I am currently using IKO 3.6 to deploy an irisCluster on EKS, but I am facing some challenges. Firstly, I need assistance in understanding how to connect to the Web Gateway sidecar. If anyone has experience with this, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer. Secondly, I am trying to utilize the 'seed: path' options of irisDatabases, but I am unsure of the best approach. If anyone has successfully implemented this feature, I would love to hear about your approach and any insights you can provide. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Cloud Services - InterSystems IRIS SQL & IntegratedML @ Global Summit 2023

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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A python script to keep your docker iris images in shape ;)

Witout changing your dockerfile or your code you can reduce the size of your image by 50% or more !


Name the builder image builder and the final image final and add this to end of your Dockerfile:

Modify your Dockerfile to use a multi-stage build:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

Add this to end of your Dockerfile:

FROM $IMAGE as final

ADD --chown=${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}:${ISC_PACKAGE_IRISGROUP} https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-docker-multi-stage-script/releases/latest/download/copy-data.py /irisdev/app/copy-data.py

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/copy-data.py -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

Boom! You're done!

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If you work with Productions, highlighting connections between Business Hosts is a very convenient feature, allowing developers to get a visual representation of a data flow.

This feature works by default with all system Business Hosts. If a user writes their own Business Services, Processes, or Operations, they must implement the OnGetConnections method for this functionality to work with their custom Business Hosts (or use Ens.DataType.ConfigName properties for connections).
That said, the SMP shows only the first layer of connections of the selected Business Host. Sometimes, we need to get connections of connections recursively to build a complete data flow graph. Or we might need this connection information to check which downstream systems might be affected by a change upstream.

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· Sep 5, 2023
VSCode interop

When we add a new class in VSCode, the name automatically is set to <Folder>.<Filename>.

Because we are doing interoperability, we remove the default and type "interop" to get assistance on creating the class. This works fine on some machines, however on others it generates:

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· Sep 26, 2023 1m read
Create JSON Objects and Arrays by SQL

The related package avoids adding %JSONAdaptor to each class but uses instead
SQL functions JSON_OBJECT() to create my JSON objects. With this approach, you can
add JSON to any class - even deployed ones - without any need for change or recompiling.

The trigger was the Export of M:N relationships as JSON objects or arrays.

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I begin to work with VSCode and all is ok but i have just one problem with ObjectscriptQuality plugin. I have no feedback in the problem tab using the objectScriptQuality plugin.

I only have feedback from InterSystems Language Server plugin. Where could the problem come from?

My goal is to use objectscriptQyality with the basic rules at first

I work with iris 22.3

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1 98

Currently I have a program that is going to be used to compare global nodes between namespaces. Using nested FOR statements I am stepping through global nodes and comparing between the namespaces, if the global values are different I then parse the node comparing each delimited segment.

This is working.

I want to now be able to set what global I am in as a variable to expand on this concept.

Program architecture

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

The meaning of each timeout value is as follows.

1. [Server response timeout]

If IRIS/Caché processing (routine or query execution) does not finish within this set time, the browser will return an error.

For example, if this value is 60 seconds and it takes 90 seconds to execute a routine/method/query, an error will occur.

2. [Queued request timeout]

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0 300

My original ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to use Delegated sign on did not include GetCredentials(), however I am being told it probably should have it so I am eliminate an error I am seeing when trying to troubleshoot the ZAUTHENTICATION. I am trying to add the GetCredentials() from the documentation to the existing ZAUTHENTICATE.mac but I am getting an error

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Why to use it

This app offers an easy interface to analyze memory:

  • Filter by database (namespace), global name, used size, or allocated size;
  • View a sum of the used and allocated sizes for the filters applied;
  • Export the table to JSON, CSV, or XML.

How to use it

Follow the instructions on the README file from the GitHub repository, and configure the settings to connect to your instance.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. In this article, we want to shine a spotlight on two essential Python libraries that have become indispensable for data scientists and machine learning practitioners alike: Matplotlib and scikit-learn.

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Hello developers!

We are holding the first technical article contest on Japan's InterSystems Developer Community!

The first contest is a technical document writing contest, and you can submit any content related to the InterSystems IRIS/InterSystems IRIS for Health. (The article must be in Japanese.)

✍ InterSystems Japan Technical Document Writing Contest: Articles related to IRIS ✍

🎁 Participation prize: There will be a participation prize for everyone who submits an article for the contest.

🏆 Special prize: Authors of three selected works will receive special prizes.

Entering the contest is easy! Please post an article related to IRIS on the developer community during the period from Wednesday, September 6, 2023 to Monday, November 6, 2023.

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Hi Interoperability experts!

Recently noticed an interesting conceptual discussion in our Interoperability Discord channel to which I want to give more exposure.

All we know that typical InterSystems Interoperability production consists of the following chain:

Inbound adapter->Business Service->Business Process->Business Operation->Outbound adapter.

And Business Process (BO) here is always considered as a passive "listener" either on port/folder/rest API for an incoming data.

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Hello to all developers and IRIS users.
I am submitting to the competition a project for an alternative IRIS management portal that I have long wanted to create. The project was implemented on the Django framework and the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl library using native IRIS. The Django project is integrated with the telegram messenger and can be launched from a docker container or directly.

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