· Apr 30, 2024 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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· Apr 26, 2024 3m read
Geo Vector Search #2

Technical surprises using VECTORs

Building my tech. example provided me with a bunch of findings htt I want to share.
The first vectors I touched appeared with text analysis and more than 200 dimensions.
I have to confess that I feel well with Einstein's 4 dimensional world.
7 to 15 dimensions populating the String Theory are somewhat across the border.
But 200 and more is definitely far beyond my mathematical horizon.

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· Apr 29, 2024
IRIS Dashboard/Deepsee Queries

Hi Everyone,

We are using SQL based KPI's to display reports in IRIS dashboards. We have applied the filter functionality in these SQL based KPI reports.

I need your help for below scenario.

Below is my full report. Filter is applied on Name and Subject Name in this report.

Now I have used filter on Name and selected values 'Virat' and 'Big Show'

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While performing the IRIS upgrade on our backup test server I noticed the following error in the messages log after restarting IRIS:

04/26/24-16:28:36:788 (5701964) 1 [Utility.Event] (HSHCPRT) Failed to retrieve journal file #9567 from FCHHSHCPRTTX02/PRT: Failed to allocate a 33686036 byte tcp buffer for zlib compress.

Stumped on this one, I logged a WRC and looked at some things with support but was not able to resolve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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The Lo-Code Challenge

Imagine the scene. You are working happily at Widgets Direct, the internet's premier retailer of Widgets and Widget Accessories. Your boss has some devastating news, some customers might not be fully happy with their widgets, and we need a helpdesk application to track these complaints. To makes things interesting, he wants this with a very small code footprint and challenges you to deliver an application in less than 150 lines of code using InterSystems IRIS. Is this even possible?

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Hello Community,

I'm executing the same query with same column name but in different case. An unique cached query generated while query executed first time. The query preparser only normalize the keywords and send to the SQL engine generates the Hash. Eventually use the cached query next use.

Now my question, The hash values are same for both of the queries. Then why it creates two cached queries.

Query1: select * from MyLearn.Test where Name['Kev1'

Query2: select * from MyLearn.Test where NamE['Kev1'

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· Mar 2, 2024 4m read
IKO - Lessons Learned (Part 1 - Helm)

The IKO documentation is robust. A single web page, that consists of about 50 actual pages of documentation. For beginners that can be a bit overwhelming. As the saying goes: how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Let's start with the first bite: helm.

What is Helm?

Helm is to Kubernetes what the InterSystems Package Manager (IPM, formerly ObjectScript Package Manager - ZPM) is to IRIS.

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· Apr 25, 2024 3m read
Making A Variable Watch Itself

I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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Is it possible to start a terminal attached to a process (JOB)?

For example, I have a 548 process being debugged by VSCODE.

I would like to start a terminal, attached to the process to check process global values ​​by running the command "zw ^||MYGLOBAL"

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Hello, I'm curious to see how other people deal with this: we have a text file that was created on someone's Windows machine and it was copied and pasted into a text file on someone's Mac machine. After some examination we realized that the line feeds were originally CRLF (for Windows) and when copied and pasted they were changed to LF (Mac). The diff program we used didn't pick up on this and the program we wrote to read the file was getting each line of the CRLF file and treating the whole file as one line for the LF file.

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· Apr 11, 2024
Delete the reference MEMORY

So as asked, I am not talking about KILL - KILL as stated in the docs:

This command removes the variable. If there are no further references to the object, this command also removes the object from memory,

I want to remove the object from memory even if it is still referenced in memory - I understand that cache is not a low-level programming language, But i was hoping there is a way.

Notice that have a RegisteredObject and it is a single reference, It is different than the UnSwizzles suggested in other posts.

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The InterSystems IRIS has a series of facilitators to capture, persist, interoperate, and generate analytical information from data in XML format. This article will demonstrate how to do the following:

  1. Capture XML (via a file in our example);
  2. Process the data captured in interoperability;
  3. Persist XML in persistent entities/tables;
  4. Create analytical views for the captured XML data.

Capture XML data

The InterSystems IRIS has many built-in adapters to capture data, including the next ones:

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Hello everyone, I need some help.

I have to send some events for a government WebService that I already imported the WSDL and XSD's and It worked fine and I'm able to build the message and connect into the service, but It has been rejected with the message that the XML is wrong and the only diference between the Caché SOAP message to all the examples that the government gave us is the header:

This is how the Government is expecting the message:

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We're getting a string sent to us by a client that was compressed using a java deflater (the zlib algorithm) and when trying to use $System.Util.Decompress() I get an "illegal value" error. I gather from other community posts that this is because the raw compressed string is missing the customized wrapper Iris automatically adds. I know this has been a longstanding issue for a while...just wanted to check if there'd been any updates to this functionality, or successful workarounds for decompressing raw zlib compressed data. Thanks in advance!

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· Apr 18, 2024
Question about IAM

I was not able to get IAM working on my Development Server because of issues with creating volumes as a Non root user, so I opted to run it within Docker on my WSL Ubuntu locally. I was able to get it running, however the Workspaces is empty, and the Dev Portal is not enabled.

At this point do I need to sign up for the free Kong Konnect? or what are the next steps?



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Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a way to modify the results you get in the code assist in Visual Studio Code. Ideally even per class or package.

For example: the code below is for a custom component of a framework. From all the options listed I'm only interested in my own property "Title" and I don't want to see any %-methods or auto-generated methods like "TitleSet" and "TitleGet".

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With the advent of Embedded Python, a myriad of use cases are now possible from within IRIS directly using Python libraries for more complex operations. One such operation is the use of natural language processing tools such as textual similarity comparison.

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