· Oct 30, 2020

Technology Bonuses for InterSystems Interoperability Contest

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Interoperability Contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Business Process BPL or Business Rule DTL Usage
  • Custom Interoperability Adapter Usage
  • Production EXtension(PEX) Java or .NET usage
  • Workflow Engine usage
  • ZPM Package deployment
  • Docker container usage

See the details below.

Business Process BPL or Business Rules Usage - 1 point

One of the key features of IRIS Interoperability Productions are business processes, which could be described by BPL (Business Process Language).

Learn more on Business Processes in documentation.

Business Rules it's a no-code/low-code approach to manage the processing logic of the interoperability production. In InterSystems IRIS you can create a business rule which you can create visually or via the ObjectScript representation.

You can collect the Business Process/Business Rule bonus if you create and use the business process or business rule in your interoperability production.

Business Rule Example

Learn more on Business Rules in documentation.

Custom Interoperability Adapter Usage  - 1 point

InterSystems Interoperability production can contain inbound or Outbound adapters which are being used to communicate with external systems by business services and operations of the production. You can use out-of-the-box adapters (like File, or Email) or develop your own.

You get the bonus if you develop your own custom inbound or outbound adapter and use it in your production.

Example of an adapter.

Learn more on adapters.

Production EXtension (PEX) Usage - 2 points

PEX is a Java or .NET extension of Interorability productions. 

You get this bonus if you use PEX with JAVA or .NET in your interoperability production.

PEX Demo.

Learn more on PEX in Documentation.

Workflow Engine Usage - 1 point

Workflow Engine its a part of IRIS Interoperability which could be used to automate distribution of tasks among users. 

You get this bonus if you use include the usage of Workflow Engine in your interoperability production.

Learn more on Workflows in Documentation.

There are Community modules WorkflowAPI  and WorkflowUI-ngx which provide a nice UI layer on Angular for the Workflow engine.

ZPM Package deployment - 1 point

You can collect the bonus if you build and publish the ZPM(ObjectScript Package Manager) package for your Full Stack application so it could be deployed with:

zpm "install your-full-stack-solution-name"

command on IRIS with ZPM client installed. 

ZPM client. Documentation.

Docker container usage - 1 point

The application gets a 'Docker container' bonus if it uses InterSystems IRIS  running in a docker container. 

You can collect the bonus if you use any of the following docker templates:

Feel free to ask any questions about using the listed technologies.

Good luck in the competition!

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