Hi developers, 

Serenji 3.2.0, the latest version from George James Software, was released last week and our current users have been enjoying trying out the new features (which you can find more about here). 

If you're thinking about trying Serenji for the first time, we've made it easier to get set up by adding a walkthrough on the VS Code Welcome page. It takes you through: 

  • Setting up the server components.
  • Selecting a server namespace.
  • Saving and extending your workspace.
  • Requesting a debug license (don't forget we offer a free 30 day trial!) 

We've also added prompts and guidance throughout VS Code to open and add Serenji folders to your workspace and when going to run and debug code. 

This is just one of the ways we've enhanced the Serenji debugger to make straightforward and easy to use - so all you need to do is focus on your code. 

Serenji 3.2.0 Welcome Page Walkthrough

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· Sep 29, 2021
Locking / unlocking


What is the best/right way to unlock the object in ObjectScript after the lock was acquired by %OpenId class method? Setting the opened object to null (Set object="") doesn't release the lock.



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We're doing a small data integration project at our university and I've run into a problem.

I'm trying to make a counter that records the amount of messages (a simple .txt file transfer) that pass through a process and dumps that amount into a text file (preferably with a timestamp) every 10 minutes or so.

What I've gathered it's possible to do it via SQL query but linking that query into a process is something I haven't found any info on.

Are there any semi-beginner friendly ways to do this?

Thanks in advance!

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Starting installation
Starting up InterSystems IRIS for loading...
../bin/irisinstall -s . -B -c c -C /usr/irissys/iris.cpf*IRIS -W 1 -g2
Starting Control Process
Unable to allocate 242 MB shared memory...
Unable to allocate 232 MB shared memory...
Configuring minimum system...
Unable to allocate 139 MB shared memory...
Unable to allocate shared memory minimum of 139MB (errno=22)
Startup aborted.
Startup error. See messages.log for more information.
Call InterSystems Technical Support if you need assistance.

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I'm trying to connect to IRIS with .NET 4.5 and I see is quite different from Cache Method.

I have a connection and I can invoke a Method but I can't get %Stream.GlobalCharacter value as Class property and I can't use it in a ByRef parameter. With Cache we had the Intersystems.Data.CacheTypes namespace to use this "special" types.

Is there any documentation to use the %Stream.GlobalCharacter as class property and ByRef Param?


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I'm trying to install IRIS 2021.1 in the Ubuntu 18.04 but all the time I got the message below:

Starting installation
Starting up InterSystems IRIS for loading...
Invalid ownership for ./irisdb
InterSystems IRIS is already up!
Status code is 1
InterSystems IRIS failed to start.
Check /mnt/WinData/InterSystemsLinux/mgr/messages.log for more details.
Call InterSystems Technical Support if you need assistance.

* Installation aborted *

Post-installation tasks failed, installation is not complete

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· Sep 23, 2021 1m read
Zero configuration debugging

The latest release of Serenji by George James Software introduces zero configuration debugging, so it's ready to go in just one click - no matter where you are or what you're doing, your on-the-spot debugger is ready to go. 

We have introduced a host of new features to enhance the debugging experience so you can focus on identifying and fixing errors, without losing focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration. 

Check out the new features in our release notes

If you've already started using Serenji 3.2.0 let us know how you're getting on! 

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When overwriting the Read method (that has a %CacheString return type) on a new class that inherits %Stream.FileCharacter class, returns an error about incorrect return type, must be Binary, even if it matched the real signature.

Looking at the compile global information we can see:


After further investigation we realise that there is a generator method looking at the OdbcType class definition.

Setting LONGVARCHAR results in:


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· Sep 22, 2021
embedded sql select locks

i noticed -by reading .INT files of one class- that some of embedded sql select statements code blocks translates into code that uses lock command.

even if i use %nolock in the select, still cursors and arrow referencing notations "->" have the same results.

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Hi community!

I want to introduce you a new powerful feature from our static code analyzer objectscriptQuality.

Each time a new IRIS version is released, you need to prepare a roadmap for migration in which you need to spend a lot of time on testing to find where your code is not accomplishing with the newer version. Or maybe you need your code to be compatible with multiple IRIS or Caché versions.

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I'm experiencing a recurrent problem that I haven't found the way to solve, so I'm coming here with the hope somebody can give me a new approach.

To make it short: we are creating categories on-demand to be able to place the maximum numbers of workers in memory, avoiding the limits established by system categories. But from time to time, one of this creation fails and system is no able to start the queue. The error we are getting is:

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Hi folks!

Sometimes we need to import data into InterSystems IRIS from CSV. It can be done e.g. via csvgen tool that generates a class and imports all the data into it.

But what if you already have your own class and want to import data from CSV into your existing table?

There are numerous ways to do that but you can use csvgen (or csvgen-ui) again! I prepared and and example and happy to share. Here we go!

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Hey Developers,

Get an introduction to Apache Kafka, a popular event-streaming platform, and see a demonstration of the upcoming Kafka integration with InterSystems IRIS Interoperability:

Kafka! Integrating the World's Favorite Stream Processor with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi developers,

We're excited to let you know about the latest release of Serenji, your on-the-spot debugger from George James Software. Version 3.2.0 focuses on the debug experience and introduces zero configuration for users. No matter where you are or what you're doing, Serenji is always ready to go in just one click, so you won't lose focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration.

This enhanced debugger also takes advantage of the latest features of VS Code itself. With this powerful combination you'll be able to smoothly identify and quickly fix errors in your code, contributing to the production of quality, maintainable code... and isn't that what everyone wants?!

In this latest release you will experience:

  • Debugging in just one click with zero configuration.
  • Navigation directly to the source of an error using our gj :: locate technology.
  • Intuitive prompting for entrypoint and arguments.
  • Configurable break on error.
  • Program output in debug console.
  • Run and Debug CodeLenses.
  • Run multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles.
  • Shaded background for read-only documents.

If you're a new user, it's now easier for you to get started. The introduction of a welcome page Walkthrough and guidance on the Explorer and Run and Debug views means you can effortlessly create your initial workspace and start debugging.

Download Serenji directly from the VS Code marketplace and take a look at our release notes to find out more about these new features and how to use them.

We offer a free 30 day trial so if you're not yet a user of Serenji but you're interested in how it can help you, drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at info@georgejames.com.

Happy debugging!

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Getting Up to Speed on InterSystems API Manager

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I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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Hey Developers,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Tell the World About Your REST APIs: The Benefits of a Centralized Developer Portal

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