Hi, Community!

This article is an overview of SQLAlchemy, so let's begin!

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit that serves as a bridge between your Python code and the relational database system of your choice. Created by Michael Bayer, it is currently available as an open-source library under the MIT License. SQLAlchemy supports a wide range of database systems, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, making it versatile and adaptable to different project requirements.

The SQLAlchemy SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper from a comprehensive set of tools for working with databases and Python. It has several distinct areas of functionality which you can use individually or in various combinations. The major components are illustrated below, with component dependencies organized into layers:


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· Nov 29, 2023
Cloud SQL

I want to connect the app to Cloud SQL but when I registered and created the deployment (trial) I got the error:

Did anybody face such an error?
During the creation of an account, there was a message like 'username is taken' but the account have been created anyway. Maybe it could cause this problem.

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I'm trying to install the Inter System IRIS data platform in windows and I'm not able to download the installer file. Some one can help me with this.

Please look at the below image for the reference for the error I'm facing

And also I'm looking for the docker version of the IRIS, but here also I'm not able to identify the IMAGE for the same. Please look into the below image.

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· Nov 23, 2023
Python Object Not Found

I'm in a very early phase of an project where some of the methods should be written in python. Occasionally, projects also have byproducts, I call them utility methods, because some of the methods the project uses can also be used in other applications too. I tend to put such methods in percent classes, so they can be used everywhere, independent of the namespace, where an application runs. I try to do the same in my current project too, merely with python it doesn't works! Why?

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My newest app includes a java routine to read data from Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 workbooks and write the data into IRIS globals using Java Native API library.

If you have Git and Docker installed, clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/oliverwilms/excel-java-iris.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose up -d

Execute java class IRISNative

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First of all thanks for your help, time, and answers.

We would like to know what are we doing wrong and how could we improve it and fix it.

We need to convert the Api Monitor Metrics which are a String with this format:

iris_cache_efficiency 13449.122
iris_cpu_pct{id="CSPDMN"} 0
iris_cpu_pct{id="ECPWorker"} 0


iris_wdwij_time 11
iris_wd_write_time 8
iris_wij_writes_per_sec 0


We would expect them to look like a normal JSON as follows:

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· Nov 28, 2023 2m read
k9s - Manage Your IrisClusters In Style

K9s is a terminal-based UI (aka kubectl clown suit), to manage Kubernetes clusters that drastically simplifies navigating, observing, and managing your applications in K8s, including Custom Resources like the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) and ArgoCD Applications. If you are about to take your CKD, CKA, or CKS, leave k9s well enough alone for awhile as the abstraction to kubectl will become the standard for navigating the cluster and you will undoubtedly become estranged to the extended flags of kubectl and bomb the exam.

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· Nov 24, 2023 4m read
Journal File Indexer

Hi community!

In this article, I'm excited to introduce my latest application, Journal File Indexer. The development of this application is rooted in the portal idea DPI-I-270.

In short, this application lets you load and index a log file in a database.


If you've ever used the log file search function in the management portal, you may have encountered a timeout error or even a blank page. This problem usually occurs when searching a large journal file. Journal File Indexer solves this problem by considerably increasing the speed of searches once the file has been loaded into the database.

Another problem arises during the restoration process. When searching for global entries in a log file to restore old or new values, the management portal doesn't have this specific functionality. A routine must therefore be coded to achieve this. Journal File Indexer comes to the rescue, incorporating a restore function!

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I am trying access each "name" tag in the xml-file down below and want to display them through the trace in the production:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<doc type="consultant">
<name first="David" last="Marston">Mr. Marston</name>
<name first="David" last="Bertoni">Mr. Bertoni</name>
<name first="Donald" last="Leslie">Mr. Leslie</name>
<name first="Emily" last="Farmer">Ms. Farmer</name>


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According to Databricks Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk. Apache Parquet is designed to be a common interchange format for both batch and interactive workloads. It is similar to other columnar-storage file formats available in Hadoop, namely RCFile and ORC. (source: https://www.databricks.com/glossary/what-is-parquet).

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· Nov 27, 2023 2m read
Generative AI for image creation

Currently, many digital artists use generative AI technology as a support to accelerate the delivery of their work. Nowadays it is possible to generate a corresponding image from a text sentence. There are several market solutions for this, including some available to be used through APIs. See some at this link: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2023/08/ai-image-generators/.

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While starting the development with IRIS we have a distribution kit or in case of Docker we are pulling the docker image and then often we need to initialize it and setup the development environment. We might need to create databases, namespaces, turn on/off some services, create resources. We often need to import code and data into IRIS instance and run some custom code to init the solution.

And there plenty of templates on Open Exchange where we suggest how to init REST, Interoperability, Analytics, Fullstack and many other templates with ObjectScript. What if we want to use only Python to setup the development environment for Embedded Python project with IRIS?

So, the recent release of Embedded Python template is the pure python boilerplate that could be a starting point for developers that build python projects with no need to use and learn ObjectScript. This article expresses how this template could be used to initialize IRIS. Here we go!

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· Nov 24, 2023 4m read
A framework yes, but a suitable framework

How can IRIS productions be deployed more quickly and with greater peace of mind?

The aim of interoperability productions is to enable you to connect systems in order to transform and route messages between them. To connect systems, you develop, configure, deploy and manage productions that integrate several software systems.

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GmOwl is a solution that offers an organized and engaging learning platform. It was developed to cater to the increasing need, for learning tools providing a versatile quiz environment that meets users requirements.

The main objective of GmOwl is to deliver an user experience for individuals participating in quizzes while giving administrators comprehensive control, over content and user engagement.

GmOwl uses Java EE with MVC template, and the InterSystems IRIS database is used to store data. The InterSystems JDBC Driver is used to connect to the database.

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Hello, I am quite new with InterSystems, SAM and Grafana. I am looking a way to get Log Files and Application Errors from InterSystems to SAM like in this post: https://community.intersystems.com/post/grafana-support-intersystems-iris. Is this plugin still under development or is there any other way to get those errors? By using SAM, I do not get those errors.

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· Apr 13, 2023
Benelux Caché User Group Meetup

Hey Developers,

We're honored to invite you to the first Benelux Caché User Group meetup since the start of COVID! It is dedicated to the Columnar storage, IRIS licensing, hardware & performance, and embedded Python!

Date: 04 May 2023 from 13:30 to 17:00

📍Venue: InterSystems BV, Medialaan 32 / 1, B-1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium

Do you or does your team work with InterSystems IRIS or Caché? Then this afternoon's event will be interesting to gain additional insights and meet colleagues. The team of InterSystems will be there too.

The agenda includes sessions from both the User Group and InterSystems itself, and at the end of the meeting, InterSystems will provide a snack and a drink as usual. Participation in the user group and meetings is free of charge!

Home - Intersystems Benelux Symposium 2020

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