· Mar 28, 2024

Application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases

Hello Community,

I'd like to share with you our article with @Regilo Regilio Guedes de Souza on AWS Amazon blog Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databasesOur team has created this step-by-step instruction to create application-consistent snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases. In this article, we outline how to automate pre-scripts to pause I/O and flush buffer to disk and post-scripts to thaw I/O, as shown in the following figure:

Architecture diagram for automating application-consistent EBS Snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases.

Previously, we outlined how to create application-consistent snapshots using Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager and custom scripts, including the necessary steps to create Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager policies that use AWS Systems Manager Agent to run custom scripts on your EC2 instances before and after EBS Snapshots are initialized. And now in this new post we build on those instructions to automate this process. Feel free to follow them and share your thoughts in the comments!

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