you normally see in your console.
it becomes useful if you look for things that you can't get from any $system.whatever()

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4 2.1K
· Sep 27, 2018 2m read
Method to Create a Class

The following class method "test" contains code that can create a new class, create new properties for classes, or create new methods for classes. "test" runs all three of these processes once, and the code that performs each action is labelled by comments in the method:

ClassMethod test() As %Status
    set sc = $$$OK
    // Create a class
    set class = ##class(%ClassDefinition).%New("MyClass")
    set class.Description = "This is my test class"_$c(13,10)_"testing %ClassDefinition"
    set class.Super = "%Persistent"

    // Create a property and add it
    set property = ##class(%PropertyDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyProperty")
    set property.Type = "%String"
    set property.Description="This is a property"
    set sc1 = class.Properties.Insert(property)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc1) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc1)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc1)
    // Create a method and add it
    set method = ##class(%MethodDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyMethod")
    set method.ReturnType = "%Integer"
    set method.FormalSpec = "x:%Integer,y:%Integer=10"
    set method.Description = "Return product of x and y"
    set method.CodeMode = "code"
    set method.Code = " new result"_$c(13,10)_" set result=x*y"_$c(13,10)_" quit result"
    set sc2 = class.Methods.Insert(method)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc2) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc2)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc2)
    // Save the class definition
    set sc3 = class.%Save()
    do:$$$ISERR(sc3) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc3)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc3)
    return sc

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 577

Hi Community!

New video "Choosing a Shard Key" is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 248

I followed the First Look instructions and tried to run a Docker container with the below command:

> docker run --name iris --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/docker:/external --env ICM_SENTINEL_DIR=/external iris:latest --key /external/iris.key --before "/usr/irissys/dev/Cloud/ICM/ /external/password.txt"

It returned with a container ID and an error message:

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0 1.5K

I would like to know any experience working with OPC UA standard in industry sector or IoT. Currently there is no adaptor implemented in IS IRIS for it but it seems to be pushed as the main standard in industry. Did anyone had to implement their own libraries or adaptors to deal with it? Or do you advice to use any already implemented library in Java, Python,...? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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· Sep 20, 2018 2m read
Get Day of the Week from Date

This code snippet determines the day of the week associated with a date. The class method "test" takes a date as a string in "mm/dd/yyyy" format, and returns an integer corresponding to a day of the week:

Class cartertiernan.getDayfromDate Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test(date) as %Integer {
        //Set date = $ZDATE(date) //  Looks like: mm/dd/yyyy
        Set monthList = $LISTBUILD(0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5) // (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,...)
        Set centuryList = $LISTBUILD(6,4,2,0) // first two digits divisiable by 4, then subsequent centuries. EX (2000, 2100, 2200, 2300)
        Set dayList = $LISTBUILD("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") // Index goes from 0-6
        Set day = $PIECE(date,"/",2) // get the day 
        Set monthVal = $LIST(monthList,($PIECE( date,"/",1 ))) // get the month value
        Set first2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) \ 100 // get the last 2 digits of the year
        Set last2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) # 100 // get the first 2 digits of the year
        // Used for DEBUG perpouses
        /*write !,"day: ",day
        write !,"Month: ",monthVal
        write !,"last2: ",last2DigsYear
        write !,"first2: ",first2DigsYear
        write !,"cen Val: ",$LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1),!!*/
        // Look here for formula explination (its the "Basic method for mental calculation")
        Set dayOfWeekVal = ( day + monthVal + last2DigsYear + (last2DigsYear\4) + $LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1 ) ) # 7
        Quit dayOfWeekVal

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

(originally posted to CODE by Carter Tiernan, 6/18/14)

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1 905

Hi all.

I want to insert my dataframe into InterSystems IRIS. So, I tried to do this:

df ="/home/imported-openssh-key/zeppelin-0.8.0-bin-all/bin/resultData3/DF.json", format="json")
option("url", "IRIS://localhost:51773/DEDUPL").\
option("user", "********").option("password", "********").\
option("dbtable", "try.test1").save()

And got this error:

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